Remove Leatherface's Tantrum Entirely Until His Rework

It literally only exists to glitch out and stun him for 6 seconds and discourages cutting corners to catch up to people, which is the entire point of picking LF over HB.
We don't need to wait for the LF rework to get this QoL change.
Agreed 1000000%. His power isnt good enough to justify a hindrance like this.
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Even if it were, you don't give him a penalty that actively inhibits the intended strength of his power. He is supposed to chase around walls in a way Hillbilly cannot, but if he tries he tantrums for cutting the corner close enough to catch up.
After LF is buffed I'd say add it to the end of his attack if he fails to hit a survivor or pallet, but until then it's unnecessary.
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To be fair I've made a successful hit on a survivor after weaving around a desk/corners then immediately towards the end of the swinging somehow hit a phantom corner on Lery's and went full tantrum for a bit, sometimes it doesn't even feel like I connected with the thing I supposedly ran into. Even if they reduced the time a bit at base without the addons it would be amazing.
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I too hate his tantrum, BUT I think instead of removing it, what about it becoming something more useful?
I don’t know exactly what that would be but maybe instead of him almost completely stopping when he does it, maybe he just stops for a second then when he tantrums he can continue moving at 110% movement speed while still swinging the saw about.
Again this is just a suggestion I don’t know EXACTLY how you would make it more useful but there must be a way.
Still though, as it is right now, screw his tantrum.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that with this little idea that’s I have he obviously cannot hit the wall and start the tantrum again while he is already in the middle of one. Alright thanks!
Post edited by IronWolf115 on8 -
Yes, something like this instead of straight up removing it.
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Yeah I just feel that it is something quite unique to him, plus it is faithful to the movies.
The problem right now is it is just a massive hinderance to him whereas it should compliment him instead.
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It's not faithful to the movies. Leatherface never tantrumed in ANY of the movies because his saw hits a wall (or more realistic to DBD, came within 3 feet of a wall OR within 5 feet of one of the about a dozen or so glitch zones).
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I don’t mean it is faithful in the exact sense that he hits a wall and tantrums, I mean it is faithful that he tantrums in the game as he does in the movie and that I feel that element of him should stay but be made MUCH better for LF players.
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Why not change his tantrum into something you can use to your advantage? Like let's say he still moves at 105% during his tantrum allowing you to increase the total distance of the chainsaw attack by hitting a wall just before the chainsaw attack would usually end.
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Its a wonderful reference to the movie, but I agree completely. Double the stun time than Billy, and LF needs all he can get at this point. I'd like to see it reincorporated in a more balanced way, as its an iconic scene. Maybe they speed it up so its 3 seconds just like Billy? Idk.
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What about this?
The chainsaw now has a durability meter and bumming into objects decreases this meter. During a chainsaw attack, bumping into objects will not cause you to go into a tantrum or stop the attack. However, once the durability of the chainsaw reaches zero, you will have to repair the chainsaw to use it again.
Exactly like the Clown regenerating his Afterpiece Tonic bottles, the player holds down a button and Leatherface repairs the chainsaw.
Then a few add-ons could increase the durability of the chainsaw and decrease the repair time.
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I liked the first two words together. Never been a fan of the general play style of 99% of Leatherfaces whether they face camp cause it's "what he does best" or "farming for face cosmetic." He's just not an enjoyable Killer to deal with.
Part of me wants to root for him/his fans to get buffs. Part of me honestly can't stand going against him and don't want him to be more viable. His tantrum seems pretty fitting for him, but it can be annoying on ghost objects for sure. And of course he can be looped. But it's also not fun being run over by him for a insta down that usually comes with sitting on the hook for the rest of your match experience.
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Leather Face's chainsaw shouldn't be interrupted by pallets. He should be the type of killer who you don't want to be close to.
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I'd keep it but buff his chainsaw in other ways. Like suggested in this thread, his chainsaw could saw through pallets and let him continue flailing that chainsaw around?
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Maybe the better idea is to keep the tantrum but only limit the tantrum to the stun time. Like how billy gets stunned when he hits an object, but instead of just being stunned LF still does his tantrum.
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I don't think the tantrum is the issue. It's hitboxes. I think what would help him more, if they reconsider the hitdetection for objects during his sprint especially on the sides. By my feeling it's oversensitive right now, or the killer's first person view makes it to difficult to judge/see things you can hit.
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I actually like the Tantrum, since when I notice someone going into my basement I can more often than not, get more people in.
Tantrums also help when people jump into lockers. They always misjudge when to jump out.
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I could see lowering the length of the tantrum, but not entirely removing it. It is a very iconic part of the character and should stay in the game.
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His tantrum is iconic...
If anything rework it...LF freaking out and waving his saw around is the most memorable part of the film
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Leatherface's tantrum is NOT iconic in its current iteration,...He only ever did the chainsaw dance because a survivor got away, not because he came within 5 feet of a wall (or occasionally thin air).
The point of the Tantrum is to punish LF for playing poorly, and thematically he only ever did it because someone got away. The solution is therefore to make Leatherface tantrum whenever he uses his chainsaw but fails to hit a survivor or a pallet instead of a wall.
The problem with wall tantrums is that he moves so slowly right now he'll never ctach up and he cannot cut corners closely enough to gain distance; furthermore, there are over 30 bugged locaitons that tantrums him for no valid reason.
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What exactly is "tantrum"? Neve heard this term before
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It’s the dance he does with the chainsaw if you hit a wall with it
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The tantrum fits the character well but his power is too weak. Buff his movement speed when he's charging the chainsaw and I'll be happy.
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It's important to the original character (movies) and makes him the only killer with true AoE damage
Use it strategically, for example when someone goes in a locker
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LF's tantrum is a double edged sword. it's main use is so people can't locker juke him like they locker juke HB. Why? Because jumping out of the locker will down them.
They just need to remove the slow down on his charge up. The slow down gives survivors enough distance to escape you unless you have add-ons. So it renders the run/speed boost of his power useless without add-ons. If they removed this, he could chase people around loops just fine.