The ragequit experiment

bkn Member Posts: 228
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

What did I do?

My plan was playing 100 Games with the Nurse and finding out how many people ragequit. I stopped after game 58 that I played today. It´s a waste of time. I have already proofen EVERYTHING I want to proof. 

I played a game and if at least 1 survivor ragequited I took a screenshot of the end screen (to back me up, to proof i actually played the game). No ragequit means no screenshot but still data.

What data did I collect?

Only "real" ragequits. I didn´t count other things like suicide on the hooks which could be considered as ragequits as well in certain situations.

Why did I do this experiment?

1. I suffer a lot of rq, so I wanted to have some numbers for myself.

2. For everyone to see whats going on.

3. For people that still claim there are not alot of rq´s happening.

4. Devs don´t provide numbers like these. They give you useless numbers like escape rates and so on (guess what, when 2 people RQ the rest probably dies and doesn´t escape.)

What I am basically saying is, all the numbers we are provided with are... 

4.1 Useless... They have no real value.

4.2 Don´t touch the core problems.

What was the frame of this experiment?

1. The most important and needed frame was that no game starts with less than 4 people. That means there are no more excuses to leave early. 

2. Me playing Nurse, 100 times (LOL, I just gave up on that) in the row with the best possible loudout that I was feeling could be the best to play succesful.

Why Nurse only?

People are not ragequitting when they loop a Trapper all game. They Ragequit when they are under pressure, losing or think everything is unfair.

I could play a low tier killer and do this experiment. But it would take me way longer and it would make things impossible hard to get value out of this kind of data. The Nurse is the only char that is consistent.

For all the people that claim they all ragequit happen because it is the Nurse. NO THEY DON´T! They are ragequitting because they are losing... You can do that with any other char. Insta down with a Trapper or Nurse... There is no difference in the final DC. But with another killer its less likely to do that.

That is what I am here for.

I am a really experienced Nurse main that has the potential to play extremely consistent... I could say that if I ######### up everybody else would have ######### up as well.

But it is not about me winning or losing... 

It is all about ragequitting itself and not the circumstances!

People ragequit for every reason they can find. To deny points, to give hatch... whatever. But nobody can tell me that all these people have bad internet connection.

Final words

In all these games I was following the rules of the game. There was never a reason to ragequit.

With that said, lets go into the numbers. I listed number of survivors that ragequit, the % (simply because its easier to fly trough the numbers that way) and the number of the screenshot I took so you can find it. 

I do so that nobody claims I am faking my numbers or something. That I played these games in a row is something you can follow on my overall progress of my profile. It matches exactly with the games I played.


Game number/Survivor dc/dc%/screenshot number

Game 1 / 2 / 50% / 1

Game 2 / 2 / 50% / 2

Game 3 / 3 / 50% / 3

Game 4 / 1 / 25% / 4

Game 5 / 2 / 50% / 5

Game 6 / 0 / 0% 

Game 7 / 0 / 0% 

Game 8 / 0 / 0% 

Game 9 / 2 / 50% / 6

Game 10 / 1 / 25% / 7

13 DC

Game 11 / 0 / 0% 

Game 12 / 3 / 75% / 8

Game 13 / 0 / 0%

Game 14 / 2 / 50% / 9

Game 15 / 0 / 0%

Game 16 / 1 / 25% / 10

Game 17 / 0 / 0%

Game 18 / 1 / 25% / 11

Game 19 / 1 / 25% / 12

Game 20 / 1 / 25% / 13

9 DC

Game 21 / 0 / 0%

Game 22 / 0 / 0%

Game 23 / 1 / 25% / 14

Game 24 / 0 / 0%

Game 25 / 0 / 0%

Game 26 / 2 / 50% / 15

Game 27 / 2 / 50%/ 16

Game 28 / 2 / 50% / 17

Game 29 / 0 / 0%

Game 30 / 0/ 0%

7 DC

Game 31 / 2 / 50% / 18

Game 32 / 1 / 25% / 19

Game 33 / 0 / 0%

Game 34 / 2 / 50% / 20

Game 35 / 1 / 25% / 21

Game 36 / 1 / 25% / 22

Game 37 / 3 / 75% / 23

Game 38 / 0 / 0%

Game 39 / 4 / 100% / 24

Game 40 / 0 / 0%

14 DC

Game 41 / 4 /100% / 25

Game 42 / 2 / 50% / 27

Game 43 / 0 / 0% 

Game 44 / 4 / 100% / 28

Game 45 / 4 / 100% / 29

Game 46 / 2 / 50% / 30

Game 47 / 0 / 0% 

Game 48 / 1 / 25% / 31

Game 49 / 1 / 25% / 32

Game 50 / 0 / 0%  

18 DC

Game 51 / 1 / 25% / 33

Game 52 / 2 / 50% / 34

Game 53 / 0 / 0% /

Game 54 / 4 / 100% / 35

Game 55 / 3 / 75% / 36

Game 56 / 2 / 50% / 37

Game 57 / 2 / 50% / 38

Game 58 / 3 /75% / 39

17 DC


  • 78 DC in 58 games
  • 1.34 DC per game
  • 20 games without DC

These numbers would be way higher if I would continue playing... You see the increase of DC in the red ranks already. Trust me, I played hundreds of games before that experiment... If i go on I would easily reach almost 2.0 DC per game, even without restarting the experiment.

I have nothing to add here.


  • BillSimmons
    BillSimmons Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 74

    I think it's too easy to skew the data to the result you're trying to prove in this experiment.

    • By playing killer you directly affect the outcome of the experiment. Whether it be facecamping hooks, slugging everyone, camping hatch with NOED, spamming moris, etc. the "toxic" killer behaviour can and probably will bring you those high ragequit results.
    • You didn't follow through with the full experiment (out of the 58 games you played 20 were without dcs) I wonder how many more would of been without a dc.
    • You counted each dc in a match to calculate the average dcs per game. By doing this your average was inflated. If I counted correctly 38 out of the 58 games played had at least 1 dc making around 65% of the games played had a dc(s) I think that would be a better number to use

    I did a similar experiment, but instead played survivor only to avoid skewing the data with my killer performance

    Out of the 100 games, 27 games had at least one dc.

    I do believe that your data is true, but it's not a fair example to prove your point.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    "You see the increase of DC in the red ranks already." <- This +

    "Nurse only" <- This =


    Sad you also didn't collect the data on how many survivors you killed.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I've had survivors rage quit with every killer. I see more against Billy than Nurse. It is sometimes down to how you play than who you are playing as. Depending on the experience level of the survivor, Wraith, Freddy, and Trapper can see plenty of DCs.

    Survivors will even rage quit if they believe their teammates are bad.

    DCs happen because survivors think it hurts the killer. What it does though, is hurt the teammates that remain.