2 simple limits for SWF groups

1) All size SWF groups are limited to 1 instance of each Obsession perk.
2) SWF of 3 or 4 that use an Obsession perk must have at least 1 player use No Mither.
I've been playing NM with SWF groups and I'm finding that most games end pretty fairly. As NM, I end up dying the most. Very few games do I manage to escape, and many should have been 4e but became 3e because I died at the end game. It's almost like the NM player is a given to the killer unless the survivors are that good or the killer is that bad. SWF groups using Obsession perks would constantly be like "you be NM this game" and it would swap around, meaning that sometimes the good runner might be a NM and that makes him easier to catch. OR there is also the possibility SWF groups will just forgoe Obsession perks altogether, and the game is automatically more fair.
When a killer sees an SWF team spawn an obsession, they know it probably means DS/MOM/OOO, and probably several of them. If only 1 person could have all these then it makes the game less frustrating for killer. It also means that, if there is more than 1 of these perks that survivors are not in a group together... IE this helps boost solo players as there is no restrictions on perks.
Since this only applies if SWFs decide to use obsession perks (which are some of the strongest in the game on their own and VERY strong when stacked) it makes the game more fair for killers.
You are going with friends to play a game, but for this game punishes you, imposes fines on you. Do not you think it is not right?
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Killers really seem to think that all SWF-groups are Bully-Squads and Tryhards.
And they cannot think ahead - if there would be any limits like this to SWF-groups, the people who just want to play with their Friends will get punished. The Tryhards will simply lobby-dodge until they are all in the same Lobby.
Yeah, sounds good.
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Survivors can simply queue together
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Make open microphone for all SWF players so you can ear them talk each other.
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Penalizing people for playing SWF won't work. Solos and killers need to be buffed simultaneously - solos so they have roughly the same amount of information as SWF, killers so they can deal with that. If that doesn't solve the dodging problem, incentives for killers to face SWF will have to be introduced.
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If you want to listen to us trash talk each other because we made a mistake you're welcome as long as I get to hear you curse because you missed a swing.
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Yeah no thanks this would be terrible and just overall would ruin gameplay experience for SWF
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SWF should get to have fun too. It's a gameplay mechanic problem, not a player problem. Punishing the players as a group isn't the way to go. The biggest problem with SWF is also something I run into against solo survivors: multiple second chance perks on multiple survivors. It's not a problem unique to SWF. 3x MoM, BT, Adrenaline, etc, is almost a guaranteed win solo or SWF.
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Punishing people for playing with friends is a very bad idea. Even games that DO have limitations on premades (like limiting them to duos at higher ranks like some games do) don't punish them beyond that, and that usually only happens in games that are built around the very competitive eSports identity from the ground up. DBD might be competitive in the most literal sense of the word, but it's not a game balanced around high-skill players straight up playing the game for money in tournaments, it's a much more casually designed game.
You'd anger and chase away the people that just want to play with friends, while the actual "SWAT team bully squads" would just queue snipe eachother like they did before SWF was added. If they're in the same region and rank 1/red ranks it wouldn't even be very hard to do, but it would still lead to higher queue times.
EDIT: actually queue sniping eachother might actually be a whole lot harder with the new "bucket" matchmaking system. So add even the "bully squads" to players that might just quit the game because they like to play with friends.
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Game designed without SWF being thing is completely fine with SWF...
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What they have to do is create a second queue for people who play SWF and do something to reward the killer or punish the survivors for using third party applications to get advantages, for example Discord.
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Please no restrictions like this, its stupid. I rather have a way for killers to opt-out of the SWF experience completely but get rewarded if they opt-in.
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Some killers would never take an SWF game no matter what the reward is. All this would do is make it impossible to SWF because you will never have killers accept it if they can opt out.
How would it ruin the experience? You are 3 or 4 man SWF with obsession perks, it's only fair that SOMEONE run NM to balance it out. It seems you are okay with ruining a killers experience though.
Penalizing SWF is the only way to go. Buffing solo is a bad idea. Solo is in a good spot right now, it's fair to killer and survivors. If you buff solo you just make the problems of the game more pronounced. SWF needs to have a drawback. This is a very simple one and fair to all players. If you want to SWF without NM, then don't bring obsession perks.
I'm a survivor main. I play NM, which is why I suggest this. Games with an obsession AND NM are fair to the killer. If it's all solos it favors the killer, but if you are all SWF then it evens out.
Then I hope they like long ass wait times. Survivors will do this like once ever, then stop when they realize it's not worth the time and that it's just better to play without obsession perks if they want to play SWF. OR they can pick obsession perks and let someone be NM. Have it be an immersed gen jockey that just hides all the time and does gens. Or maybe have someone else run a perk like Empathy or something so they can support the NM guy if they need it.
You guys act like this is a huge deal. It's not. Play SWF with an obsession perk, you have to take NM. So what. All that means is you have to protect this guy a little bit, or this guy has to be really good at the game, or that the NM guy will just mostly likely die, and that precious 4e will be a 3e. If you don't want to be NM then let someone else take it, swap around among the group. Or just don't use obsession perks. Really what is the big deal? This would be a very simple solution to SWF being too strong.
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when you realise that killers have alot of perks that can counter SWF xd
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@RicardiBacardi people struggle to cope with teabagging, can't imagine what someone screaming insults at them would do. Public chat would be incredibly toxic.
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I love how you refuse to list any of them though.
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All I want as a killer is to know when I'm facing an SWF.