Gatekeeper Badge needs to be changed (max point 32k game, gens remaining, no douuble pip)

As the title says, I feel gatekeeper badge needs to fixed. ATM it's got a ridiculously high threshold hold. A 32k point game (max bp's) with a remaining gen and 4 sacrifices with the full 12 hooks should be a double pip. This is at rank 10 as well I might add.
Hard game Hard rules for killer :D
but yes need change trophy system for killers it so very hard!gatekeeper is mad
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Gatekeeper is pretty poorly implemented. While Killer have to prevent gens repairs in first 9 minutes of match, Survivors have no time restriction on Lightbringer, they can get Iridescent even if they do gens late in the game.
So basically - Killer prevents gens at start of match and gets Iridescent, survivors do all gens anyway - Iridescent too. More of it, when Killer kicks gen and it regresses - Survivors getting more points!
Survivors rush gens - Iridescent, Killer - not even Bronze.
Those emblems should be linked somehow, otherwise there is no reason for survivors do not gen rush.
Or Survivors should be punished when gens are regressing and on blowing gens up.
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It´s not only about Killer side
survivors are punished for beeing able to play true stealth
I played lots of matches, where i was able to avoid any chase, so i was leaving match without bold points, so i had only objectives and altruistic points and of course for escaping but evader only bronze.
I totaly evaded killer so I should be able to get iridescent evader badge not only bronze....
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Gatekeeper is really dumb now. It’s basically “Bring Ruin or hope the Survivors make mistakes”. It should be reverted to the pre 2.6.0 version.
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Both sides are totally fine, adept trophies are just hard to get if you try it on red ranks. Otherwise you're lacking the skills to play the killer right our faced red rank survs who aren't playing on red ranks.
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@xywwak evading means being close to the killer without getting seen, if you do that you get iridescent quite fast. If you just hide in lockers and always stay on the other side of the map you get no points in that category and that's how it is intended, you're not showing any skill so why should it reward you with emblem points? To avoid confusion I'm not talking about you personal
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Can someone define genrushing for me? 2.5k hours in and I still believe the people who whine about it just have terrible map pressure...
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I know :) but still ... it´s a pitty to don´t give anything to somebody avoiding as almost invisible but alturistic and working on progress
And i don´t play inside lockers even when in swf called that killer goes BBQ, it´s nice distraction to see surv in distance for save, and still able to run to save myself, so there should be possibilities how to track this kind of playstyle
Anyway I am back after like 6 months into game, so adjusted system is little confusing for me, cuz i played in older 1-1-1-1 system to get least now survs must do something to rank up as i saw in last few days going 14->7
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When all gens are repaired in 3-5 minutes.
Killer can only chase 1 person at the same time. The 3 others are free to do gens. If the killer "pressures" the survivors off the gens, they just get back once the killer starts chasing someone else.
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So I haven't been playing DBD as much since the new rank got implemented, along with the new matchmaking system, but was previously rank 1 every season before the changes to the badges, but now along with these changes and not playing ass much, the highest I've hit is rank 4, but I still stand by this post about the gatekeeper badge, another 32k point game, 1 gen left, 4kills across 11 hooks, so almost max hooks except for last survivor, game lasted probably 15mins, but because most of those gens were still done early, only got a silver gatekeeper badge, and therefore only 1 pip, andall other categories were iridescent. While I could understand this being the case at the top 5 ranks, this game again was only at rank 11. I feel it is weighted too heavy for such low ranks, and that if you dominate a game that well as killer at that rank, should be a double pip.