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My Killer Tier List (Killer Main with 1k hours)

Tohmo Member Posts: 248
edited December 2020 in General Discussions


Hello everyone, as you see by the title I'm gonna make a tier list for the Killer side. Feel free to comment your opinions, as I would like to see what you all think.

Keep in mind this comes from my experience alone. I have played all killers for a good while.

1) The Nurse - Really no need for explaining this one. Nurse has been the top dog for a while, and now that she's not as much of a buggy mess she's even more capable. She has everything: anti-loop mechanics, consistent and fast traveling speed (via blinks), the ability to end chases fast and very good map pressure. She has two counters: stealth and mind-games. The latter can be improved upon, as I don't think mind-games really has a skill cap. That's what makes Nurse so powerful, is that you can keep learning and learning. Although, maps like Rotten Fields and Treatment Theatre are your downfall.

2) The Hillbilly - This one is usually interchanged with The Huntress or any other high-tier killer, but Hillbilly is a lot more consistent and has a higher potential to do well. When it comes to map pressure, this is the killer for it. He is really easy to pick up, and hard to master. You can cross the map in seconds, with speed incomparable to other Killers. He can also instadown with his chainsaw. A very powerful and versatile ability. One of my personal favorites, too.

3) The Shape - This was a tough one. However, I have to give it to good 'ol Mikey. He also has a very versatile power. Lowered terror radius, good movement speed, and an instadown. While he lacks the ability to combat loops, open loops can make his ability stronger. Tier III really carries his power, as he retains his 115% movement speed, extends his lunge, gives all survivors the Exposed status effect, and increases his vault speed all at the cost of a normal Killer's terror radius.

4) The Huntress - A very deadly killer in the right hands, Huntress is considered to be one of the best Killers. Within the top 3 for some people. However, I put her below Shape because of a few reasons. The decreased movement speed is a major downside, however its hardly a price to pay for extending your damage to an almost infinite range. She has a lot of counterplay though: melee range hatchet throws are hard to hit, locker refills forces chase stops, turning corners is an effective way to render her power useless, etc. Her power is very, very powerful, but the downsides balance her to be probably the most balanced Killer in the game. Her map pressure lacks due to her movement speed reduction, but in the right hands it could be even better than average Killers with the hatchet throws.

5) The Clown - The definitive anti-loop Killer. Nothing really special about him, except he stops loops like a #########. He isn't as good as spreading damage like the Killers above, but he is definitely good at ending chases quickly. His lack of map pressure and his reload time really prevent him from being higher on the list, but he is also one of my personal favorites.

6) The Hag - The map pressure queen. Though it takes some smart setup, no other killer can traverse the map as fast as Hag can. A Killer capable of an almost impenetrable defense. Her slow movement speed doesn't matter if you can instantly teleport. Doesn't have to reload her traps, too.

7) The Plague - The newest of the bunch, Plague was definitely not a disappointment. Her primary power dominates one thing better than any other killer could dream of: stopping altruism. Her disease can spread by unhooks, touching to heal, working on the same gen, etc. She also has an easy to aim Huntress-like power with her secondary power: Corrupt Purge. Her map pressure is decent, vomiting on gens helps a little but not for too long.

8) The Spirit - Another hard to master Killer, the Spirit is an interesting one. Its a lot more mind-game central, like Nurse. However, I feel its a lot more chance based than most Killers. You really have to guess which side of the pallet survivors are on, or guess where they're going, etc. It can be deduced by mind-games, though. Her map pressure is decent, with the ability to speed up your already slow movement speed. But I personally wouldn't waste the power on moving around.

9) The Doctor - One of the most interesting Killers. Probably the most add-on dependent, too. He also specializes in one category: finding survivors. No other killer can find survivors like the Doctor can. He does have some chase-stopping potential with his Treatment Mode, but its mostly stopped from the transition time from Treatment to Punishment.

10) The Pig - A very good Killer at slowing the game down to a crawl. Her traps aren't as lethal as I would like, but they accomplish the job of keeping survivors off generators. Her stealth and ambush attack are alright, but nothing mind-blowing. She doesn't really have any loop preventing potential.

11) The Trapper - Can dominate with the right setup, however, that setup is very chance based and can actually lose you the game if you're not careful. Better than he used to be, and can be very good at defense. Trapping loops and windows are your best bet, but looking down is probably the ultimate counter. My first main <33

12) The Wraith - A lot better than he used to be. No real loop preventing potential, and very add-on dependent. However, some fun strategies have come out of his add-on changes. Like the bodyblock Wraith using both Windstorms, or the stealthy Wraith with the Coxcomb Clapper. Has some interesting strategies, like taking advantage of his bell that starts ringing halfway through the uncloak time, but overall very bland and not very powerful.

13) The Legion - I have some personal grievances with this one. Very, very unfun upon release. However, his new patch made him healthier for the game at the cost of less effectivity. Deep Wounds are very uninteresting, though the only real thing I can give it props for is keeping survivors off generators due to the mending time. Being able to vault pallets and windows is useless because you can only apply deep wounds during that phase, and you get stunned when you deactivate Feral Frenzy.

14) The Cannibal - Probably the most opinionated on this list, but in my opinion Leatherface is terrible. He can instadown, yes. He can break pallets, yes. But his range is so short any smart survivor can just get out of his range easily. Bumping penalties, while I love the reference to the movie, only add to the riskyness of using his chainsaw. He dominates in the basement, and is the king of camping. He is the only killer capable of downing multiple survivors in one attack. Its just so underwhelming. His range is way too short and he is very ineffective in tight areas.

15) The Nightmare - No arguing about this one, really. His power is more of a detriment than a useful ability. Aura-reading and progression slowing is great and all, but you can only attack when survivors are in the Dream World. It takes 7 seconds to transition into the dream world, plenty of time to find cover. And its so easy to get out of. Overall, they murdered my Freddy-boi. I was so hyped for this one. (HIS REWORK IS COMING SOON, THOUGH. HELL YEAH!)

Post edited by Tohmo on


  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    In terms of power my list would be these for top 5. After the top 5 the power quickly declines in small gaps, but that does not make killers unviable to play.

    Nurse/Spirit (Gen Grab Spirit with full setup of addons and perks)

    Billy/Spirit (Regular Spirit)/ Huntress (Iridescent Belt Mori build)

    Hag/Huntress (Regular Huntress)

    Other then Nurse I feel each one is interchangeable with the other paired next to them for power wise though in all honesty they all are overbearing in the right hands. Please note that each of these killers is based on you having the perks or right builds for them.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I was going with more of a "base build" kind of list. Basically perks and add-ons are thrown out the window and it just focuses on the power alone. Though I agree with that.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426
    edited May 2019

    No way Spirit is number 8.. if Nurse didn't exist spirit would be the queen of dbd.. the tier list is based without add ons or perk. If you mastered these killer against GOOD surviors this is the best tier list, judged by fact, not opinion.

    Nurse *1

    Map control, fast chases, sorta of mindgame, only weakness is stealth

    Spirit *2

    Fast chases, Mindgame, only weakness is map control(recharge power time)

    Billy *3

    Fast chases if the survivors are not near looping zone, Strongest map control, weakness is looping, he becomes half game an m1 killer.

    Hag *4

    Would be number 3 if it wasn't for the genrush, because she needs time to set up traps, only weakness is early game, after you set up all traps in the right places, you can easily dominate, map control + chases

    Huntress *5

    A skilled Huntress will easily end the chases faster than almost every killer, can shot by distance, but lacks map pressure too much.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @MegMain98 the list is basically almost the same as mine, i agree with all but legion, i'd put him just behind plague, second best m1 killer imho, he's underrated after the nerf... nerf if we consider legion with frank's mixtape... without, it's a buff, 10 seconds frenzy and 115 movement speed are good.. try him with enduring- spirit fury, you got a t3 myers all the game..

  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89

    You seem to base some of your ranks based on popular opinion rather than personal opinion. Based on what you wrote for nurse, Billy, and Freddy.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited May 2019

    Based on all these tier list i think pig is very underrated

    So i retract my statement gen rush defeats any pressure her traps had cause they can leave with the traps on there heads

    Post edited by TKTK on
  • Alther_Primus
    Alther_Primus Member Posts: 158

    @vampire_toothy We pretty much have the same top 7. I'd probably change a few things on the bottom half of the list, but honestly once you get past the top 5 or so things start to get a bit blurry anyways until you hit the bottom 3 which we both agree on.

    For the sake of the thread though I'll post my tier list anyway.

    1. Nurse: For obvious reasons

    2. Hillbilly: Immense pressure and mobility along with a strong punishing tool.

    3. Hag: Absolute control over a portion of the map, can easily become the deadliest killer with a good web, but requires setup.

    4. Spirit: Incredibly strong mindgames with decent pressure to boot.

    5. Huntress: Deadly on certain loops and lethal in open areas, but not as good as she used to be.

    6. Michael: Michael still has insane stealth and can turn games around very quickly.

    7. Freddy: Hands down the best stall in the game with insane tracking and even what feels like a prototype Spirit mindgame. I sincerely dread his coming rework.

    8. Pig: Solid stall with the Traps and a tool to either get hits or force Survivors to leave loops early paired with some stealth.

    9. Legion: Absurd tracking and easy first hits with a side helping of stall. Nothing terrible about this killer tbh, they are just outclassed by others.

    10. Wraith: Another decent killer, Wraith's stealth is nice for sneaking up but really without either the stealth combo of one of the Clappers + Ghost or the Map Control Windstorm combo it's rough to get anything going with Wraith.

    11. Plague: Plague is hands down the hardest killer to tier. If Survivors cleanse she's above Legion and potentially Pig, but if they don't cleanse she's below Doctor due to her height making loops absurdly difficult to mindgame.

    12. Doctor: Ah, the Doctor, the DC King. Now-a-days he's not really that threatening between the fact that he needs addons to make Madness 2 worthwhile outside of gimmicky Skillcheck builds, and his terribly short zapping range makes one of those addon slots mandatory for using his power as a chasing tool. Even then it's pretty inconsistent, I can't count the number of times I've zapped Survivors only to have them vault anyways.

    13. Clown: Let's ignore his horrendous bugs that make his power a gamble to start with and look at the rest of his kit: He has no map pressure, stealth, stall, or tracking because he's supposed to have a strong chase, so what's his chase power? He slows himself to slow Survivors, and honestly unless you have extreme precision with the bottles they don't do anything without addons. Then there's the fact that you'll lose any time you gained in the chase, reloading your bottles.

    14. Trapper: Trapper's pretty simple: Inconsistent Hitboxes, tons of counterplay relative to his strength, and the fact that he has to go on an easter egg hunt to have a power.

    15. Leatherface: If you're not camping the basement you'd be better playing other killers.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited May 2019

    Spirit should be higher, i fear smart Spirits more than skillbillies. Her wide arsenal of good addons makes her unpredictible, just like Hag or Myers.

    I think you underestimate Leatherface, just potential of instadown prevents many ballsy plays by survivors and his addons are super powerful!

    Trapper, i think you underestimate him aswell, there are couple of really nice spots where traps are literally invisible and ability to difuse loops or trap thrown pallets is super useful.

    Doctor. Overrated in my opinion. His addons allow for many different play styles, but he needs them.

    Pig used to be amazing, but now her traps are literally useless. Smart survivors or spine chill turn her into just m1 killer. Good at mindgames, but you can't mindgame everyone everytime. Too perk dependand for my taste.

    Hag, i just recently started playing her (learning killer at r1 xD) but with right mindset she is a beast. Destroyed by urban and flashlight, which is sad.

    Plague. Here i disagree completely. No matter if survivors cleanse or not she wins. Either everyone is hurt or you have aoe ranged attacks. Win-win. Use thanathophobia to make survivors want to cleanse (even high rank survivors fall for this for some reason). Puke on gens, you don't need to throwup entire load, just tag. Better than Slowtress.

    Huntress, very strong but overrated. Map dependant. Slow. But she has best brown addons in game (looking at you exhaustion).

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I think I may be stuck in DbD about a year ago.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I respect your opinion. For me, (top tier) it's Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Billy, (upper mid tier) Myers, Huntress, Wraith and Clown.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Is Hag really that good now? I haven't really played her in about a year. And all I remember from Spirit is her bumpy release. Guess they keep changin stuff that I don't know about. Though Spirit being above Billy is kinda questionable for me. His speed and instadown is incomparable to other killers, though I guess I need to up my variety a bit.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    I agree with this list. Noice.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited May 2019

    @lunaticlifter How is Legion better than Myers? Myers has a naturally lower terror radius than most killers, able to have an exposed status effect, and the fastest vault speed (besides Wraith who needs an add-on). I used to put Myers at #3 before Spirit was released and I realized how powerful Hag and Huntress are. There is no way Legion can compare to our boi Mikey.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Legion is one of the worst m1 killers imo

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @almondbutter Hag after her buffs is literally a top tier menace. Strongest snowball, joint chasing with Nurse (spirit chases faster than both), super good mobility, ridiculous map pressure, scary defense, and almost unbeatable in a 3 gen situation.

    Spirit has such fast and effective chasing that she makes Billy a meme.

    I recommend playing Hag and Spirit for a while and tell me if your opinion differs to what it currently is.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I played Spirit a couple hours straight to see if she's really that good. She's good in chase, I find the hit then phase strategy to be her most effective. Though, she just can't keep up with Hillbilly's capability of ending chases before they even start. She has no instadown mechanics and her movement speed mechanics are limited and require cooldown. I'd put her at maybe 4 or 3 on my list now, but I feel she's getting overestimated. Keep in mind this is base spirit, no add-ons.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2019

    Except Billy can be looped, Spirit cannot. Spirit just takes way more skill than Billy to get to where she is crazy strong. I'd also say Spirit is one of the highest mobility killers with her phasing. She can cross the map fast.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Spirit can 100% be looped. You can run out of power and then you're a 110% killer. Billy just proves more consistent to me as his power doesn't require cooldown and can be accessed at any time. Plus his 115%.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2019

    The ignoring and abandonment is what gets me. Sure, he can slow the game down. But, I don't see him being effective in this slowed state. He doesn't take advantage of this slowed down game as much as he could. His power takes time to use, and its so easy to negate via failed skill checks. Sure, if you're a masochist and put in the time to learn him, you could be effective. But he just can't take advantage of his own power as much as I would like him to.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    She can’t be looped. All you gotta do is stare at pallet and watch survivors run around like monkeys then phase over to them. If you have good headphones it is easy to track their movements. Billy can be looped just like any other M1 killers. Getting a loop heavy map like Haddonfun, Springwood, Red Forest, or Lery’s is awful for Billy. Spirit’s power is only a 15 second base cooldown, it’s not a very long cooldown. It’s not like she runs out of power and then is helpless for an extended period of time.

    Spirit doesn’t need to be 115% MS to be top tier, Billy does. Spirit at 110% is still better than Billy at 115%. Keep that in mind.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I personally don't see this.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Okay, lets go over the strong points of Billy.

    • Instantaneous chainsaw, used for both devastating mobility and deadly instadown. Can cross the map in seconds.
    • Counters the meta perks.
    • Instadown Instadown Instadown.
    • Consistency.
    • Relies solely on mechanical skill, and can use mindgames to give himself an advantage.
    • While he can be looped, his chainsaw can shut down pallets hard if you play right.

    Lets take a look at those points but from Spirit's perspective.

    • Strong but risky chase potential. Has mobility, but will waste power for chase sequences.
    • Does not counter the meta perks as of right now, in fact is weak against them.
    • Inconsistent forms of travel, has a cooldown. 15 seconds is a long time in DBD.
    • Relies on mindgames, while it can be effective gets shut down by unpredictability.
    • Standing still only works on around Rank 10. The more hardcore players will obviously know what you're doing.
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,226
    1. Nurse
    2. Spirit
    3. Billy
    4. Hag
    5. Huntress
    6. Myers
    7. Freddy
    8. Wraith
    9. Trapper
    10. Plague
    11. Doctor
    12. Legion
    13. Pig
    14. Clown
    15. Leatherface

    I think Clown is wildly overrated by the community, mostly because nobody actually uses him. Trust me, I have a lot of hours in Clown. He's garbage. Freddy is 100% better.

    I rate Trapper higher than most. Plague is borderline mid tier because she's overly reliant on survivors making mistakes. I just never feel in control with her, and the hit detection on Corrupt Purge is bad.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426
    edited May 2019

    @MegMain98 myers is overrated, i used to main him.. t1 you need early time to stalk... yeah low tr, and faust vault and one shot in t3 wich last only 1 minute wow so op.. legion will be able to put early pressure by injure everyone with a free hit, and you have almost everyone inured all the game, you just need to one shot them..

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    @lunaticlifter That's if the survivors are a team of dumbasses.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @almondbutter there ya go. That's where you're wrong. You said you played for a few hours right? Spirit takes MUCH longer to fully learn and understand, like I'm talking months. She takes more training to understand than Nurse does, and that's quite insane.

    She doesn't need an instadown and if you had more skill with her, you'd literally be ending chases in 7 seconds as some god tier Spirits do. Hillbilly takes far less skill and is easier to understand.

    You should try investing more time and then tell us. A couple of hours is nothing. And Hit and phase strat isn't effective, I personally phase, hit, get looped for 7 seconds (I normally have more than half the bar left) and phase and down. At most that's an 11 second chase. But I run Save the best for last and it's usually like 7 seconds.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @almondbutter not really, many times survivors spawn togheter, it's a great advantage for legion, if you are good with him the first hit will always be a free..if you run sloppy they will not heal and gen rush into adrenaline, often they do even without it.. but you still have to one shot them, basically tiar 3 myers.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @poweas spirit isn't that hard, i played ton of hours with her and nurse on my ps4.. you need good headphone, need to hear footsteps, look grass and scratchmarks if they fake directions, or try to cut/anticipate their next move. She's the best after the nurse, they are similiar in some aspects, you just require a full understanding of the game, not really that much of the character. I think nurse still require more time, at least on console, because of the slower sensitivity

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @lunaticlifter Legion has never been a great killer before OR after his rework. Feral Frenzy is only a minor inconvenience to survivors, similar to Clown’s fart cloud gas.

    Both Legion and Myers don’t have any sort of map pressure but at least Myers has something going for him and has an ability that can actually be devastating to survivors by simply staring at them.

    When mid tier is highly competitive with Huntress, Plague, and Myers...Legion just can’t compete. At their VERY best, Legion is at the bottom of mid tier.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    @Poweas I have more than just a couple hours with her lmao. I've just been playing her more consistently. I've been playing on and off since her release.

    clown moment

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I have 2k hours, here's my tier list.

    1. Nurse
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Hag
    4. Spirit
    5. Shape
    6. Huntress
    7. Pig
    8. Clown
    9. Doctor
    10. Freddy
    11. Wraith
    12. Plague (Pre nerfs I would say she was better than Spirit)
    13. Legion
    14. Leatherface
  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    I agree for the most part. Honestly I think people put too much faith into Spirit. Sure, she can end chases in a couple of seconds, but Hillbilly has the capacity to end them before they even begin.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @lunaticlifter I agree for console, on PC, Nurse is a meme in terms of skill. I came from XBOX to a PC with the major turning and FPS increase, I had Nurse nailed in 2 weeks. I've been maining Spirit since December 2018 I think and I'm still improving. She takes more skill on PC, but on Xbox or PS4 Nurse takes far more.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @almondbutter then you'd see how much better she is than Billy. You listed her cooldown after phasing as an issue which it isn't if you know how to maximise the effectiveness of your 5 seconds phase. I play her base too, and I do well. You don't even need to use the whole bar to get a hit. And the hit and phase tactic is ineffective.

    Seriously, if you've been playing her so much, you'd definitely understand her by now. I think you've got more time playing than me, considering I only get about 2 hours total gametime per week (now though, it's like 7 hours because I got extra time).

    Although, I got stomped as a SWF earlier which sucked. I got distracted by flashlights like a pleb and got wrecked. XD. That's the joy of Spirit though, if you mess up, you'll be punished and you'll easily lose, but if you're on top of everything, she can easily destroy a team. It's what makes her so fun.

    But saying her cooldown makes her weaker than Billy is a REAL Clown moment XD.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @almondbutter but against good survivors, who know what they're doing. He won't get a chance to instadown. Which makes Spirit>>>>>>>Billy.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Salty_Pearl I'd swap Spirit and Billy around around and that's basically my tierlist :D

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Advice for anyone learning Spirit, a survivor will always spawn on either side of you right when you spawn. If there's a wall to your right, go to your left, if there's a wall to your left, go to your right. I abuse this to get a ridiculously quick first chase with Spirits phasing.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,226

    This this this. Sleep and injure the first person you see, then move on to sleep/injure/chase others. I stopped chasing the first survivor I encounter in a trial and my kill count with Freddy skyrocketed. An injured and sleeping survivor is temporarily dead for all intents and purposes. Half of them self care in a corner.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    @Poweas ok

  • Kaalaxi
    Kaalaxi Member Posts: 177

    Personally I think Trapper, Hag, Freddy and Legion are underrated.

    Clown and Plague are pretty overrated, I actually find Clown to be bottom tier.

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Clown's driving point is shutting down loops. He's also really map-dependent, though. A clown's not going to be useful in a closed map like Lery's or an open map like Rotten Fields, so I can see that. Plague I haven't played nearly enough to get a general idea, but she seems really add-on dependent. Trapper really depends on luck and set-up, which takes time, but the right set-up has a small chance to dominate. Freddy's power seems to work against him half the time, I find. He's also really luck based, who's setup can be absolutely destroyed by one skill check. Hag is not underrated, she's top tier in mostly everyone's list now. I can see where you're coming from though.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @Poweas We agree with the top 4 killers but after that I’m not so sure. That tier list is pretty accurate except Pig should be WAY lower and Plague should be WAY higher. I believe Plague is better than Myers, not better than Huntress though.

    @Salty_Pearl Plague was never better than Spirit, even in her PTB. PTB Plague wasn’t powerful enough to even come close to Spirit, maybe Huntress though. Her nerf wasn’t enough for her to be placed as low as Legion and Leatherface either. The nerf wasn’t even that severe. Just because she is slightly slowed down doesn’t make her downgraded to low tier. She’s still faster than survivors while charging Vile and Corrupt Purge.

    I can’t deny that it looked fun in the PTB to walk even faster than 115% while holding Corrupt Putge.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Plague is not add-on dependent. I can consistently kill AT LEAST two survivors without add-ons. Her best add-on are the effectiveness ones which make the broken effect almost instant, but she does not depend on it to win.

    Many Plague players make the mistake of puking on survivors until broken (which can take a hot minute) instead of just a simple M1 attack when that is the best option.

    If anything she is more map dependent. She does good on the same maps as Huntress and does bad on the same maps as Huntress. Although it is a little more forgiving with Plague because you don’t need to be as precise.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    i agree she is basically T2 Myers that can be slightly worse T3 when they refuse to cleanse

  • Tohmo
    Tohmo Member Posts: 248

    Why are you guys so set on proving me wrong every post? Jesus Christ

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Nothing against you personally, just that people have varying opinions and it just so happens that you’re in the minority (nothing wrong with that though). Trust me...I’ve been BLASTED with “git gud” and “learn to play” when I have a different belief then everybody else.