EGC 1v1 solution

Why do we need a solution? Well once the killer spotted u after closing the hatch it's gg. It's basically the old Legion moonwalking you all over again. Just follow the survivor and he will die no matter what.
My idea: make it that when a survivor successfully avoids to get downed while getting chased for 2 minutes the hatch reopens. Punishment for the killer not downing the last survivor and reward for the survivor not to get downed for 2 minutes.
I didn't go into the technical on purpose (beeing in chase or beeing in TR) cuz that's something which is a bit buggy and has to be tweaked and tested anyway.
EGC 1v1 solution: Deal with it. You have 3 chances to escape:
1: Do Gens
2: Find Hatch
3: Sneak the door open
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EGC 1v1 is nothing like Legion exploits. EGC may only need the min/max gate spacing adjusted if that. Other than that players escape during egc 1v1 plenty of times. You're not supposed to be in a low stakes low pressure situation when you're the last man left because your team is dead. You have exact amount of difficulty that should be expected when dealing with a being you can't outrun or kill.
Want the hatch reopened, find or bring a key. Need help finding the hatch first and don't want to rely solely on memory and map awareness, bring a map. Want to get the gate open faster, use wake up. You've got everything you need to make an escape.
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But the old hatch standoff when the survivor had the control was not okay right? Then u were crying and couldn't accept not to kill the last survivor right? U r such an hypocrite and don't care about fair gameplay and healthy balance. U just want to push your bias.
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The only problem with the hatch stand off was that it was indefinite if neither side budged. I've literally afked during a stand off, watched an episode of Steven Universe, and came back and they were still there.
If the killer has already killed 3 people, then the last survivor better be damn good at surviving. If it gets down to 1v1, of course it should be killer sided. Killer is the power role. Thats how the power role works.
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There is a difference between killer sided and "braindead following the last survivor cuz no matter if I catch him or not, he will die for sure by hooking or EGC timer".
I have no issue if it's killer sided, I have an issue when situations appear and skill doesn't matter anymore.
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1V1 doesn't need an equalizer. In that scenario you should be doing everything possible to stay hidden and make small progress when able. If you know the gates are to close then spend that time on chest hunting and maybe find a key. Survival should never have a guarantee or every team will just try to outlast one another.
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Then don't be in a position to be chased. Running in a circle isnt the only way to play
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its just another thing to give the killers a free kill so they don’t cry
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ECG is more like a check. They still have the option to outmaneuver you, its just hard
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With EGC out my only failure in this game is playing solo with randoms.
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healthy balance? you mean just hide behind the tree untill the killer lost his patience and you successfully got out or crouch on the hatch waiting the killer give you a hit then you jump ?
Is that the balance you want right?
Why the last one should have more chance to survive than other 3 ?
EGC means you 4 survivors failed to repair the gen or open the gate in time.
The only chance of the last one is to take a gambling but not hide or whatever others.
If the gen still not finished, your only choice is to find out the hatch before the killer, or you die.
If the gen already finished then it is of your own choice wether to find the hatch straightly or open the gate.
But either of the above has one thing in common, that is you must start to run other than hide.
I didnt see anyting wrong with this, so stop your pathetic screaming
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hatch closed = your done for.
devs were kind though and allowed you to get to the doors, so you got another chance there. just be happy its not instantly game over once the hatch is shut.
if we were to rework something, rework the gate times. Id say bring back the 15 second gates, ONLY if the hatch has been shut. if 5 gens were repaired, its still at 20 seconds.