We HAVE TO fix this MAJOR DBD Problem!!



  • Figas
    Figas Member Posts: 59

    I consider an actual killer to be any killer besides nurse. Billy isnt op at all, he has counter play and you can still try to juke him even in the open.

    I dont like the argument of "we need her because of swf" since when I play survivor I really enjoy playing solo survivor but I still get matched with nurse after nurse.

    People that claim that you just need to counter her with stealth probably dont know how the game works. Theres generators on the map that need to be repaired, you cant repair generators from a corner of the map, also stealth isnt gonna help you when all your teammates are getting slugged with 5 generators remaining.

    Maybe its just me but when I play killer I dont want to have a 95% chance to get at least a 3k, it just doesnt appeal to me. Id rather play anything else and make it actually mean something when I get that 4k against the squadettes.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    if survivor players are good enough no killer but nurse will ever win so i'd say its fair yeah

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    i wish i was living in your delusional fantasy world

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    When people talk about Nurse can be countered by stealth, they don't mean 100% killer avoidance. It's more about using LoS breaker midchase. And moving more unpredictable while predicting the blinks of the nurse player. Really, sometimes you can judge how nurse is blinking right now and move out of the attack range of the destination, which wastes her time. The thing what survivors don't get, that Nurse is a game changer. Her mechanics work different and also the rules of chases. You can learn how to avoid falling against a nurse too quick, if you are willing to.

    Sadly most survivors aren't. That leads to scenarios in which people fall within seconds or are all slugged one after another. But that shouldn't happen....

    Another thing to note is that if you pay attention to the video, you can also see that MoM+Instaheal is a bad combination against Nurse. You might be able to eat more hits, but the Heal activates MoM aura reading. And that's something you don't want to happen against her.....

  • Figas
    Figas Member Posts: 59
    edited May 2019

    @Freudentrauma What you described I would not consider as stealth, that is mind games and smart movement. Obviously I do my best to do this and lose the nurse and, if the map is favorable and the nurse cant track for crap, I usually get away. Keep in mind that I tend to run Iron Will and Lightweight because this is my prefered playstyle in general, I avoid using pallets and I try to lose the killer instead. The problem is that if the nurse is any good theres no amount of mind games that are going to save you, the fatigue doesnt last that long and she can blink right afterwards. She will be right back on you in no time and you are going to die.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    That Jake who DC due to my MYC proc in spirit when I found and hit him... oh wait that happened xD

    My all time favorite DC will always be the Dwight who was on the hook and I looked in his direction and he just DC'ed

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Nurses addons may need looking at but theres nothing wrong with nurse herself..... just because a player like marth or zubat (who have like 10,000 hours combined) can play nurse at a God level doesn't mean any other player can just hop on nurse and crush any team.... it's waayy freaking easier to play at the depip squad level because survivor is easy... at least you have to be dedicated and invest into nurse in order to get the reward that she gives.... and that's something that this game has little of... actual reward for time invested

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Also, Zubat has given a bit of tips on how to counter Nurse.

    He says it himself, Nurse has counters and he's done it live.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited May 2019

    I have a huge collection of killer disconnect screenshots I just keep for warm feelings. But the fact there are five PEOPLE playing and that the ratio between sides is 4:1 it is more frequent for survivor to DC because, well, it is 4 times more likely than killer.

    Killer's usually DC if they see a map they don't like or more toward the end of a match when they see they aren't going to get many, if any, kills. I've had killers frequently disconnect soon as their Ruin hex was destroyed. A survivor doing poorly usually DCs at the beginning of a match because they get caught/camped/tunneled before they had a chance to do anything. This can snowball into other survivors DCing cause now they have lowered chances to make saves/heals or even survive the match. With a single DC the value of completing the match goes down in both blood points and emblems. Least killers get credit for it counting as a kill, survivors get nothing.

  • dont_ask_me_again
    dont_ask_me_again Member Posts: 490
    edited May 2019

    Punishment for DCs won't change much... if survivors only DC against nurse/moris then every other game they play is also factored in where they don't DC (and you need to DC in over 1 in 3 games or something). The issue isn't the DCs but the Nurse.

    TLDR: Just buy Spirit.

    Also being upset that no one wants to play with you... is like survivor's being outraged that no killer's wanted to verse them with Old DS. You're way over your head.

  • FayeZahara
    FayeZahara Member Posts: 965

    i love when people tell someone to play another killer as solution. Its like going into game 3ds majoras mask and realizing hd zora sucks compared to n64 one. So might as well just play as a goron or deku the whole game. I mean can still beat it with goron shouldn't enjoy all aspects of a game you own.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Nurse only needs an add on rework, nothing else. An extra blink is bullshit and shouldn't exist as common add ons. 2 blink nurse is balanced after that it's stupid.

  • Glassgo
    Glassgo Member Posts: 10

    if so many people disconnect in front of a nurse or a billy it is perhaps because the character is a little too strong ... no? even with the servers the problem will remain there, they will continue to disconnect. what it takes is balanced the nurse and billy. skills or add-on but you have to do something

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    This is not a Nurse balance discussion like i said nurse is fine because we NEED a killer who can easily 4k every round. Imagine how this game (posted the past broadcast) would went against a wraith with 3x insta heals, mom, dstrike and all the crutch survivor stuff.

    We need a killer who ignore all game mechanics. You just used an insta heal? Too bad i will down you 5 seconds later.

    But why you dc then if you cant handel to get wrecked?? play the game, take the fast death like a champ and go in the next round but stop dcing seriously.

    I wish you ppl a good day, see you in the fog :)

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    Are people really still complaining about BBQ? I've found it to be a non-issue since the locker change.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    Okay guys, we all love facts so i´ll just post the statistic from a god nurse player who is playing every day and then you´ll see what im talking about! (i can proof anything with past broadcast, so hmu if you dont believe me)


    Wednesday 22.05:

    Game 1) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 4 Gens left

    Game 2) 4 Kills / 0 DC / 3 Gens left

    Game 3) 4 Kills / 3 DC / 3 Gens left

    Game 4) 4 Kills / 0 DC / 2 Gens left

    Game 5) 4 Kills / 0 DC / 2 Gens left

    Game 6) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 1 Gen left

    Game 7) 4 Kills / 2 DC / 5 Gens left

    So all in all in 7 Games we have 28 Kills -> 7 DC´s!

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    No. You have 21 kills and 7 DC's. Or a DC rate of 25%. If you're going to post "facts" at least get the math right. Also your argument that we need a killer that can easily 4k is absurd. We need all killers to have a fair potential to 4k. Meaning lower tier killers need buffs to bring them in line with Billy. I actually think he's the most balanced killer in the game.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    God Nurse Gameplay - Thursday 23.05

    Game 1) 4 Kills / 3 DCs / 5 Gens left

    Game 2) 4 Kills / 2 DCs / 4 Gens left

    Game 3) 4 Kills / 2 DCs / 5 Gens left

    Game 4) 4 Kills / 2 DCs / 2 Gens left

    Game 5) 1 Kill / 0 DCs / 0 Gens left

    Game 6) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 5 Gens left

    Game 7) 4 Kills / 0 DCs / 4 Gens left

    Game 8) 4 Kills / 0 DCs / 3 Gens left

    Game 9) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 3 Gens left

  • noneofyourbusiness
    noneofyourbusiness Member Posts: 532

    all we need is to stop talking about Nurse, both side's seriously./

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited May 2019

    A penalty is not a fix.

    Banning people who DC will just result in people quitting the game.

    It will not fix the real reason why people DC: which is that the game has unfun mechanics and other technical issues, and has only gotten worse -- for both sides -- in recent months.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Killers can get off their high and mighty horses, tons of killers DC too. And a lot of it happens in the lobby before the game even begins.

    And let's not even talk about de-rankers, who are the absolute worst trash in the player base. You are not only dodging skilled survivors at higher ranks, you are only interested in playing to bully hapless survivors in lower ranks.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Wrong. BBQ delays the game. It forces every survivor to drop what they are doing and hide.

    And you get this benefit whether you take the perk or not.

    Killers have it so much better than survivors; you get the benefits of many perks without even needing to take them along.

    Every survivor worth their salt plays with the assumption that you have Nurse's Calling and BBQ and Chili. Nobody heals while they hear the killer terror radius, and every runs close or gets in a locker when the killer picks someone up. Some people even go around cleansing totems instead of doing gens, even if you don't have NoEd! This gives you huge benefits to Killers by default, as a baseline.

    There aren't many Survivor perks that force killers to change their behavior quite the way BBQ does. The only one that comes to mind is Decisive Strike, which forced killers to dribble not so long ago before it got nerfed (so killers don't do that anymore either).

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261

    Friday 24.05

    Game 1) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 2 Gens left

    Game 2) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 2 Gens left

    Saturday 25.05

    Game 1) 4 Kills / 3 DCs / 4 Gens left

    Game 2) 4 Kills / 1 DC / 3 Gens left

    Game 3) 4 Kills / 3 DCs / 5 Gens left

    Game 4) 4 Kills / 4 DCs / 5 Gens left

    Game 5) 3 Kills / 3 DCs / 5 Gens left (Hatch escape)

  • drekin7979
    drekin7979 Member Posts: 94

    I agree DC is a MAJOR problem with this game. Somone gets downed 1st time and dc. Ridiculous.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    Nurse isn't as broken as you think. She just needs different approach. She will win most chases, so you just stealth her. Learn to use dead hard. If she has to hit everyone 3 times instead of 2 that's a lot of time for genrush.

    Don't get me wrong, she is the best killer in right hands, bute she isn't easy or broken in any way.

    @DingDongs They mad cause bad. And not paying attention ;).

    @Boosted_Dwight Have you ever play normal match with her common +1? I am 99% you havent because drawbacks it has are astronomical.

    Post edited by HazeHound on
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’ve found some good nurses on PS4 lately, sometimes I die and sometimes I live.

    It isn’t a guaranteed 4K. Yes dcs need a punishment though.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2019

    @xXNurseXx I fully agree that disconnecting is something that really needs to stop. If the general looming threat of a ban if the magical percentage gets too high or advantages for not disconnecting doesn't get it through their brains, I'll be right there supporting punishment for people that DC constantly.

    But "we need a killer that can easily 4k every round"? That's absurd, especially the "easily" part. A 4k should be a very good game for the killer and not an expected outcome, and considering the devs go on and on about how they basically want 2k to be the baseline and therefore 3k a solid win and 4k an exceptional win I'd imagine they have that in mind when trying to balance new killers and stuff.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Remove both 4man CWF and Nurse. Everyone wins.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Last 3 matches everyone had dc'd I gave up and played something else instead. I was playing clown to get a daily done. As soon as one leaves the others follow. I'll try again tomorrow.