New Legacy Reward (3 Year Event Idea)

rainydays Member Posts: 4
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Today i had a really nice idea.

Legacy is something veterans have. It represents the long grind. And in my opinions legacy at this form should never come back.

But its sad that the idea behind "legacy" is gone. Not many people played back then, and most people lost it because of savegame issues. It had a release date and a date to end. It was the "first year"

Now its the '3 Year Anniversary' and the devs said, that the bloodweb etc will be updated in the future, the reason is clear - new content, wich means almost impossible for a normal working person to enjoy the full content. Or level them up at least.

So here the Idea:

You have a prestige 3 lvl 50 Char, during the event time (1 month something) you can prestige the char (something like prestige 4) OR it resets the char completely. And you get all 3 "(legacy)" parts.

OR you have to level up AGAIN, to unlock the legacy parts instead from the bloody parts.

There needs to be a new achievement + in game mechanic, that shows: "well okay this person prestiged during the event", but the event is over but HE prestiged or resets himself, he can still get his parts even when the event is over" (hope you can understand that :D)

It represents the long grind you did OR if you unlock legacy parts again, and you see someone with a "legacy" head. That means, that person prestiged 6 times! + YOU CAN ONLY PRESTIGE ("NEW"/PRESTIGE 4) DURING THE EVENT! So it makes it really rare and hard to get.

What do you guys think? :)

Sorry for my bad english. No google translater used. :( #from germany


  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    I doubt the devs will give us any kind of "legacy 2.0". If they ever revamped the bloodweb and ease the grind I'd want them to somehow compensate players who played before that but I don't think it's gonna happen.

  • rainydays
    rainydays Member Posts: 4

    I mean when you read their post, they said "exlusives we dont know about" (video) AND it goes one month! + in the title stands "legacy" doesnt mean the legacy items, but it means something. ;P

  • tatterz
    tatterz Member Posts: 41

    If they ever did a legacy 2.0, it should be if you p3-50 MAX PERKS.

    Getting to P3-50 is the easy part, and maxing the perks takes even more bloodpoints than going from P0-1 to P3-50.

    Maxing all perks also means you were dedicated enough to get all the teachables and spend money getting all the DLCs. It's the only thing comparable to the old Legacy grind.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Bearing in mind my main is P3 max perks is bad enough.

    But I have over 100 yellow flashlights as well as 30 of every purple item so I don't want to lose everything I've saved up.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Legacy will never come back.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    No legacy.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    It'd be a nice reward for people that played this game that much.

    Remember the sparkles on the survivors during the Lunar event?

    What if survivors gained that sparkle as a legacy 2.0 reward and killers obtained something like the black smokey aura that appears around hooks?

    I have every killer at P3 50 and 6 of them max perks, Trapper, Huntress, Wraith, Hag, Spirit, and Freddy (Just in time for his rework!)

    If they changed the grind again to make it easier it'd be nice for players to get something for their effort into the game before the change.

    It'd be nice, but it probably won't happen.

    DRAGOON Member Posts: 126

    If there ever was a new legacy, I hope it will have nothing to do with if you prestiged a character or not. I have all survivors lvl 50 with all perks tier 3, about 13 of them are not prestiged at all because they have nicer outfits in the cosmetic shop. I did this because we were told over and over again that Legacy would not be coming back, if they changed their mind and made prestiging a pre-req for a new legacy skin, I'd be extremely upset.

    I hope its rather a devotion related thing where you'll have the option to have some sort of effect like the fireflies we had with the lunar event in different colors depending how high of a devotion you are. This way current legacy players could have double legacy outfits. But yea probably won't happen :)

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    You mean, something really exclusive like legacy? Yes

    Something like legacy, No

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    The killer one is good, but the sparkle just exposed you all the match..