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General Discussions

So what can i expect from higher ranks as killer?

Am currently indecisive with continue playing as normal and reach higher ranks, or just hide in basement and depip.

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  • Member Posts: 126

    what killers do you play?

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    I've heard that Lobby wait times get pretty bad...

  • Member Posts: 172


    What is "boosted" ?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    People that are at the high ranks that shouldn't be. They ranked up with a SWF group of higher ranks that carried them.

  • Member Posts: 182

    I tend to play legion mostly, though i have been playing almost all killers cept for the few i dont have being (pig, myers, and bubba) for a fair bit i can say i am decent at most of them.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    5% meme groups, 10% SWF, 40% competent solos, and 45% potatoes.

  • Member Posts: 716

    High Ranks is supposed to be a challenge for both sides, because it's the best survivors vs the best killer.

    Yes we all know swf are a pain to vs, but it's a reason why you're in the high ranks right... For a challenge and to get even better.

    Some Survivors are going to die & some may live.

    Honestly I want to say while in the high ranks as a killer DO NOT expect a 4k every game.

    Some games you'll get a 4k and some you'll get only 2.

  • Member Posts: 242

    Youll find yourself playing more like a douchebag. Youll think you have something to prove against those “nasty swf” groups even though stats show the majority are solos, so youll spend more time tunnelling, patrolling (and lying to yourself that youre not camping), and flat out camping.

    Make sure you have ruin, bbq, noed, and nurses calling at level 3 since thats your permanent build. Be prepared to burn through all your very rares and ultra rares because if you dont 4k youre trash. And if you used to have empathy for those other humans playing against you when their teammates dc immediately, learn to choke that down. No time for sportsmanship when you got a sweet advantage handed to you.

    Have fun!

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    It's either the solo survivors that farm their team to pip or the 4 man swfs that try so damn hard it's funny.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    Why do you play this game? It's a pvp game with rank based matchmaking. People are going to try and win, and there are times when camping and tunneling are the most effective way to do that. These aren't "douchebag" behaviors. It's how the game mechanics work, for better or worse. This community is so bizarre. Why is the solution to lash out at the players instead of finding another game that suits you more? You're somehow angry at the killers because your teammates screwed you over and d/c'd?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    3 minute matches.

    Running in circles.


  • Member Posts: 5,069

    Gen rush simulator.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    Suffering. Sweet, sweet suffering.

  • Member Posts: 673

    You can enjoy the SALT more often.

    But if you are a CASUAL, you can stay at the Rank 20.

    There is nothing wrong about that, not everyone has the same level of SKILL right?

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Survivors at higher ranks are pretty much what you would expect. They are more efficient at working generators and wasting the killers time in chases. Looping and gen rushing. That's the name of the game. And you can't blame them really. It's the most effective way to play the game as a survivor. But it does get old...

  • Member Posts: 443

    In high ranks you have to have a good understanding of what good survivors are going to do. They are far less likely to mess up loops/fall for easy mind games. You have to be a little more creative/manage your time a lot better than you otherwise would have to. Also expect at least 2 or 3 people to have adrenaline. Have to know when to continue a chase and when to give up a chase. If you just tunnel someone you find it can often cost you the game. It's not worth chasing someone for 3 or 4 gens. In red ranks as killer you just have to learn to play efficiently or you will have a bad time.

  • Member Posts: 620

    VERY HARD FIGHT!and looooooooong wait connect players

    rank 4 now :D

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    You're going to have to be tactical as a killer, doubly so if you're playing a killer that can't create a ton of map pressure. For example, the middle building on Crotus Prenn. You might as well concede that gen or soft pressure it, but don't waste resources chasing that cancerous building with 4 safe pallets and 2 safe vaults. Playing killer at high rank is all about time efficiency.

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