Survivor Emblems: (THANK YOU PEANITS) ❤

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Survivor's emblems are not a true representation of your teamwork and your skill. You can do so much for your team, yet still get a safety pip because you didn't participate in the other emblem categories. This is where the survivor's emblems fail because not every survivor can be altruistic, a gen jockey, and a looper all within one game. Sometimes you're the team's gen jockey, and you can't leave the generator because no one on your team does them. Or perhaps you're always finding yourself saving your teammates because they keep downed instantly. Maybe you 5 gen ran a killer and you couldn't do anything else since the killer was always on you.

It's time to solve the survivor's emblem, and make them a true representation of skill and teamwork.

  • If you're in a chase, any generator progress, hex cleansing, or exits opened made by other survivors will grant you 25% of their points.
  • If you're being camped (which means the killer is losing chaser points), any generator progress, hex cleansing, or exits opened made by other survivors will grant you 25% of their points.

Example: You ran a killer for a solid 2 generators while someone cleansed a Hex totem.

You'll get awarded 1 generator worth of emblem points and half of the Hex emblem points for Lightbringer. This is because 50% of 2 generators is 1 generator and 50% of 1 Hex cleansing is half of a Hex cleansing. Note: The survivor who you got points from will receive the full benefit, you will NOT steal points from them.

My Feedback Reached PTB: (THANK YOU PEANITS)

See? They actually take community feedback! :)

  • If you're in a chase, any safe unhooks or heals made by other survivors will grant you 25% of their points.
  • If you're being camped (which means the killer is losing chaser points), any safe unhooks or heals made by other survivors will grant you 25% of their points.


The killer camped you through both hook states, but during that time, two survivors were healed to the healthy state from the injured.

You'll receive points for 1 heal since 50% of 2 heals is 1 heal. Note: The survivor who you got points from will receive the full benefit, you will NOT steal points from them.

  • Doing generators, cleaning a Hex, or opening the exit gates while someone is being chased will award you 25% of their points earned for the duration you're doing those actions.


You did 1 generator while someone was being chased.

You'll receive 40 seconds worth of chaser points since 50% of 80 seconds is 40 seconds. Note: The survivor who you got points from will receive the full benefit, you will NOT steal points from them.

That's it

Hopefully, you'll agree with my changes and if you don't, why? I'd love to hear your reasoning and feedback! :)

Post edited by NMCKE on


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I'll like to clarify that this will make the survivor's emblems more about teamwork and your skill. :)

    Any survivor mains or experienced players want to give me some feedback? I don't play a ton of survivor so idk if these are good emblem changes.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I like this idea, thumbs up from me.

    I think the other sides skill should not be a factor in your pip.

    If the killer can't catch anyone why should all the survivors not pip? Surely in terms of matchmaking they should be moved away from that player.

    It works on both sides as well as a killer doing their job quickly due to lack of survivor skill should really pip if not double pip to be moved out that rank area.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I like this idea and I also like the fact that if you get camped you have a chance not to depip if your team uses that time wisely this system would reward teamwork and skill more than the current system where everyone is racing for points as a survivor.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Yeah, the survivor are team after all. I think it would be fair if everyone got a share in the things everyone else does!

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Honestly, this sounds really nice, and would probably make the game more bearable for solo survivor mains. I may be a killer symphanizer but I agree with this.

  • Orti
    Orti Member Posts: 198

    I like the idea but I think the numbers should be a bit lower to not make it to easy to rank up again, more like 25% or 33%

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    You really nailed it, All sound so good but i see something that im not sure.

    A. While camping: Maybe a 25% of the points?, 50% is too much for doing nothing i think, cause you dont stick the killer with you, he stick with you, so you are doing nothing in term of skill.

    B. Evader: Thats the only points that does not work, let me explain. If you are the gen jockey, you might work on 3 full gens, for a full emblem you need 2,5 gens worked, there is no point in give you extra points for something you probably cap ez.

    But if give you instead a 50% of the points that the runner win, you will complete some emblem at the same time.

    Other idea is make a general point for a pip and the emblem dont have a limit, that way you could do 4-5 gens and get your 2 pips for work on them like a madman... Hahahahahhaha

    (Maybe not 2 pip but close xD)

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429
    edited May 2019

    I feel it's far too easy to depip, especially if a killer camps you or you are farmed, I find if one person dc's at the start of the match I'm most likely going to depip from the snowball.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899
    edited May 2019

    @Peanits If you're hooked and a killer is camping you, you should receive chaser points as you're essentially wasting the killers time just like you would be in a chase.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Honestly, this idea is actually pretty great. Makes complete sense as well.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Honestly, it only makes sense in certain scenarios.

    If you're doing Lightbringer actions while someone is being chased, you should get a share of what that chased survivor is getting. After all, you are supporting the chased survivor because they cannot escape if you don't do generators! :)

  • Baltoz
    Baltoz Member Posts: 7

    You need to hire this man or something because this is what should have been in the game since day 1 and if you guys cant see how broken the pip system has gotten than you arent playing the game for yourselves. I have 1600 hours and have always been in the top tier of players and recently is the only time ive not been able to hit rank 1, now this is also largely due to the insane number of disconnects, i mean im talkin 1-3 a game without question. you need to revert the system that makes it so you dont depip on dc its ruining the game fast and hard.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    Easy there, he's sending the feedback to the developer team. Furthermore, he's not an actual developer, he's just a community manager (a cool one too).

  • Yohan
    Yohan Member Posts: 172
    edited May 2019
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    That's why I added some bonuses while you're hooked, because you're "distracting" the killer (kinda like chases, you're "distracting" the killer).

  • WolfPad06
    WolfPad06 Member Posts: 182

    These sound very good (in principle). The numbers would have to be tweaked after implementation to see if they need to be changed, maybe even the scenarios or the situations that award point too, but the idea is super solid.

    This would be a step on the right direction of the 4vs1 asymetrical game DBD should be, instead of the 1v1 + 1v1 + 1v1 + 1v1 we have right now.

    Next step would be looking at map design and loops where teammates have a much bigger role on your survival when you're being chased, but that's such a massive and balance-sensitive undertaking I don't see it happening soon/ever.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2019


    Thank you for giving feedback to the DBD team! :)

    Post edited by NMCKE on
  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I was looking everywhere for this to tell you the good news @NMCKE

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 670

    props to you, man!! <33

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Love these suggestions, saw a similar thing a while back. Always been on board for survivors "sharing the earning of points in between them.

    Really hopeful this kind of a change makes it's way into the game 🙂

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    @NMCKE good job on this Nickenzie. It is a nice change and makes a ton of sense.

  • MaxPowrer
    MaxPowrer Member Posts: 21

    I'm in love with Peanits and his sexy communication. It's a warm hug for this forum full of complaints <3

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Always the best survivor is the one who entertains the killer throughout the game, but in the end he is the one who scores the least points. They should change that, since making generators or cleaning totems does not require as much skill as a master looper and knowledgeable map structures.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Peanits Amazing.

    Now we just need chaser if the killer is camping the hook :)

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    With this change you revert the old pip threshold.

  • Jimsalabim
    Jimsalabim Member Posts: 641

    it only makes sense that you get a part of the points when you are keeping a killer busy for 2 gens (for ex.). after all it's thanks to you they can complete these gens without interruption.