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Running shoes. New survivor item idea.

Member Posts: 1,922

(Either is an ultra rare or can only be found in chests.)

As baseline the running shoes would increase the survivors run speed by 3% for 60s, Depleting one charge per second upon use (through sprinting) and they would regain charges while not in use with half a charge per second being regained. If the shoes are fully depleted in a chase they will convert to a useless item called the "burned out shoes" which give no benefit and have the add-ons equipped to them so that if you survive you can unequip them and put them in a new pair of shoes.

There would be different add-ons on top of this which would alter their effects

Add-on series - comfort soles

Two add-ons which decreases the charge depletion rate of the shoes and therefore increases the time they can be used for. One adding 15s and the other adding 30s

Add-on series - "speed soles"

This add on series would consist of 3 add-ons that act as exhaustion perks, and give no passive speed boost - The balanced sole would act as balanced landing giving 3 uses before the shoes burn out, with there being two other soles doing the same thing for sprint burst and giving a dead hard (limited amount per match and give the exhaustion penalty.) There would be no "lithe" sole as little can already be paired into some pretty powerful perk builds and the purpose of this series of add-ons is to give people their exhaustion perks under limited ue while allowing people flexibility in their builds. (Kind of like how substituting in a medkit for selfcare, you would be able to substitute in running shoes with an rare/ultra rare add-on for an exhaustion perk)

Add on series - charge add-ons

This series of add-ons would increase the rate the shoes regenerate charges while the survivor is not sprinting, while decreasing the overall amount of charges.

Then finally there would be the final series of shoe addons - the runner series of add-on consisting of two major add-ons

The 1st would give a 3% increase to the baseline passive of the shoes buff but increase consumption of the shoe by 50%

The 2nd add-on would be an ultra rare "burst add-on" allowing a small activatable sprint burst for 3s upon use at the expense of the shoes activated by pressing space bar. Using this would give an immediate 165% speedboost while burning out the shoe and would disable the passive bonus for using the shoes. The burst would give exhaustion however would be activatable at any time the survivor sees fit. This would be accompanied by a flaming effect on the survivors feet, and a 3% hindered effect after the effect winds down for 30s. Its main use would be as a last ditch effort.

There could possibly even be 3 types of shoes, being the normal type ^ explained above and two more, one being centered around traction, being maybe a rubber work boot, giving no passive speed boost but allowing the survivor to turn even tighter with no loss in speed (making 360'ing and immediate turns nigh instant) and decreasing charges of the shoe while running at a decreased rate (meaning more use out of the shoe). Or their could be a lightweight sports varient, centered around stealth, giving no passive speed boost but instead granting a "lightweight" style effect which would stack and make scratch marks disappear 2s faster.

Instead of making a new shoe model for each of these to cover the shoes in, the devs could instead make the killer see their scratch marks as both tighter and a different shade to indicate the use of the shoe.

I don't think this item would be overpowered at all considering it would force survivors to walk around to keep their shoes (a la akin to Sprint burst) and would prevent them from using other overpowered items like bnp toolboxes, fast flashlights or instaheal medkits. It would offer more versatility in builds within the game allowing survivors to take their exhaustion perk and freeing up a slot allowing people to make all new builds without feeling tied down to the meta. Killers would be able to see their scratch marks easier due to them being tighter and of a different shade. Franklin's could either force someone to lose their shoes or greatly damage them and overwhelming presence would come as an amazing counter, making survivors lose their shoes in half the time. Sure it would expand chases but it would also take away from the gen rush and move it more towards chases. If a chase lasts longer then 60s (shorter or longer then that number depending on addons) then the item would automatically become useless to the survivor


Tldr shoe item add small speed but balanced and destroy itself after too much use and prevent meta item from use but also switch up meta by taking exhaustion perk and tying it to a item like keys with bond and also allowing killers to see scratch marks easier if survivor is using item

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  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Yeah that's what I kind of meant by having them a different shade/tighter sort of like the predator perk. Maybe even make them glow dark red?

    And yeah I really like the idea of consumable perk items, and well since Meg doesn't really have an item tied to her charecter (Dwight and Jake with toolboxes, and Claudette with the medkit, nea with the flashlight (even though she existed after the association is still there)) Meg doesn't really have an item associated with her and I thought it might be nice to think up one

  • Member Posts: 198

    The idea is good in general but hardly unbalanced these 3% let you extend every loop by one run against a 115 killer and two against a 110 killer. If I have to image that you can get an een higher boost and this can be stacked with Hope it makes it impossible to catch up.

  • Member Posts: 289

    why do these items recharge during game play unlike any other item in the game? and if you somehow use it all up in a match you get to keep the add-ons as well ... what?

    then i got to the exhaustion perk replacement area and i just stopped reading this insanity

  • Member Posts: 1,922
    edited May 2019

    to encourage not running. due to the nature of the item Passively decreasing the charges while just sprinting (something that happens constantly in dbd) it would need to work under different rules. certain addons would be destroyed upon use,

    By the time hope comes into play, you would of likely run out of charges on your shoes to use (plus you could make the bonus only stackable up to 7/10% meaning you would be equal speed with a slow killer for 60s or slower then them if you capped it off at a point). and do keep in mind the time limit for how long you get that 3% without addons. 60s so it would help to get you out of a chase with a 110% killer (huntress and hag don't chase though typically) and would only expand the chase with a 115% so it really isn't unbalanced at all like you said :) the 3% on it's own would only add around one loop against a 115% speed killer and maybe two loops if your lucky against a 110% speed killer (all the while having the timer on the shoes tick down)

    The item charges slowly under normal gameplay due to the fact it doesn't activate under normal gameplay conditions. Do keep in mind running is a pretty constant activity a survivor is forced to due in dbd due to well running from killers. So outside of a chase they would regenerate at an incredibly slow rate (requiring two full minutes between chases in order to regenerate fully from one charge) certain addons would still be destroyed upon use such as the exhaustion and burst ones etc. I just thought it would be unfair to possibly lose add-ons to an item you can't "99" like a tool box/medkit. That being said I'm all for them being destroyed on the shoes being destroyed.

    Also a 3% speed increase isin't broken as it adds around one extra loop against a 115% killer and 1.5 loops against a 110% killer. Also the exhaustion add-ons wouldn't give the speed bonus and would be limited in use. Using balanced landing 3x a match I feel is balanced for an item that is destroyed on use.

  • Member Posts: 198

    @Maelstrom10 You have the recharge addons to prevent that from happening, so tell me why that shouldn't the the case. Also you can easily avoid the shes from breaking by going down on purpose, How is a huntress supposed to catch you if you only run save loops or things like the shack. the 3% kill her hit potential. Same for the hag the 3% mean you can easily abandon a loop if the hag is trapping him during the chase and can even make a difference when triggering a trap because her lunge is smaller then normal and you would get slightly more distance. Also it almost nullifies the ability of the clown.

    Every high rank would pick that over any other item because small numbers like this are what shift the tides for both sides

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    @Maelstrom10 Why would the item recharging when not in use encourage NOT to use them? I think you get it wrong here, mate. Imagine if a flashlight would recharge. People would use the living ######### out of them because they'd have no risk of losing them if they don't use it all in one go.

  • Member Posts: 504

    An interesting idea! I'd really like to see more items added to the game. Not sure about the recharging though...

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    diference is though your not forced to deplete a flashlight during a chase yet you'd be forced to deplete the shoes during a chase, However to add onto a better alternative to regaining charges passively.....

    Why not have that replace the passive charge regeneration? a chase goes on to long and you lose the shoes, but if you get out of a chase, you can "mend your shoes" with different mending supplies making it a quicker or slower process. then as an ultra rare addon you could regenerate them passively out of a chase.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    It's an interesting idea. Unfortunately I think it would prove too powerful. Maybe if you shifted the shoe idea towards something other than speed. One of Meg's perks is about being stealthy (Quick and Quiet) maybe shoes that had a noise reduction instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,922

    Do keep in mind 3% is an incredibly small buff, less then hope. And it locks you out of using other items (ie an insta heal perhaps) which may lengthen a chase considerably (expecially considering mom is now in the game)

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    3% is not an "incredibly small buff". We all know the difference between looping a killer with 110% speed, 115% or NOED speed bonus. Let's be honest here - if you really think that 3% is incredibly small, why would you even want to introduce this item to the game?

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    This is really not great. Many of the current issues stem from how long a chase can last with a survivor who's not even that great. Tack on an item that lets them increase their speed and that all gets amplified.

    A limited duration (ignoring the ridiculous recharge concept) would also be useable through the first chase, arguably the most problematic one.

    Like you said, there are 110% killers, and while they don't ALWAYS chase regularly they are still required to at some points. It also limits the options for future killers to be based around 110% speed if they HAVE to be able to deal with this nonsense too.

    Raising survivor movement speed in any way would just throw off balance incredibly badly. And what's the downside, you see different scratch marks? So what?

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