What do you guys think about being able to unlock new characters for free ?

InsidiousCamper Member Posts: 2
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

In my opinion the grind takes ridiculously long. It took me over 70 hours to unlock a single character. To me it feels like it's designed to keep addicted non-paying players engaged while still getting money from players who buy dlc. I think previous buisness model in which players just received free characters without any grind and to unlock other characters you just had to pay reasonable amount of money and it wasn't possible to spend almost unlimited amount of money on cosmetics was much more consumer friendly than the current one. Anyway - as the title says i wanna hear you'r opinions. Sorry for my terrible english and formating. I rarely comment on the forums 😌


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    What? Only licensed characters have to be paid for.

    Between each chapter you defintely have enough time to save up 9/18K worth of shards to buy the characters (originals only).

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    I stopped buying cosmetics with shards when they announced that killers could be bought with shards.

    Cosmetics aren't worth nearly as much as a character so that's what I spent my shards on. I save for the months between releases and buy the killer rather than the dlc since I only play Killer.

    I currently have 22k shards from doing this. Enough to buy the next shard killer and splurge a little on the new hag cosmetic after I grind 5k more.

    New content such as chapters shouldn't be freely given. The grind is rough, but only if you spend shards on cosmetics, but it takes months and thousands of work hours to complete a new dlc.

    This shouldn't be completely free.

    Licensed dlc can never be free since the owner of the license probably gets a cut from the sales.

    The era of free chapters was over when BHVR hired more people to create more content and expand their company to include other game developments.

    They need revenue to be able to accomplish these goals.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the grind is supposed to be big, so you tend to buy them with money instead of farming for them.

    the devs need to live from something aswell, so the DLCs are obtainable with real money. its actually very nice from them to allow us to get the DLCs for free.

    other games do not have that option.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Actually consumer friendly does equate to sustainability. You've just confused something given for free with something given at no cost. Plenty of games give things away for free their entire run for years on end and still turn a profit.

    Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare has done that mode and sustained each of there game for years. The key is that you find ways to get your players things without passing the cost on to them as well. Brand sponsorships really worked well for PvZ in that regard. Other games have used there connections to other games or upcoming projects in house as a reason to free content for marketing purposes.

    There are plenty of ways of give your players things without passing on the cost to them, but it does require making those marketing deals with that being in mind. Bill for instance was a free survivor for pc players. Nurse was a free chapter as well as Huntress. You can't have free things like this all the time, but every now and then would be nice.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    The devs are way nicer than they should be with how much they offer from game time alone. The shards come so easy that I'm able to buy every chapter for free and lots of cosmetics here and there.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Gaining shards is the same difficulty for everyone in the game.

    The difference between players is the amount of time they can afford to play the game.

    The grind for shards is longer for those without as much spare time to play dbd since their playtime is limited.

    So I guess you meant to say that you have enough time to play dbd enough to earn that many shards.

  • RekShark179
    RekShark179 Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2019

    DBD has been out 3 years. It's now very much a discount game in both physical and digital. It's even been available free on PSN etc. The company needs to continue making money in order to pay for people to produce the new content. Without the income the content would end and interest in the game would decline (see F13). It's just business.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I think they are quite fair really. Sure, it takes time to unlock characters. That's fine. Use that time to master the characters you do have access to. In a way, they are doing you a favor. It gives you time to focus on leveling up and learning characters.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    "So I guess you meant to say that you have enough time to play dbd enough to earn that many shards."

    No, that's not what I'm saying.

    What I am saying is that the amount of shards people gain per hour compared to how much it costs for each purchase is extremely lenient.

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  • OGlilSPOOK20
    OGlilSPOOK20 Member Posts: 716

    You mean shards? Because we can buy characters with shards.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    This depends on how many hours/matches it takes to complete a devotion level in addition to how many levels are needed to make one purchase.

    It's not the same for everyone.

    If a match lasts 12 minutes on average not including spending bloodpoints, choosing perks, or waiting in lobbies a player can get 5 matches in an hour.

    As a personal example, the Hag Gold & Silk cosmetic set I'm saving for costs 21,600 iri shards in total.

    According to the iri shard chart on the dbd wiki it will take 217 matches to get to level 49 and gain a total of 9,920 iri shards. This would leave me with a remaining 11,680 iri shards to earn.

    Levels 50-100 award 300 shards each so I would need 39 levels to meet my goal of 21,600 shards.

    According to the chart it would take 362 matches to get from 50 - 100 meaning each level takes 7.24 matches to complete.

    39 x 7.24 = 282 matches to reach the goal from level 49 making the total matches around 499.36 matches to grind out the shards from 0 to 21,600.

    (499 x 12) / 60 = 99.8 hours or 4.16 days to grind a single rare cosmetic set. Or 33.27 hours for each of the 3 pieces in a set.

    This is in one sitting, not counting time outside of a match or away from the game.

    A person working a lower income job might make around $10 an hour which is roughly the same cost as the cosmetic in auric cells.

    I'd hardly call this "extremely lenient" if my math is right.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I'm much more referring to purchasing Chapters with shards, not cosmetics. The devs have to make their money somewhere. Chapters are very lenient. Also, you are picking the most expensive cosmetics you could. There are much cheaper ones available.

    Other than the top tier cosmetics it is in general, "extremely lenient".

    There will always be some extremely expensive ones because as I said, they need to make money somewhere.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    70 hours is roughly the time the devs planned for.

    They first stated it would be around 25-30 hours per character which you can achieve with the bonuses you get on shards if you do well in game.

    I have no issue with this as 70 hours played to get both in 3 months is easily doable.

    With am average of 90 days in 3 months that's less than 1 hour playtime a day or around 4/5 matches.

    I think it's perfectly reasonable as it is as it's also only $7 a chapter if you want bto pay and don't have the time which equates to just under $0.08 per day.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I mean I only just got spirit after having 200+ hours. Even though that could have been easily shortened by not buying stuff from the store, I really don't see need to complain cause atleast they are giving your an option to grind for it in the first place.