This end game is #########!

Honestly!! You get a game with randoms, they suck....meanwhile you’re doing all the gens, getting totems, and saving!!! Yet they don’t even finish a gen between the 3 of them! So everyone dies, and you haven’t even been hooked. And here comes the end game!!! 😤 these bum killers think they are so good!! They close hatch immediately, so your stuck trying to loop and open these gates that are wayyyyy too close together. It’s seriously impossible. And of course it’s a Michael!! So he’s tier 3 and you’re a one shot. These killers that couldn’t catch me for the whole game now think they are good cuz I can’t go anywhere are now trying to troll by leaving you on the ground until time runs out. 😒 big middle finger to those jerk offs. Cuz honestly they were trash. I mean at least move the gates to the complete opposite of each as far away as you can get. Or speed up the opening process! Cuz even with billy nurse and spirit, you legit have no time. You’re lucky to open the gate MAYBE 25%. This end game needs to be redone.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Bring Wake Up?

    This might help.

  • pootis_Bear
    pootis_Bear Member Posts: 645

    this was fun to read

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Well that was informative.

  • jus_Ignant
    jus_Ignant Member Posts: 124

    I think this would be a better post if you got rid of all the periods and exclamation points.

    It would convey how you're feeling better as a long run on sentence.

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    I tried wake up before, but it’s honestly just a wasted perk unless you’re in a squad. Playing solo you need all the solo helping perks you can get and compared to those, wake up just isn’t on top. 😕 if they just rework it a bit, the end game would be really fun! Maybe stop the clock if the killer leaves you on the ground waiting for time to run out. It’s like slugging the last two survivors. It’s really no fun, especially when you’re heated cuz the killer thinks they are good 😂

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    Lol well I aim to please 😂 you’re welcome for your daily rant 😝 I’m chill now, but still stand by my rant. The end game needs a rework.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Well, I mean he's not wrong. The gates are a problem right now. It can be impossible to escape during the EGC as the last survivor if the gates are very close together.

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    haha yeah one huge run on sentence would probably hit people a lot harder thanks for the suggestion I’ll try that next time.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Honestly, the only change EGC needs is a min/max on gate spawn distances. Beyond that, EGC is fine as it is. You should have a low survival rate in EGC during a 1v1 situation.

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    as it is now it’s more like EGI for end game IMPOSSIBLE

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    Agreed, they need to put more distance between the two. Because my gates were literally right next to each other. I had no chance.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @babylove0812  You miss the glory that is the End Game Challenge!

    There is a new mini game at the end should you take up the challenge for both the killer and survivor.

    The challenge is there for all to discover.

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    I was challenged to the max. Lol might as well just play KYF with just me and and a killer cuz that’s exactly how my game just went. 😂 I was a solo player. The most anyone else got was 5K 🤦‍♀️

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    It's hard but not impossible to escape. I find it thrilling and have had some really fun escapes that way.

    The only thing that kind of needs changing is killer not being able to close the hatch while the survivor is mid-jump into it.

  • babylove0812
    babylove0812 Member Posts: 24

    Yeah that too! I’ve had that happen a few times and it’s a bummer 😕 Hatch standoff was a lot more fun lol

  • pootis_Bear
    pootis_Bear Member Posts: 645

    @babylove0812 I prefer this over Hatch stand off

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019


    Well you've seen the killer side of the challenge... The survivor side is to be the last one alive... before 2 gens get done, is ideal... Then the race starts for the hatch... Who gets it first... Does the survivor escape or not?

    If you don't escape then the goal is to prevent the killer from seeing the Entity.

    If the Killer doesn't get to see the Entity... Then they don't get any cookies.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167
    edited May 2019

    You don’t need to escape to pip, you know. If you’re feeling like the gates are too close together, you have a few solutions.

    • Accept the fact that you’re going to die.
    • Run Wake-Up.
    • Bring a Key.
    • When last survivor dies, go towards an exit gate. If the killer seems to be standing at the hatch to close it, bring left behind.

    Granted the distance can seem a little tight at times, but personally, I haven’t had this issue much.

    Edit: Also, if you do all the stuff you’ve said you’ve done (such as gens, totems, saves, etc.) You should pip. If you play through said matches enough, you won’t encounter said “randoms that suck” as frequently.

    Here’s my pipping chart for details.

    4=Iridescent Emblem

    3=Gold Emblem

    2=Silver Emblem

    1=Bronze Emblem

    EDIT2: If you would like a extensive guide on each emblems requirements, I can make it: but it will take a few hours. Otherwise, I’d refer to the DBD wiki for details.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    The only change to endgame that needs to be made is a min and max distance between the exit gates. Other than that, it's fine.