BT Effect After the 4%

It'd be nice if you could get a brief Borrowed Time effect after unhooking yourself as a "buffer" to face camping killers. It is hard enough to unhook yourself, but when you do you will just immediately get smacked down by a killer abusing the game (yes it is a "valid" play-style, but it is not fun or fair)
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I hate the 4% already it's luck based you can have 4 people hooked they all 4% off and you end up having to start from square one when you technically should have already won. Keep the 4% but if they yeet off they don't get BT for something luck based.
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that's still a 96% chance (minus offerings/one time use perks) of not getting it and going stage two on hook no matter what though.
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Actually less than 96% because luck only goes so high, less than 50%
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If you agree that it is valid then you're also agreeing that it is fair. Something can't be both valid and unfair.
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agreeing it is "valid" because the devs have said camping is okay. hence my air quotes. But I am more than happy to have explained that further with this reply.
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It's 11,5% if you use all three attempts, not including luck offerings or perks. Regardless, this would still be a no.
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I feel like if you ran bt and unhook yourself then you should have bt active but it shouldn’t be baseline for when you get off yourself. It would be a nice buff for the perk
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Why should they buff an already very strong perk? lol
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Kobes are already amazing, they're fine as is
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Decisive Strike is the perk you'd want in that situation. We don't need two perks to do practically the same thing.
It's not like that kobe was earned. It's RNG.
If I hook the second to last survivor, then hook the last survivor before the previous one is dead, I shouldn't have to deal with both a random kobe and BT. I dealt with multiple second-to-last and last survivor kobes when going for the adept killer achievements. I wasn't camping the hook for those second-to-last survivors, but they kobe'd off so quickly that I was still within TR range of the hook when they did it, so I know BT would've proc'd if it were an option.
We'll Make It doesn't give the user a boost to self-healing; BT doesn't give a reward for self-unhooking. It's consistent. The perks are meant for altruism.
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> yes it is a "valid" play-style, but it is not fun or fair
Neither is a 12% chance of saying ZORK YOU and happily hopping away.
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Unhooking properties should not be survivor-sided lol.
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Unhooking yourself is not PRD, so thats not quite how it works.
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if the killer downs you at the hook, the killer will hook you before your ds even goes off.
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Besides, that "4%" mysteriously becomes a lot higher whenever the match is completely tilted against survivors, say in a situation where 2 - 3 guys are hooked and you down another one.
I've experienced a lot of self-unhooks in that situation and the match practically resets after that.
There's no need to hand survivors further chances.
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I don't know what you mean by PRD, but self-unhooks follow a binomial distribution.
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Trying a self unhook is awful for the team as it is now, if there was a BT minibuff more people would attempt it making it worse for survivors.
After all, a 90% of the times justs hurts you and your team and rewards the killer, an action so self destructive should be avoided in almost every scenario not encouraged.
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this is really for a 1-2 survivors left scenario; but that is a valid point
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Why are you attacking me, lol? Im just telling someone that won't always work.
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I am in no way attacking. I am simply replying to your comment.