Sorry not sorry.

I'm killer rank 3 and am fed up of playing at this level. Too many SWF tryhards that know every loop, talk on mics and expose all your perks, positions etc, can repair all the gens in minutes without worrying about ruin, drop pallets on you like no tomorrow and body block you when you're trying to chase a survivor.

I'm joining games and deliberately leaving immediately to reduce my rank because it just isn't fun and is more frustrating than entertaining which is not why I play games.

It'll be a real shame if I get banned because i've invested a lot of time and money into this game (all killers & 2 survivors) but I have no alternative (get gud is not a legitimate alternative - i'm level 92 devotion 1 and have the PS4 Platinum trophy) and I plan to buy Ghostface and the battle pass when they're released.

I would much rather play casual games then ranked matches as I have unlocked all the killer perks. Will this ever be an option? @Peanits @not_Queen @Patricia


  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    I'm also now getting in the habit of dodging lobbies as soon as SWF players join. I know this sucks and is bad practice but it's just not fun for me and I don't see the point in playing when I know how the game will end.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    This is my reaction:

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Ah, you spent money on this game? Yeah, so you can totally DC. Spending money on a game gives you the ability to avoid any punishment.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    You don't have a clue. SWF is OP and there is no denying it. The only excuse for defending it is to be stubborn or for sake of argument. My killer rank is my reason for being good, hence why i'm red ranks. My devotion demonstrates the time I invested into the game. My point in this post is regarding a casual game mode instead of ranked so before trying to jump down my throat read the post next time and understand I wasn't asking for your opinion. People on this forum just love an excuse to argue, it's honestly boring.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    I spent money on this game because I enjoyed playing it. Now I don't enjoy playing it because the game is unbalanced due to SWF at high ranks, so yeah until they provide a casual game mode I feel I can DC as there is no alternative. Feel free to disagree but this is my opinion and at the end of the day i'm a valuable customer.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Agree with the sentiment, not with the practice. DCing just screws the other players more often than not. They lose offerings, items and add one, even depip. I recommend just going AFK for a few games a day personally, but in the end it's your game.

    Though this is why I keep myself in the 15-20 range. I want to have fun as a Killer, and those ranks are the only place I can do that

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    I agree with you and play the same way, my mentality isn't to get 4 kills but it's not BPs either as i've unlocked all killer perks. I just hate being trolled, looped and gen rushed even with ruin. I play the chase game and let survivors rescue each other off hooks which is resulting in me getting 1 or 2 kills and brutal killer so my rank doesn't improve or decrease. The most frustrating thing is being gen rushed and have 2 gens left when you've only hooked 1 survivor.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    Nope, you cannot DC.

    You can not play the game, this is fine. And far better for 4 other players than a Killer who DCs every game until he is at a Rank where he gets the easier Survivors.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    Well i'm going to until i'm either banned or they introduce a casual game mode.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    Not a bad suggestion, it will give me a chance to try some silly perk builds. My favourite thing to do when i'm not playing serious is use Insidious and camp in the basement once i've hooked a survivor. Haven't done that in ages but I think it's time!

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    I'm really interested in trying these builds. Can you recommend anymore?

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    Right, let's turn this post into meme build suggestions as this seems to be a fairer way for everyone to derank... what's the funniest/silliest builds you can think of for a killer?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    @BoredByDaylight M1 Billy, Taxi trapper(Only down survivors with Mad grit besides the first survivor you need to carry to down them), Bamboozle nurse (No blink, all chase)

  • Gengarism
    Gengarism Member Posts: 24

    Devotion 1... Yeah you clearly aren't that experienced yet. While SWF is a *bit* of a problem, you really do need to "get good" as they say.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I've been doing the same for the past few days. Like, I just don't want to play in that kind of stress right now. It's fine every now and then when I'm in a place I can deal with it mentally, but I'd like to have fun for a while. Getting rushed then and ######### talked as I make my way to upgrade button isn't the sort of mood I'm in these days.

  • MysticalMagic92
    MysticalMagic92 Member Posts: 123


    Do you even read what you're typing out? You think that you're entitled to something when you really aren't. You're playing at high ranks. You're going to face good survivors. That's literally what high ranks are for! You say you don't play to pip, but how do you get to such a high rank then? I don't want to sound mean, but you're ruining the game for other players just because you're not enjoying the game. SWF or not. There is no excuse to being a jerk, if you're playing at high ranks, expect SWF. Or, you could actually just not play until rank reset and stay at green ranks, instead of reaching red and disconnecting from every other game. Playing against good survivors is part of the game, it's part of the challenge. Simply because you don't want to put in effort to get better does not give you an excuse to DC.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113


    Do you read what you type? 'How do you get to such a high rank' - because i'm good throughout all ranks, except red, and in red tier I just get brutal killer all the time. I'm constantly stuck between ranks 3 - 5 unless I play as Billy in which case I can get to rank 1 but i'm bored of playing him all the time.

  • BoredByDaylight
    BoredByDaylight Member Posts: 113

    Glad you feel my pain, I completely agree with you.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    well im a survivor main and honestly play better solo than swf because then i can focus more

  • SolidusPrime
    SolidusPrime Member Posts: 39

    Don't feel bad, lots of us dodge SWFs as a rule. Once you start doing that and get back down to the mid ranks the game becomes 10x more enjoyable.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478

    I dont agree with deranking. All your saying is you dont feel like a God dbd player unless you 4k every match with ease. Just play and get better at the rank you are at. I guess everyone dont have the same view but it would be cool if they did. There is ######### up ######### on both sides also. I got mori spammed for 5 minutes last night. Is that a reportable action?

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