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Can WGLF get changed Please?

WGLF is the survivors Farming perk much like BBQ is the killers farming perk. Unfortunately WGLF has a negative aspect of not only encouraging bad gameplay from the survivors ie hook farming but it is also a tremendous pain in the ass to consistently get 4 stacks on it compared to BBQ. With BBQ its rare to walk away from a match without 4 stacks with WGLF your lucky to get 4. This needs to change. BBQ provides the killer with incentive to play fair by rewarding him with points for not tunneling and a fresh victim if he doesn't camp. WGLF rewards YOLO hook divers that only get the team killed.

I propose that WGLF not only encompass altruism actions but also survivor objectives. Examples of things that could be added that would give you a stack in addition to what it currently does.

Repairing a generator
cleansing a hex totem
escaping the trial
escaping the trial with teammates. So you and one other escape thats 2 stacks. All 4 escape thats 4 stacks.

Also rework how earning the stack for unhooking someone works. Right now you get the stack the moment you unhook regardless of what happens to the unhooked survivor. This is the root of the bad game play this perk encourages. I think the unhooking stack should work the same way as the benevolence emblem. Once you unhook someone you are not immediately awarded the stack. If the survivor goes down right after the unhook or shortly thereafter like 10 - 15 seconds the stack will not be rewarded.

With these changes WGLF would not be such a pain to consistently get 4 stacks. It would reward a survivor by playing well. Escaping, doing the objective and helping the team. Not only that but the encouragement to hook farm with the killer around would no longer be viable.

Thoughts? Opinions? It would be nice to have a good, viable farming perk when playing as survivor that can consistently get full stacks like BBQ.

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  • Member Posts: 138

    I feel like some of the things like repairing a generator would be too easy to get a stack maybe if ruin is up that would be a good way, but I don't agree with how you get the token from an unhook because then the killer could just camp and the perk would be useless unless there was another way to get tokens, but there is usually one hex totem and escaping will only give you 1 token unless more survivors escape and chances of getting 3 to escape is slim if it's a good killer, but it is really hard to get tokens they need to change that and sometimes you can't take hits to get a token.

  • Member Posts: 170
    Lowbei said:
    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone

    man you crack me up on here sometimes!! You get people so upset! X-D

    I think this is the first real post I've seen you have and I love this idea!!
  • Member Posts: 2,637
    BOSS242 said:
    Lowbei said:
    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone

    man you crack me up on here sometimes!! You get people so upset! X-D

    I think this is the first real post I've seen you have and I love this idea!!
    thanks. im a nice guy :)
  • Member Posts: 175
    Lowbei said:
    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone
    I like this idea as well
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  • Member Posts: 771
    You don't have to unhook someone, all you have to do is perform an altruistic action such as flashlight saves or just taking a hit when someone is on the killers shoulder. I'm pretty sure people overlook this aspect of the perk and play badly because they don't know there's other more simpler ways that help your team rather than ruining someone's game by farming them.
  • Member Posts: 1,436

    @Lowbei said:
    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone

    This would be cool, you could then tell which way the killer is going and so forth.

    Also, buff to a farm perk compared for when BBQ is just giving stacks for the killer doing it's job, seems fair enough.

  • Member Posts: 988
    Just add healing a survivor to the list of actions that grants a token, and make it so you only get the unhook token after ten seconds of the survivor not going down - the same time that the emblem qualifies for a safe unhook.
  • Member Posts: 474

    @Cetren said:
    Just add healing a survivor to the list of actions that grants a token, and make it so you only get the unhook token after ten seconds of the survivor not going down - the same time that the emblem qualifies for a safe unhook.

    Sounds good to me. It's way too hard to get 4 tokens without killing your team and not contributing to objectives. But without WGLF with 4 stacks survivor BP is so awful that playing them just isn't viable when you need a character leveled up yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 617
    Getting 4 stacks of wglf is easy as anything.  Missing a stack of bbq is as easy as having a survivor DC or fail to load in... Which seems to happen about 50-75% of games.
  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Lowbei said:
    BOSS242 said:

    Lowbei said:

    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone

    man you crack me up on here sometimes!! You get people so upset! X-D

    I think this is the first real post I've seen you have and I love this idea!!

    thanks. im a nice guy :)

    SNIPPY ######### ACTIVATE. Well actually, first off, I think it needs another condition to gain tokens, and second, aura should be when you unhook, not when the killer hooks, because that’s basically saying “alright, killer turned and walked 5 feet in this direction.” But yeah, good nonetheless

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @finitethrills said:
    Getting 4 stacks of wglf is easy as anything.  Missing a stack of bbq is as easy as having a survivor DC or fail to load in... Which seems to happen about 50-75% of games.

    You seem to somehow forgot survivor dc’s effect WGLF too, and survivors COMPETE for tokens. And practice disgustingly reckless behavior. Stacks are not easy, I play both modes to rank 1, you can’t change my mind.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @dbd900bach said:
    You don't have to unhook someone, all you have to do is perform an altruistic action such as flashlight saves or just taking a hit when someone is on the killers shoulder. I'm pretty sure people overlook this aspect of the perk and play badly because they don't know there's other more simpler ways that help your team rather than ruining someone's game by farming them.

    1) flashlight saves are very situational, and require you to not do gens, and chase the killer, stupid. 2) body blocking is a terrible idea, as it is a DIRECT DETRIMENT TO YOUR SELF, and it’s easy as hell to get tracked down seconds later. No. 3) ALL OF THESE ARE MADE WORSE by something you somehow and most others somehow forget. And it’s very important. COMPETITION. Not only are tokens hell to get, they get fought over too.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Jack11803 said:

    @dbd900bach said:
    You don't have to unhook someone, all you have to do is perform an altruistic action such as flashlight saves or just taking a hit when someone is on the killers shoulder. I'm pretty sure people overlook this aspect of the perk and play badly because they don't know there's other more simpler ways that help your team rather than ruining someone's game by farming them.

    1) flashlight saves are very situational, and require you to not do gens, and chase the killer, stupid. 2) body blocking is a terrible idea, as it is a DIRECT DETRIMENT TO YOUR SELF, and it’s easy as hell to get tracked down seconds later. No. 3) ALL OF THESE ARE MADE WORSE by something you somehow and most others somehow forget. And it’s very important. COMPETITION. Not only are tokens hell to get, they get fought over too.

    Give me one good reason not to buff the perk. Why bugging it would make it too strong. And not just “well it’s not complete garbage so....”

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    Getting 4 stacks of wglf is easy as anything.  Missing a stack of bbq is as easy as having a survivor DC or fail to load in... Which seems to happen about 50-75% of games.
    Unless other survivors have WGLF, want to unhook, and/or have D/Cs too. You also casually skimmed over the major issue that WGLF doesn't promote good gameplay.

    What's worse is that so many survivors think it's a free pass to farm teammates when they pair BT with WGLF. The killer hasn't taken three steps away from the hook and the victim gets tunneled and downed in 10 seconds. Working as intended. /s

    I want BHVR to release the average stacks for BBQC and WGLF. They say it's easier and I call BS.
  • Member Posts: 44

    @Lowbei said:
    imo wglf should counter bbq, and show the killer for 4secs after he hooks someone

    Seems like a good idea but how would that count towards a stack for the perk? WGLF is a point generating perk tied to altruistic actions so I don't see how this would be helpful, not to mention Kindred takes care of this already if the hooked survivor is running it. Now if it highlighted the killer for the unhooked survivor for a few seconds so they can try to devise a strategy to escape that might be cool, or hid their scratch marks for a few seconds. Of course this won't help when people farm right in front the killer, but like they say, you can't fix stupid XD

  • Member Posts: 326
    edited July 2018

    @Jack11803 said:

    @dbd900bach said:
    You don't have to unhook someone, all you have to do is perform an altruistic action such as flashlight saves or just taking a hit when someone is on the killers shoulder. I'm pretty sure people overlook this aspect of the perk and play badly because they don't know there's other more simpler ways that help your team rather than ruining someone's game by farming them.

    1) flashlight saves are very situational, and require you to not do gens, and chase the killer, stupid. 2) body blocking is a terrible idea, as it is a DIRECT DETRIMENT TO YOUR SELF, and it’s easy as hell to get tracked down seconds later. No. 3) ALL OF THESE ARE MADE WORSE by something you somehow and most others somehow forget. And it’s very important. COMPETITION. Not only are tokens hell to get, they get fought over too.

    Preach it, my man.

    I would like to see a change to it like this:
    You only need two tokens which are worth 50% and when you unhook a survivor it hides the audio notification for the Killer. An aware Killer can still see someone was unhooked, but there is no audio cue. These extra seconds could mean life or death, since you can either leg it or heal the person back up.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Can agree with changing the perk to add more token conditions repairing a gen is the only thing i think is too easy for it tho , healing up a downed team mate should definately give one imo and as others have said i'd also agree with per kshowing the killer for 4 seconds when you un-hook a team mate

  • Member Posts: 288
    There is no reason to add that many ways to get stacks. I am a fan of the last one though, 1 stack for every survivor escaped. That would promote true alstruism and not hook djves and sandbags. This might make it too difficult to get 4 stacks, so in addition to a token for survivors whi escape, you also get 1 for cleasing a lit hex totem and 1 for a succesful basement unhook and heal
  • Member Posts: 864
    No one is gonna be happy untill all survivors escape every match and the 3 strangers they play with have to play the same way you do!

  • Member Posts: 610
    Why not have it start off with 4 tokens? It'd work like Hex: Thrill of the Hunt which gives a bonus to 'Devious' actions. Why not have it so that it gives bonus bloodpoints for all categories. Stacks are taken each time a survivor is hooked/downed and are restored once they are unhooked/healed back up.
  • Member Posts: 308

    I have been using WGLF for point farming to max my p3 Claudette. It is ez to get 4 stacks. You go to the downed person take a hit go away heal up and unhook the poor bugger. Rinse and repeat and you get all 4. If you can't unhook then just take 4 hits. If you watch your team mates back at the exit gate (take a hit for them when they are hurt) you get a point to it too. It is not that hard. I do agree it should have another aspect to it though like BBQ either that or make it up to 200x BP extra

  • Member Posts: 138

    @Black_Fence said:
    I have been using WGLF for point farming to max my p3 Claudette. It is ez to get 4 stacks. You go to the downed person take a hit go away heal up and unhook the poor bugger. Rinse and repeat and you get all 4. If you can't unhook then just take 4 hits. If you watch your team mates back at the exit gate (take a hit for them when they are hurt) you get a point to it too. It is not that hard. I do agree it should have another aspect to it though like BBQ either that or make it up to 200x BP extra

    Well the problem with that is the killer can sometimes chase you and down you instead of picking someone up and not to mention everyone is trying to compete over tokens which divides the team and leads to farming and originally it did go up to 200% extra bp, but they nerfed it to 100% because I think they thought it was 'too strong'. Yesterday I farmed a David to get a stack and he immediately went down that's what this perk does, they just need to change ways to get it or buff the bp gain.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.
  • Member Posts: 2,051
    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.
    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to ######### your team.
  • Member Posts: 1,442

    @Paddy4583 said:
    No one is gonna be happy untill all survivors escape every match and the 3 strangers they play with have to play the same way you do!

    This already happens if you are mad enough to play other killer than nurse or huntress in rank 1 or high ranks :p

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    @Visionmaker said:
    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @JammyJewels said:
    Why not have it start off with 4 tokens? It'd work like Hex: Thrill of the Hunt which gives a bonus to 'Devious' actions. Why not have it so that it gives bonus bloodpoints for all categories. Stacks are taken each time a survivor is hooked/downed and are restored once they are unhooked/healed back up.

    Because that wouldn’t double points at the end, and would make it useless

  • Member Posts: 2,095

    They just need to put some the BP part of BBQ/WGLF as passives for both sides to fix this issue, and rework WGLF entirely.
    Perks solely for BP is a stupid concept. Perks are supposed to be there to make the game more fun for you, not to be grindy passives.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Irisora said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

    3, not 4. And that’s mostly. Every killer I’ve asked that doesn’t face camp to the end of the work gets 4 stacks 90% of the time. That is WAY EASIER. I’ve played killer to rank 1, I’d say it’s about 90% for me too. And you do your OBJECTIVE. For WGLF literally requires failure to make profit. In that alone it should get another condition. If the team keeps failing for tokens people compete, you LOSE.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Irisora said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

    3, not 4. And that’s mostly. Every killer I’ve asked that doesn’t face camp to the end of the work gets 4 stacks 90% of the time. That is WAY EASIER. I’ve played killer to rank 1, I’d say it’s about 90% for me too. And you do your OBJECTIVE. For WGLF literally requires failure to make profit. In that alone it should get another condition. If the team keeps failing for tokens people compete, you LOSE.

    Well I agree that it need to be easier to get the stacks, maybe one token for every extra objectives like cleansing a totem or opening a chest. I dont think getting a token for doing a gen is a good thing, the devs planned the perk to reward you for playing with the killer the same way as BBQ gives you points by playing with the survivors and hooking them.

    With i don't agree is the idea of giving another effect to it like aura reading. It's not needed and it can be op as we need to be remembered that this is a 4 vs 1 game.

  • Member Posts: 3,918

    @Irisora said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Irisora said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

    3, not 4. And that’s mostly. Every killer I’ve asked that doesn’t face camp to the end of the work gets 4 stacks 90% of the time. That is WAY EASIER. I’ve played killer to rank 1, I’d say it’s about 90% for me too. And you do your OBJECTIVE. For WGLF literally requires failure to make profit. In that alone it should get another condition. If the team keeps failing for tokens people compete, you LOSE.

    Well I agree that it need to be easier to get the stacks, maybe one token for every extra objectives like cleansing a totem or opening a chest. I dont think getting a token for doing a gen is a good thing, the devs planned the perk to reward you for playing with the killer the same way as BBQ gives you points by playing with the survivors and hooking them.

    With i don't agree is the idea of giving another effect to it like aura reading. It's not needed and it can be op as we need to be remembered that this is a 4 vs 1 game.

    Yeah, that’s why I think it should be seeing the aura when YOU UNHOOK OR DO A WGLF ACTION, so only one survivor sees the killer, and yes, gens shouldn’t count. I just think, personally, all altruistic actions should count.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2018
    Irisora said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Irisora said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

    3, not 4. And that’s mostly. Every killer I’ve asked that doesn’t face camp to the end of the work gets 4 stacks 90% of the time. That is WAY EASIER. I’ve played killer to rank 1, I’d say it’s about 90% for me too. And you do your OBJECTIVE. For WGLF literally requires failure to make profit. In that alone it should get another condition. If the team keeps failing for tokens people compete, you LOSE.

    Well I agree that it need to be easier to get the stacks, maybe one token for every extra objectives like cleansing a totem or opening a chest. I dont think getting a token for doing a gen is a good thing, the devs planned the perk to reward you for playing with the killer the same way as BBQ gives you points by playing with the survivors and hooking them.

    With i don't agree is the idea of giving another effect to it like aura reading. It's not needed and it can be op as we need to be remembered that this is a 4 vs 1 game.

    WGLF doesn't give you points for playing with the killer. A person unhooking doesn't need to interact with the killer at all.

    WGLF was meant to give you points to promote positive gameplay for your teammates. We're Gonna Live Forever doesn't mean "take an unnecessary hit" and "unhook your teammates to get stacks before someone else does".

    BBQC gives you stacks for no added reasons aside from not-slugging and not-camping one person on their first hook. There's little to no difference in killer play due to BBQC aside from those two. You hook every survivor and get points. There's no room for misuse.
  • Member Posts: 1,442

    @Visionmaker said:
    Irisora said:

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Irisora said:

    @Visionmaker said:

    brokedownpalace said:

    But according to the devs it's easier to get stacks on WGLF than BBQ.

    Yeah, sure, if you use Empathy to stalk someone being chased then farm them until they die. Do that twice and you get 4 stacks AND you're that much closer to getting the hatch. 

    It's totally easy, if you decide to [BAD WORD] your team.

    Farming you team isn't wise, you handicap yourself by doing that, i make sure i don't farm them when i unhook and i run Well make it with WGLF. And i mostly get 3 stacks average.

    3, not 4. And that’s mostly. Every killer I’ve asked that doesn’t face camp to the end of the work gets 4 stacks 90% of the time. That is WAY EASIER. I’ve played killer to rank 1, I’d say it’s about 90% for me too. And you do your OBJECTIVE. For WGLF literally requires failure to make profit. In that alone it should get another condition. If the team keeps failing for tokens people compete, you LOSE.

    Well I agree that it need to be easier to get the stacks, maybe one token for every extra objectives like cleansing a totem or opening a chest. I dont think getting a token for doing a gen is a good thing, the devs planned the perk to reward you for playing with the killer the same way as BBQ gives you points by playing with the survivors and hooking them.

    With i don't agree is the idea of giving another effect to it like aura reading. It's not needed and it can be op as we need to be remembered that this is a 4 vs 1 game.

    WGLF doesn't give you points for playing with the killer. A person unhooking doesn't need to interact with the killer at all.

    WGLF was meant to give you points to promote positive gameplay for your teammates. We're Gonna Live Forever doesn't mean "take an unnecessary hit" and "unhook your teammates to get stacks before someone else does".

    BBQC gives you stacks for no added reasons aside from not-slugging and not-camping one person on their first hook. There's little to no difference in killer play due to BBQC aside from those two. You hook every survivor and get points. There's no room for misuse.

    Sadly WGLF always was a "take an unnecessary hit" and "unhook your teammates to get stacks before someone else does".

    With playing with the killer i was referring to "stay near of him" as unhooking and bodyblocking mostly put you near of the killer. There is another alternative to the suggestion i said earlier and that can be WGLF to work the same way as Stake Out from Tapp. I will promote you to be near the killer the same way as it is now but it will be more easy to get the stacks.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited July 2018

    @Irisora said:
    Sadly WGLF always was a "take an unnecessary hit" and "unhook your teammates to get stacks before someone else does".

    With playing with the killer i was referring to "stay near of him" as unhooking and bodyblocking mostly put you near of the killer. There is another alternative to the suggestion i said earlier and that can be WGLF to work the same way as Stake Out from Tapp. I will promote you to be near the killer the same way as it is now but it will be more easy to get the stacks.

    I don't really care whatever change they make, as long as it prevents bad gameplay. I should be able to reject people from unhooking me, and people shouldn't get stacks of WGLF if it doesn't help teammates escape from a chase or get off the killer's shoulder. However, this should include successfully healing a slugged teammate and healing an injured teammate to full, so players don't have to step on each other's toes.

    Simply being near the killer doesn't really play into the theme of Living Forever, IMO.

  • Member Posts: 1,442

    @Visionmaker said:

    @Irisora said:
    Sadly WGLF always was a "take an unnecessary hit" and "unhook your teammates to get stacks before someone else does".

    With playing with the killer i was referring to "stay near of him" as unhooking and bodyblocking mostly put you near of the killer. There is another alternative to the suggestion i said earlier and that can be WGLF to work the same way as Stake Out from Tapp. I will promote you to be near the killer the same way as it is now but it will be more easy to get the stacks.

    I don't really care whatever change they make, as long as it prevents bad gameplay. I should be able to reject people from unhooking me, and people shouldn't get stacks of WGLF if it doesn't help teammates escape from a chase or get off the killer's shoulder. However, this should include successfully healing a slugged teammate and healing an injured teammate to full, so players don't have to step on each other's toes.

    Simply being near the killer doesn't really play into the theme of Living Forever, IMO.

    Well yes, but most people wants the tokens to be more easy collected, and if it work like Stake Out it will be easy. If you are near a killer is because you are helping a teammate in some way also.

    It could be set through to 2 token for being in the killer terror radius for X seconds, and the other 2 tokens for fully healing a teammate 2 times.

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