What exactly do people expect in this situation?

Picture this: two survivors are hooked in the basement. I saw a third one with No Mither trying to heal one of them while I was carrying them there.
BBQ showed only one aura both times, meaning that survivor was still around. Naturally, I tried to find them, which technically leads to me being in proximity to the hook (i.e.: camping). And, naturally, in the post-game chat, I was informed that I'd been "reported" and that I was using a "cancer strategy".
I asked the survivors what they think I should've done, knowing for a fact that one survivor - with No Mither, even - was just waiting for me to leave so they could perform a double basement hook rescue.
I received no response, as expected, so now I'm wondering if there's a player here who agrees with them and can tell me what, exactly, I was supposed to have done.
Jeez you didn't run to the complete opposite side of the map and ignore unhooks?!
Filthy camper.
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Alt + F4 after you hook a Survivor, DUH.
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Strategically speaking, making sure the 2 survivors in the basement die is the smart thing to do. That is assuming that killing all the survivors is your goal. If you want to earn maximum bloodpoints then letting them get off the hook is the smart thing to do. Realistically, you should easily get one of them right back on the hook anyway. Let the survivors play musical hooks until one or more of them die. You'll still win, but you'll get more bloodpoints this way. Either way, you aren't doing anything wrong. You can straight up face camp if you want. It's not against the rules.
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Face camping is an exploit that was removed. Pretty sure exploiting is against the rules.
Putting that aside, I'm not asking what the alternatives are, I'm asking what survivors expect a killer to do in that situation.
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Well I would say you are most definitely not in the wrong here.
If you know 100% there's a survivor around and you're searching for them it's not considered camping but if you haven't found that survivor in that amount of time you probably should have walked off a little further but not too far just incase that random survivor does save them, you could get back in time to cut them off a still down atleast two of them.
Some people are always going to be salty even though they played terrible and won't admit their mistakes.
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I answer with my favorite screenshot from days of old.
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That's what I started doing when I couldn't find her. Then I found her.
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Having the confidence of killing them all, you could have left.
More points for you as well, more hooks, more points. It's what I do as Nurse.
But that's just me.
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Cannibal. I'm using him to get BP to unlock BBQ on other killers. I don't think he's very fun to play.
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It's not about confidence, it's about the correct tactical decision. In that instance, I was keeping not one, not two, but three survivors occupied, while two of them were dying.
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Some Survivors are entitled @Orion so they expect you to just ignore everything you saw from BBQ and go to the opposite side of the map so they can safely unhook. THAN you have the "right" to go chase the other person.
Literally makes no sense, people think anything is camping and tunneling in this game now its just how it is now.
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You did the right thing, I also ask the survivors behaving like this in the post-game chat the very same questions, the results is as predictable as ever.
However, I ask a favor of you: Don't open threads like this, they fuel hate which is a thing we should all try to not to encourage.
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Right, but tbh someone has to make a post on it at least once.
Cause this happens way more often than you think in post-chat.
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Ignoring the issue isn't going to make it go away, just look at the Nazis in the USA. The existence of people like this needs to be pointed out, so more people report them, so they get banned, so we can have a better game for everyone who isn't like this.
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Boy no need to tell me that. You know it's coming where there's 3+ SWF, you just get used to it after a while :(
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Which doesn't mean you shouldn't report them. Report toxicity everywhere you can. It will make the game better for the rest of us.
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Oof, comparing some political psychos to some degenerates in a game? Get your facts straight: They're wrong but no need to start a witch-hunt because some people cannot accept the fact they will lose time to time.
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No comparison, and no witch hunt. I'm giving you an example of how ignoring an issue won't make it go away. I'm also not naming names, just advising you to report people who break the rules and spread toxicity so the game can be better for everyone.
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Well the only mistake i see here is that last sentence.
Just play by the game's rules and you're fine.
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I honestly already do that. But I'm used to reporting systems to never achieve to anything so I'm kinda being aloof about it knowing that it will probably not change anything.
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Well, we know for a fact that this reporting system accomplishes something. Maybe if some people didn't have that attitude, people like the ones I describe in my OP would be banned much more quickly.
A report system can only ever be as good as the number of (real) reports its users make. If you don't report, that's a guarantee that nothing will be done.
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Would like to know more information. What killer u played? What perks? How many gens done?
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The Cannibal. BBQ, Mad Grit, Franklin's Demise, NOED. One gen by the time I got the second survivor, and two gens by the time I found the third hiding nearby.
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Having those who aren't in charge of the game's rules tell you what you're supposed to do.
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I'm asking for opinions, not taking orders. Big difference.
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I'd say you can't know they are still in the area. They could have ducked into a locker. That said I don't think you can be blamed really. When killers camp half the time it's because of a survivor. Not to say there aren't times those they camp just because. But I've noticed as a survivor I recognize more when a killer is just a camper and when they know someone is nearby.
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I didn't say you were taking orders, i'm saying you're willingly letting them tell you.
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Umm the answer is clear Mori them lol
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Play however you wanna play, you’re the one who spent money on it.
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Killer Rule 237#
Killer must allow the survivor a free hook rescue. If killer breaks rule, report them for camping.
There are no rules, just referring to the survivors imaginary rules! :)
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You're going to get salt as a killer from time to time no matter what you do. I think the question that you are actually trying to ask here is "do I deserve the salt?". In this case the answer is no. But if salty survivors bother you then the best option is to skip the end game chat.
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It's because for some reason even though the game has been out for sooo long some survivors either hear the rumor that camping is bannable or they know it's not and try to scare the killer. I once had a survivor say he was going to report me he added me on steam for camping, so I sent him the classic these issues are not bannable then he went and talked some BS about how the devs are about to make camping bannable basically just him trying to scare me lmao.
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The survivors expect you to walk away to give them a "fair chance" at being saved. The problem is that they made enough mistakes even with all the tools at their disposal to end up being caught in that situation. You did everything right as far as gameplay goes and they can't do anything about it. So what if they reported you, it is getting disregarded as the rules for reporting clearly state that your actions aren't against the rules or spirit of the game.
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No, I'm asking because I'm curious about their mindset. I'm a very curious person.
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No, the question I'm trying to ask is the one I asked. I already know I don't deserve the salt and I already know I'm going to get salt as a killer no matter what I do.
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There were no lockers within walking distance (no scratch marks, therefore the Claudette couldn't have gotten far) except in the basement itself and directly above it. If she'd gone into a locker, I would've either heard it or seen scratch marks.
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question- were you on the same map as the survivor after hooking?
if answer is yes= you were camping
survivor main logic in a nut shell
but it's ok to gen rush though, cause you are "doing the objective", but killing ppl somehow isn't the killers objective
pro tip- if you gen rush you should fully expect to be camped.
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You shouldn't be saying that because "Toxicity" is subjective.
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Toxicity that breaks the rules.
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It's all about the chase for me, I'll always leave the hook even if I know other Survivors are around waiting for me to leave to rescue their team mates just so I can chase them down again.
And if I don't get any sacrifices that match I'll usually have pipped because I'll have hooked each Survivor twice and harassed them a whole bunch along the way.
My last match in fact everyone escaped but I'd hooked them all twice, made about 26k bp without bbqc), I managed to pip and my Survivors where happy as they'd earned a descent amount of bp as well.
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Survivors want to get the unhooks no matter if it is smart to leave the area for the killer. In this situation you could have just went for the bq prog but it's totally up to the killer to do so, if the survivors would have played it smart both would be visible for bq so you would have left automatically. An alternative would have been to wait out of the tr range for the unhooks but this is more "cancer" then just staying in the area visible.
In the end the killer always decides how he want's to play not the survivors.
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What you did was fine.
But it just underscores how stupid bad perks like BBq and Chili are for the game.
They remove so many tactical options for survivors and force you into suboptimal plays.
It's why Survivors who want to do well fall back on looping instead of stealth, because stealth is so inferior due to perks like BBQ totally ruining the game for stealth players.
It also underscores that camping is just such an effective strategy in this game. There is little incentive for killers not to camp, really. It's a design flaw.which BHVR refuses to address.
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Playing as killer I play the same way as you. Well, I can't kill anyone (although I had a mori and it's my daily ritual). More than 20.000BP for all, everyone have fun, they said sometimes to me that was the best game they played in years. Sure I depip more than pip, but I play to enjoy, not to make some survivors have a bad day.
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I personally wouldn't have camped, I would have kept patrolling the gens and go for that bbq survivor. But it's situational tho, if I noticed they are really good loopers, probably have insta heals and MoM maybe I would proximity camp. Tbf, I don't play much Bubba and never use NOED. I'm using Nurse and Billy all time, so it's "easier" to leave the basement and go for someone else and still 3k or 4k that match
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I play to kill and usually get 20k+ as well, unless the survivors don't play well (as was the case in my OP).
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Except I wasn't "camping" on purpose. I was searching the area around the basement for the Claudette with No Mither I'd seen trying to heal one of the survivors I put down and knew was still around.
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I use Hex: Devour Hope and Make your Choice.
Both get active ingame.
Survivors: Do you always camp?