What is the rules for Name and shaming

I've recently found out that my gamertag has been put on a name and shame list and because of it. I have been getting harassed.
It's been put on Facebook. But from what I have read it's the same thing as witch hunting... am I not correct. Or well it could be used to witch hunt is what I'm getting at.
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Now that is just #########, I hope you stop getting harassed. Sad people on the internet feel the need to pick on people for no reason. Try changing your name for now, maybe that will stop them.
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I thought about it. I've had to do it before but changed it back. Mostly because my gamertag is who I am. So I hate the thought of changing it.
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What platform do you play on? If it's PS4 you can turn you messages into friends only. Maybe that will help
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I don't care being harassed
Why do u guys care so much? Plz harass me everywhere!
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Idk anything about Xbox but check your message settings and see if you can turn them off or turn them into friends only
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@FangerBoy go to Settings>Online Safety & Privacy>Custom.
This should allow you to change it to Friends Only.
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Some people are more sensitive than others or sometimes the hate is just too much for them. Glad to know you can handle backlash but some can't.
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Report the list to Facebook. Pretty sure they have rules against that.
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I did also had my friends report it as well and the person who showed it to me as well as messaged the admin letting them know that it's not okay.
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You shouldn't have messaged the admin. The less information they have about you, the better.
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True but they dont know which gamer tag mine is most likely
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Ppl live trapped in the ego, have zero spirituality
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But now they know which Facebook profile is yours, so they can harass you there as well.
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I've sent all the stuff to the Devs and Facebook. I've also reported every single person who has posted inappropriate things
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There is literally nothing they can do. They can't control facebook posts to take it down. Nor can they track anyone within the group's accounts for dbd. The only thing you can do is change your username on Steam and hope they forget about you.