it is too hard for killer to get two pip

rank system is so unfriendly for killer now
i can get a 3.2kpoint perfect game with 4K and the gates weren't power up
and still cant reach the 2 pip
i mean what do you want me to do?
if a 3.2K game doent deserve 2pip.
what deserve it?
It's not all that hard, it was worse before the current update
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Yeah you basically require a long game with survivors doing nothing. And it ruins the killer achivements now and there is still no word on them fixing it.
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Lul. You need often brake gens.U have silver emblem gates.If u want 2 pips need 3 red and 1 gold emblems or 4 red emblems.When u will play rank 1-4 emblem system impossible that get 2 pips :D
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gen haven't done yet and i still only get silver emblem.
thats the problem.
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the funny part is, that the devs actually expect you to be able to do something for your gatekeeper emblem xD
in reality, there is not much you can do. if you wipe them out early, that means a good gatekeeper emblem, but also bad chaser / malicious emblem. if you have the round go for a longer periode of time, that will damage your gatekeeper emblem, therefore giving you better chaser and malicious emblems.
the only way to get a good gatekeeper AND chaser / malicious emblem would be to completely dominate in chases and also play with them, so you dont kill them too fast (e.g. slugging, therefore wasting another survivors time as they need to go and pick up their friend. combined with KO, this might work. during that time, there would only be 1 guy on a gen (1 downed, 1 rescuing, 1 in a chase, 1 on a gen. kill one early on and you can achieve this snowball effect.)
its really hard. billy CAN do this, but dont expect a lot...
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I disagree, especially at your rank. It's too easy to rank.
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And the fact it's asking you for 15 emblem points (max is 16) at R11 makes no sense.
What are the requirements for the purple and red ranks then? 16 and 17??
Don't kill people, depip or black pip.
Kill people too fast, depip or black pip.
Kill people without hooking them 3 times, depip or black pip.
Meh. Whatever
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The whole pip system is nonsense and absolutly meaningless.
If you play a perfect game (4 Kills and 5 Gens left) there is a 0% change you get 2 pip, i even blackpiped on that scenario.
You basicly have to play worse then that and play with your food to get rewarded with pips.
Same with Survivors: Looping the Killer for 5 Gens is the best you can do as a Survivor... yet you will rewarded with a minus pip in the end. And your teammates will get blackpip at best, since there was nothing else to do then doing 1,5 Generator per Person.
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it is too over
4K no pip
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yeah but you have to play to the emblems if you want to pip... The emblems are how BHVR would like you to play against the otherside.
So you didn't play their way properly... so no pip for you.
They give you the choice on how you want to play.. but don't play their way you don't rank up.
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and on the other side I desperately try to get out of the red ranks as a killer lol. Pipping on the killer side is good as it is, you would get bullied in red ranks anyway if you can't reach them now
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It's easy to double pip especially at that rank. Just 3 hook everyone and even if the last survivor gets the hatch you'll probably double pip.
There's no reason to try and double pip anyway. You'll get sweater survivors and load times are a lot worse.
The only problem I have with it at the minute is the trophies for merciless killers. Should just be get a 4K with a certain killer because at red ranks the gens go too quick without ruin.