We HAVE TO fix this MAJOR DBD Problem!!
Hello people of the fog,
we need to fix DC´s asap! People cant play a proper Nurse game without Survivor DCing.
@ all MainSurvivor: You just have to accept that you will die against good Nurses. You can take what you want, Mettle of Men, Dstrikes, Adrenaline, Insta Heals we dont care, you will die in the end but take the death like a champ and dont dc! Its unfun for the Nurse Player. I want my kills and my bbq stacks!
Please Devs, i love your game, youre doing everything right but we need to fix this asap!!
Here you can watch the livestream (with timestamp) from a good Nurse Player, Survivor taking EVERYTHING they can (best Perks, 3 Insta Heals) and still DC because all their crutch stuff wont help them.
love you all <3
Wed, 22.05 - 7 Games - 28 Kills in total - 7 DCs
Thu, 23.05 - 9 Games - 33 Kills in total - 12 DCs
Fri, 24.05 - 2 Games - 8 Kills in total - 2 DCs
Sat, 25.05 - 5 Games - 19 Kills in total - 14 DCs
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TLDR: We need Penaltys for DCs asap because we cant play Nurse without Survivors DCING(even if they take all crutches they have) -> Watch past Broadcast
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I mean I played 3 matches where people dc'd as soon as they heard me depiping me 3 times the only thing nurse needs a nerf on is add-ons.
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@xXNurseXx I assume we will get those penalties once the Dedicated Servers come. Until then, unfortunately there isn't much you can do.
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She needs some nerfs, there is a reason for the dc
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cant wait for dedicated servers:)
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@xChrisxbecause you can't loop her you mean you would need to try and change your playstyle so OP!
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Stop playing broken killers, and I will stop disconnecting.
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Every killer, without exception, has been called broken. Therefore, I can only conclude you don't want to face any killer, so why are you even still playing?
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Atleast one broken Killer is healthy for the game otherwise the Devs would nerf Nurse a long time ago so just accept you will die against a god nurse and hope for another killer next round.
dcing is not fair and unfun for the nurse player!
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People complaining about Nurse being broken are just babies. Survivors DC whenever something isn't going well, happens to my Spirit all the time.
First one caught? DC.
Grabbed off gen? DC.
Post edited by CallMeSpidey on9 -
Because I enjoy pwning n00bz with my skillfull MoM+DS+Adren+Instameds plays.
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Ppl dc once they know you have bbq that perk needs a nerf to balance out the d strike change I hear a lot of survivors complain about bbq and how it needs a re-work and I agree it’s too strong it should be more like infectious fright so don’t blame survivors for you needing perks to give their location to you I hate being found in a good hiding spot or getting killed and tunnled just cuz you can see we’re i am so I get it from both sides of view but it doesn’t need a rework
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Today I only saw 1 DC, due to an ebony mori
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BBQ is very difficult for low-mid survivors, I know.
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Me, personal I just hide in a locker or crouch by a gen
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while this post is absolutely true i´m 100% sure now that devs know about nurse broken status but they want it this way otherwise nurse would be nerfed a long time ago.
so since nurse dont get nerfed we have to punish ppl dcing to stop the dc epidemic!
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BBQ has counter play once you know the killer has it. Hide in a locker or crouch by a gen. If neither is nearby, that doesn't make the perk broken or in need of a rework. DS was nerfed because as long as a survivor could pass a skill check, they got a free escape, which is entirely broken if the killer had to work hard for that down. As for the nurse, I play on console and she is absolute ######### on console. I've never faced a good nurse so I don't know how bothersome she really is.
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From the perspective of a Survivor main: Disconnectors are ultimate pussies who very poorly hide behind bullshit excuses ("so and so killer/perk/add-on is broken and needs to be nerfed") to hide the fact that they don't wanna lose. ALL killers have been declared to be broken. They can't ALL be! Unless the killer is doing cheap bullshit like camping, hardcore tunneling, or hacking (or even if the game is lagging like crazy,) there ain't a good reason to DC. If the killer is being a dick, then yeah, I totally understand DC'ing. But unless rules are being broken or the game itself is literally unplayable, buck up, shut up, and at least TRY to play. If ya lose, take the L like a man and move on. If ya aren't willing to lose the game/high level items and add ons every now and then, why the ######### are ya playing a game as chaotic and competitive as DBD? Why is it okay for Survivors to use ######### like MoM, DS, Adren, DH, and insta-heals, but Killers can't use Nurse or Iridescent Head Huntress? The Nurse is meant to be broken. Her brokenness is a reward for the amount of time and effort it takes to get good at her. Don't like it? DON'T PLAY THE GAME.
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So just accept you're going to lose. You need to stick around for my enjoyment. Great argument there.
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The number of times I look around the map and don't see anyone with BBQ outweighs the number of times I actually see survivors with it. There are so many ways to avoid it, it's only good for Bloodpoints most of the time. When it works, it's a good way to get the killer farther away from the hook.
I've also had survivors think I found them because of BBQ when I actually just stumbled into them by accident. Happens more often than you'd expect. What counts as a "good hiding spot," anyway? Unless the killer is super inexperienced and never plays survivor, I don't see how there'd be a spot they'd never think to check.
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So I just want to be clear: It is perfectly acceptable to you that there should be a character (on either side) that is so good that the other team/player should just accept that they can't win?
"You just have to accept that you will die against good Nurses. You can take what you want, Mettle of Men, Dstrikes, Adrenaline, Insta Heals we dont care, you will die in the end"
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This is mainly a PC problem , most console players won't DC against someone just for the killer they have , however I quit playing PC long ago due to this issue, it's like every killer match ends up with at least 1-2 DC minimum and every survivor game I played would end up starting as a 3 man (this being way before the last update) almost every match and it didn't matter the rank, if they were low rank they didn't care anyway and if they were high rank they were either depipping or just have enough games in to not have to worry about a penalty, they should fix the DC problem first then go for the lobby dodgers both of these issues definitely need addressed first and foremost to make this game more playable
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Nah, DC can happened even without nurse
I'm playing trapper for daily and 1 trap caught and ragequit immediately together with their SWF butt buddy. I'm not even joking.
I didn't even use rare add-on and stuff, why cry and ragequit against Trapper?
Post edited by DingDongs on2 -
Yep. Nurse is hard to learn and if you commit to play nurse for 100 hours to master her you deserve to 4k every round.
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I'm not advocating for people DC. I'm not for the OP's bullshit argument.
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im all in for DC penalities.
the current DC rates are really too high, i hope the devs lower the numbers on the auto ban algorythm...
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I think the Nurse speaks to a problem that's more meta related rather than her in particular. And that issue is that there isn't enough emphasis, incentive, or viability in exploiting her largest weakness: that weakness being stealth based gameplay. It's not rewarded very much, there are a lot of perks that counter it, and there aren't many perks that promote and support it.
Also, @xXNurseXx the Nurse is honest to God kinda easy and this is coming from a Nurse main. The hardest thing about her is the mindgames which other killers have a much harder time getting value out of.
But as for the main point of this thread, I saw on a YouTube video that once dedicated servers go live, they are gonna start cracking down hard on intentional DCS
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"Yep. Nurse is hard to learn and if you commit to play nurse for 100 hours to master her you deserve to 4k every round"
Is this a joke? Seriously, is this a troll post and I missed your sarcasm? If so, well played.
But if not ... you can't honestly believe that your time put in entitles you to not only win, but utterly dominate. I'm guessing you wouldn't feel the same way about a survivor's "100 hours" put in to master their character?
What is it that makes your time more important?
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Devs see it the same way, so?
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I like how you ignored most of my post.
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That is the dumbest ######### I've ever read. You don't deserve a damn thing. Though with that attitude I'm starting to be on the side of the people who DC against you.
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Other people see it also the same way.
"The Nurse is meant to be broken. Her brokenness is a reward for the amount of time and effort it takes to get good at her. Don't like it? DON'T PLAY THE GAME."
But Nurse is not the problem, survivor who dc are!
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Soo... you are telling me that you want the survivors to get a penalty for DCing. How about we do the same for the killers. Because the game literally caters to the killers and does nothing for the survivors. You killer mains complain so much.
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If Killers DC they should get of course the same penalty but most of the time survivor dc
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I don't have an issue with the nurse. I do with you thinking Nurse entitles you to anything.
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You shouldn't accept that you will die against good Nurses, jeez. Nurse may be godlike in the right hands, but she does have counterplay in the form of stealth or mind-games. Don't go out in the open, break LOS as often as possible, and try and be unpredictable. Don't try and keep chase, get the hell outta there ASAP.
I do think Nurse needs add-on changes, however. Her having more than 3 blinks in downright unfair, but thats about it. This is coming from a killer main with 1k hours, so I'm not siding with survs nor killers.
In fact, I think she needs a full on add-on rework like Wraith, Trapper, and Hag saw. More than 90% of her add-ons could be seen as a detriment. Instead of changing blink distance, charge time, etc. it should find something else to try out. I'm not sure what it would be, but it'd be a nice change of pace.
(also an pink addon would be pretty damn cool bhvr ily pls)
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It's not just nurse I've got YouTube vids with DC as doctor wraith leatherface and Myers
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"The Nurse is meant to be broken. Her brokenness is a reward for the amount of time and effort it takes to get good at her. Don't like it? DON'T PLAY THE GAME."
My bad. I missed that statement by the devs. Can you show me where to find it?
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Tread lightly. Remember what happened the last time survivors rage quit too much against a certain killer...
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Just because you know how to use the nurse doesn't mean you're gonna 4k every round I don't care how good you are , the right survivors with the right game plan could run all over you in a match and it's 100% possible, everyone has a weakness in their gameplay somewhere and nobody is perfect EVERY game .
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That's the point. Survivors just DC because they're not willing to put any effort into learning weaknesses in gameplay.
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Just ignore him, she cant stay like this for too long. One day we shall get a rework and this kind of player will have to learn how to play an actual killer for a change.
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Actually the thing that needs to be fixed is if the survivor DC’s it is virtually impossible for the killer to double pip or even single pip for that matter and if 2 DC then the killer should just DC to. The survivor doesn’t lose a pip for DCing so why should the killer. If anybody DC’s then everybody should at least safety pip.
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She has been nerfed. There is a reason why devs don't responds to calls to nerf her again. Nurse originally had near normal killer movement speed and 3 blinks at base and couldn't be hit with palettes during her blink or burned out of her blink with flashlights. She also had tracking assist for her attacks out of blink which meant if she lined her weapon up with your head she'd never miss even if you juked so hard you character snapped THEIR ankles.
They've pulled so much power out of the Nurse and she's still this good. That means taking anymore could probably just dumpster her.
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Yes I can agree with that, I was arguing the whole " if you get good with the nurse you deserve to 4k every round" I don't necessarily agree with that statement, I feel like decision making is just as important as having skill in this game and the slightest wrong choice could change the whole outcome
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Ok, OP I agree with you about the DCS but this is a step to far. You don't deserve a 4k every round for spending time to learn a killer. That's like saying sorry killers but we spend 1k hours playing survivor we deserve a 4 man escape every round. Nurse is not that hard to master I learned her in 2 days tops you don't deserve a 4k every round you earn them Nurse basically does that anyways because survivors won't try to use her counters against her but that's another topic.
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I played nurse once to get the adept and guess what, first try, at red ranks too. I dont get this "shes hard to master" argument.
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She won't be reworked until all killers are at billy level, cause shes the only killer that's viable against tryhard swf, with the best perks and add ons, and that shes a necessary evil in the game.
Ands whats your definition of an actual killer? Low tier killers like legion or freddy, or mid tier killers like huntress or micheal? I doubt you consider high tier killers as actual killers since Nurse is a high tier killer, some survivors are calling billy op and a "crutch" killer like you are trying to suggest to nurse. So whats your definition of an actual killer?
Nurse is an actual killer that requires alot of time to learn her blinks and her mechanic.