Ebony Moris
Ebony Moris are probably once of the most balance altering things in this game right now. It reduces the amount of times you have to chase a survivor from 3 to 2 on each survivor. This means that to kill everyone on their death hook instead of hooking survivors 12 times, you only need to hook them 8 times total. Obviously you don't need to hook everyone every time in a normaly match so sometimes both numbers will be down 3-4 but that only makes the problem even worse. Perhaps the worst effect of them though, is how much stronger it makes it to just tunnel one survivor to death, which is crippling to the rest of the team.
Currently in a best case scenario for the survivors. It reduces the the amount of hooks needed to kill everyone by 33%. That is just busted and completely changes the balance of the game and are only counter-able by syringes, another stupidly strong item with absolutely zero gurantee, that youll even get into a match with a mori even if you are using a syringe. On top of that, using a syringe on yourself from the down state is extremely difficult, and usually are going to be getting this used on you. You need a teammate to have one.
As the cherry on top, because of the way blood web spawning works, they are more common on the bloodweb than ivorys. There is less ultra rare nodes on bloodwebs, however because there is less things those nodes can be compared to green ones, you see ebony moris much more than ivorys.
I don't really know how they should be changed, whether they be changed to vanity only so they only work on death hook, or they receive some other mechanical change where they have some downside, but something needs to happen to them.
Edit: Increase readability a bit
They already have a downside, its hard to rank up when you use moris.
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That is not a downside.
Even if people care about their rank, that literally has no impact on the game balance. Justifying that they are balanced because its harder to pip with them is really reaching and that doesn't make them any more fair to the survivors.
Edit: To be specific, it is a completely irrelevant conclusion, just because it is harder to pip does not refute any of the points I have brought up.
Post edited by SkeletalElite on5 -
When playing a Survivor I don't have a problem with Mori's - I think they are in a much better place now than they were when they were released where you could just get insta mori'd at the start of a match (and this is speaking as someone who gets mori'd quite a bit more than average).
My Killer bloodwebs rarely have an Ebony mori on them, the most I seem to get are Cypress.
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They should reduce them to just one type or Mori that is ultra rare only and thats it.
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It is a downside, its hard to win if you mori everyone. You may not consider piping to be winning but that's the games definition of winning.
But that aside they are busted as hell, moris in general are. If survivors had an equivalent it would be starting the trial with generators already completed.
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That's not even remotely equivalent to a Memento Mori. A Memento Mori doesn't instantly kill survivors for you when the trial starts.
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I'm not saying it does, I'm saying moris accelerate your objective (which they do) and that if survivors had an equivalent time saver it would be they start with completed gens. If moris instantly killed survivors than an equivalent would be spawning in the exit zone.
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Survs can't use MoM because it's a 4th hit opportunity, but killer can use moris, which is a 4 hits death
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Using Ivori is just so simple sometimes. Got to love people using it with Dying Light. Killing 1 person very early wins the game almost every time. As a wraith player is it just so simple to camp the first hook, BT won't be triggered, you can prepare Spirit Fury for the last guarateed hit and you good to go
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That's why ebony mori is an ultra rare offering.
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There is actually a way right now Survivors can battle against killers putting out Moris... which is been built into the game in the last update. You can figure it out since burning of offerings appear before the loading screen.
Moris aren't that a big of a deal, but I understand why people can be frustrated with them. I find if I throw out a mori, it turns the group of survivors into stealthy tryhards and they rush the gens.
However the Devs are going to have to do something about those secret offerings once survivors catch onto preventing killers from ever using their Moris ever again.
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Lot of killers have dozens of them
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@PeepingPeacock Wasn't old BNP basically that?
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Outside of also using up a toolbox, pretty much. Thanks for brining that up by the way, I had completely forgotten about that item after the nerf.
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I see what you're trying to say, but that is not really important to the problem of moris
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As per these bloodweb statistics, a perkless p3 bloodweb has an 86.7% chance of having an ultra rare node. So multiply that by (1/(amount of ultra rare add ons killer has)) and that's the probability of a killer seeing a ebony mori on their bloodweb. If you're a killer like billy who is not only one of hte best killers but has NO ultra rare add ons, the chance of seeing a ebony mori suddenly becomes very high.
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As per these bloodweb statistics, a perkless p3 bloodweb has an 86.7% chance of having an ultra rare node. So multiply that by (1/(amount of ultra rare add ons killer has)) and that's the probability of a killer seeing a ebony mori on their bloodweb. If you're a killer like billy who is not only one of hte best killers but has NO ultra rare add ons, the chance of see
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That actually is a bad idea. Mori are situational by design and it isn't always necessary to kill and entire team when you maybe only need your obsession for dying light.
Honestly, I've never understood the desire to try and make mori near worthless to use. Killers don't get a lot of truly powerful moments. The entity gets the best part of the game, the kill. We have to grind bloodwebs and bp to get the chance to have mori. I'll be honest even when I've used mori most times I've never been able to secure the kill. Mori doesn't effect a survivor's innate ability to play the game. Hell a lot of well known killer streamers burn a mori and then forget to use it. The game doesn't have a indicator for killers to remember they burnt a mori. A lot of killer behavior just becomes autopilot and before you know it you're just hooking people without paying attention to the kill prompt. It's just muscle memory to mash space the moment some drops.
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I personally think that the ebony mori should be like the old school ivory mori. Allowing a kill action on the first down, but only for a single survivor.
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This issues is a game wide one. Moris, instas, some toolbox combinations. Add on combos and some perk builds dramatically break the balance of a game.
Moris have counterplay but are very powerful straight up denying multiple hook deaths and accelerating the death of a survivours without fufilling any conditions minus hooking.
I recomend reworking them so on death hook you can mori x survivours dependant on rarity. With the pink mori allowing you to mori the last survivour regardless of being hooked or not.
This should come in conjunction with a nerf to instas so the instas are also addressed as hitting moris is only is way too one sided.
Insta changes should make it so the survivour hit with an insta is given a bleed out effect that makes it so the survivour has to heal before a set period of time similar to old bt this means instas can be used to allow survivour more time to reach an exit or allow you to get someone up fast if the killer is slugging.
The difference in rarity can be distinguished by having the styptic allow you to apply the bleed out effect vefore being hit. Immediatly after getting hit the survivour suffer bleed out and has a certain period of time to heal before they are downed to bleed out.
A syringe will immediatly pick up a survivour off the ground with the injured health state but they will be suffering from the bleed out effect.
This makes it so the health state is temporary but potentially will give a survivour a chance to reach a gate or just keep the killer busy long enough that more gens can be done.
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^ People keep asking for Ebony mori to only work when someone is on death hook. That makes the mori entire not worth using as if you've got someone to death hook the hook is actually faster and worth more points. Mori already trades bp and emblem score for the opportunity to kill by your own hand.
We even have a daily for mori use. I did the daily and you would not believe how hard it tanked my score even though I got a 4k. The Dwight was worth more to me alive than dead.