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My Killer Tier List (Killer Main with 1k hours)



  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @almondbutter it's not that, we just don't agree with you overrating Billy.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    To be fair, a Survivor can only leave with Traps on their head if the Trap was put on after the Exit Gates were powered. If the Trap is actually active (maybe because they had one already on when the last Gen popped), then they cannot. That being said, I do think that gen rushing as fast as you can to neutralize as many of her Traps as possible is an issue for the Killer who's supposed to be able to slow the game down.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Spirit on #8? What kind of madness is this? :P

    No seriously, she is #2 or maybe #3 on some maps but definitly not below

  • Member Posts: 4

    How they have killed my main, my burned boi freedy :((((((((((

    But its rework time

  • Member Posts: 504

    Plague is high low-tier in my opinion. Competent Survivors will simply not cleanse, reducing her to a 115% M1 Killer. That said, she is pretty devastating once the Survivors do start to cleanse but that's pretty rare in the games I've seen (Rank 1 Survivor and Rank 5 Killer) but that could be said for any Killer.

  • Member Posts: 686

    Spirit 8th spot.

    You've got no idea what you're talking about buddy.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    This is my list.

    S Tier: High mobility, high pressure, and skill dependent.

    A Tier: "High mobility", decent pressure, not as skill dependent, but not brain dead

    B Tier: High pressure, decent mobility, Average skill cap

    C Tier: Average mobility, Average Pressure, Average Skill cap

    D Tier: Low pressure, Average mobility, low skill (Seriously, you're not thinking much here)

    F Tier: Decent Mobility, Questionable Pressure, average skill cap

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @ReikoMori everytime I see ur name, I think of Another XD.

    Billy and Hag have better pressure than Nurse and Spirit FYI also just as skilled. That's my opinion though.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Billy has to fight the map a bit more than Nurse and Spirit due even though he creates a ton of pressure through sheer mobility. He gets destroyed by these tiny tile flaws that make terrain fat shame killers. Hag needs her traps to actually work to have pressure and mobility. If you've got a smart survivor with a flashlight or an immersed survivor using Urban she's not going to get the same value out of her traps. As far as skill I ranked the upper tiers more around what was needed most versus whether I though the killer was hard to use. Nurse and Spirit need an incredible amount of spacial awareness to be accurate. The spirit also needs audio awareness which is hard to come by due to the game's sounds being garbage. That does pull the skill cap up a bit.

    BIlly doesn't need a lot of spacial awareness because he's fairly easy to control during his sprint once you get a few games in with him. Not saying you'll snipe survivors, but you can definitely get place to place fine enough map permitting.

    I also didn't put this, but I took into account how destroyed the killer gets on Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    @ReikoMori where is Plague "Vommy Mommy"?

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Huntress has "Average skill cap", I don't think were playing the same game. Spirit is not the same tier as Nurse and is the most overrated killer in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Plague didn't have a picture, but I'd put her in C Tier. Plague's power is designed to have spikes rather than be consistently strong. If survivors don't cleanse you never get those power spikes.

    You are entitled to your opinion, but I will explain my reasoning for what I said about her. Huntress' power is to throw hatchets. You can get really good at them and make some amazing crossmap snipes, but that isn't standard. It doesn't really take too much skill to learn how to aim once you know where the center of your screen is. If you have an nvidia graphics card you can even use geforce to give you an overlay with a sticker dead center of your screen. After practicing for a while you can turn the overlay off and still mentally understand where the center of your screen is and line up your shots which will most times be much closer and easier than a cross map snipe.

    Overtime you start to understand what you can and can't throw threw. After that she's a m1 killer so not much meat their.

  • Member Posts: 529
    edited May 2019

    When I first started using Freddy I would put one survivor to sleep and then just tunnel him and I would lose constantly. Freddy has taught me the importance of chase abandonment. And the good thing with Freddy is that you can abandon chases a lot easier than you can with other killers as long as you have multiple people to sleep . Let's say I put 3 people to sleep in the beginning because they were all near the same gen like they always are. I can hit one and then see he's running towards a looping jungle gym, so I can turn back around and see one of the other survivors running towards a gen so I abandon that chase and head towards him. Doing this constantly will put yourself all over the map and create a lot of pressure. The more you play with Freddy the better you will get at juggling survivors and knowing when to go for a kill and when to abandon. You don't have to get caught in a loop with Freddy, you can be all over the place.

    I just hope the rework doesn't destroy the way I play with him now. I've spent so much time learning to play with him that I have difficulty ranking up with any other killer.

    Edit: Nurse's calling is a must have perk with Freddy. Since survivors can wake themselves with self heal, Nurse's calling will greatly help counter this by making them easy to find again so you an put them right back to sleep.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    I would say expect a lot of changes to Freddy as right now he's not able to universally play the game with how his power is designed. He's got a strong gimmick, but no way to play the game without his power.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Agreed on the fact that Huntress has a large skill cap. She has the highest learning curve in the game besides The Nurse. She takes a lot of practice to learn to play her really well.

    Spirit had been screwed over by patches with sound bugs and her Father’s Glasses add-on not working, but she isn’t overrated. That would be like saying Nurse is an overrated killer. Spirit is just THAT good that she can easily win. I’m not gonna go into detail but she isn’t overrated. All the praise she gets is for a reason.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    She is overrated. All I see from people who claim Spirit is top tier are Spirit games against predictable survivors who don't know how to counter a killer that can't see them. Is it so hard to make fake stratch marks or juke her? Not really. Plus I run spine chill and iron will so I laugh when I get spirit as survivor. You can't compare Spirit to the Nurse, she's in her own godhood that the other killers can only dream of becoming. Also Spirits sounds are stupid and Annoying.


  • Member Posts: 2,919
    edited May 2019

    Even with Spine Chill and Iron Will, Spirit cam track with scratch marks and footsteps. It isn’t impossible. I personally breath a sign of relief when I get a Huntress on any map that isn’t MacMillan and Autohaven because every other map SUCKS for her. If you think Spirit is easy to go against then you’re wrong.

    Spirit is the #2 killer after Nurse, doesn’t equal overrated.

    By the way, even if Spirit’s sounds are annoying (which they are) you can’t be saying that when the bunny in your profile picture sounds like a man every time she throws a hatchet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Honestly, the rework has me worried as well especially with the ghost's perk giving him the potential to never lose a chase as well as providing him god tier mind game potential as he currently sits

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @MegMain98 XD. I play Huntress too and all but that manly comment is funny af.

  • Member Posts: 911

    spirit is the second strongest killer in the game, in that she breaks the game similarly to how nurse does but is far less mobile and effective, even though she arguably has less counterplay than nurse does aside from running specifically anti-spirit perks like iron will. neither killer is hard to play either, since nurse only requires practice at blinking and you can forego learning anything else about the game, and spirit pretty much just does it all for you as long as you have a good set of headphones

  • Member Posts: 250

    I'd understand the opinion of Spirit being #2, but really? Not hard to play? There's so much more to both killers than just mechanical skill. You have to learn map pressure, mind games, how to be effective at loops, countering counterplay, etc.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Depends on how willing you are to learn the killer. I just can’t play Nurse because she’s not my playstyle and I play on console. It’s kinda hard to play Nurse. Some people might think she is easy to play.

    I’ve personally played Spirit since she was released. It didn’t take me too long to learn her playstyles. She’s really good due to the fact it really doesn’t matter what map you get with her, she’s viable on any map similar to Nurse.

    It takes time to learn killer in general but some killers are just easier for some player to learn. Some might learn Spirit quicker than others.

  • Member Posts: 911

    you don't have to learn mindgames. mindgaming involves predicting a survivor's decision making based on what you think they will do. spirit doesn't need to predict anything; she can see scratch marks, she can hear survivors without iron will, she can see grass moving, and she can even bump into a survivor by accident. spirit gets so many tells while using her power, and on top of this, standing still and simply watching the survivor while pretending to use your power makes playing loops very easy

    if anyone is doing any mindgaming during an interaction with a spirit it's the survivor, since they get no tells for where you're going while phasing or even whether you're phasing at all, and have to predict what you're doing and where you're going based on how you play. they get no mid-chase cues aside from listening for your footsteps, which is only really possible on certain maps and can only be heard when she's right next to you. spirit is only as difficult as the quality of your headphones

  • Member Posts: 1,398
    edited June 2019

    Huntress sounds aren't annoying and actual make sense. Anna is huge for woman so her having a lower pitch makes sense. Spirit on the other hand sounds just like Waluigi and takes away from her Asian horror. From my experience spirit is easy to counter (yes this include fully decked red rank Spirits) No need to have a fit because I said Spirit is overrated. Overrated doesn't mean crap, understand?

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Spirit is based on an Onryō, a vengeful Japanese ghost. Her facial expression, movements, and phasing make sense and BHVR did so amazing on her entire chapter. It’s one of their best. If the only thing you can come up with is saying that the sounds she makes is annoying and sound like Walugi and fail the see that they did outstanding on her entire appearance then it is your loss.

    If you think you can counter a Spirit then that is false. There is no countering a good Spirit. Even with Iron Will and Spine Chill. You just need good headphones and to use your ears and you’ll always catch survivors. There are many more counters to Huntress than Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I know what Spirit is, as I'm a big fan Ju-on and other Asian horror (Ringu, the eye, etc). You don't need to pretend to be smart and tell me facts I already know. I've countered many good P3 Spirit at red ranks by just using spine chill and not producing stratch marks. Wow what a concept, so hard right...😒

    Also she gets screwed by sound bugs every patch. "tOp TiEr"

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    You’re such a huge fan yet you failed to realize how great they did on her concept. Who really cares what sounds she makes when she is easily the #2 killer, they did great on her lore, and her aesthetic and appearance is amazing.

    You countered a Spirit. Good for you. I have countered every single killer in the game, but if they are actually a really good killer then there is no countering them. I’m not gonna sit here and say that I’m an amazing survivor because I countered a baby Nurse or I was looping a Leatherface on a map like a Asylum or Strode house. Just because you’re P3 doesn’t mean that you’re good.

    If you really think that you’re going to counter a Spirit that has good headphones and uses movement to their advantage then you are sadly mistaken. Yet you sit here with Huntress as your profile picture as if she’s not totally destroyed on every single map that isn’t MacMillan and Autohaven. Every killer has a counter but the counters for Spirit is very limited and there is barely any if she’s really good.

    By the way I don’t have to pretend to sound smart when you’re doing all the work for me.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    And all that great visual design and lore is ruined by the goofy, annoying WWWWAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

    "Muh you face bad Spirits" is the same tired argument that every Spirit main comes up with when anyone makes any criticism of Spirits viability. From my "experience" Spirit is easy to counter because of the build I run and I know counters to Spirit (which I have already said). Yes I know the problems Huntress has because I main her and Hag (hence my name cursed hatchet). Which is why Spirit is above Huntress on my tier list, for now. If maps are fixed then she will be right above Spirit. Just because I say Spirit isn't top tier doesn't mean I say she's crap. Do you understand? Yes or no answer.

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    That’s your own opinion. I personally don’t have a problem with Spirit’s sounds as you don’t hear them while playing her.

    Every killer has a counter, you can counter Nurse and Billy as well but does that make them any less viable? Just because you have a counter for a killer doesn’t mean you won’t still get sacrificed. They can counter your counter and you’ll be dead. All it takes is one mistake. I run Iron Will and Calm Spirit on my Claudette but I’ve still died multiple times to Spirit and Doctor.

    Huntress will never be above Spirit due to the fact that Huntress is extremely slow with no map pressure and breaking LOS counters her. Both have high chase potential but I don’t see an argument for Huntress ever being above Spirit even if maps were reworked

  • Member Posts: 1,470
    1. Nurse
    2. Spirit
    3. HillyBilly
    4. Hag
    5. Huntress
    6. Clown
    7. Myers
    8. Trapper
    9. Pig
    10. Legion
    11. Doctor
    12. Plague
    13. Wraith
    14. Leatherface
    15. Freddy

    Legion isn’t as bad as people say. He’s definitely the best at slowing the game down currently.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I still find it easier to counter Spirit than Billy or Nurse. Actually a good Huntress can snipe survivors and gain map pressure from it. Yes counterplay is healthy for game but I can also counter your counter with my counter. *COUNTERS INTENSIFY*

  • Member Posts: 407

    Plague: Am i a joke to you?

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