Why are devs ignoring this annoying issue?

Blendette. We all know it, we all have it. It's not only busted to verse as killer but also annoying to have blendettes at teammates (cuz u are the only glowing survivor and so much easier to spot that tunneling isn't even intentional by the killer).
I remember that Devs said they want to fix it but that's soooo long ago, several months. Actually since release with prestige, but with cosmetic store there are more busted cosmetics.
@Peanits what's the issue? Why does it take so long? Why are we waiting for such a little fix so long like we did with coldwind farm walls?
Nvidia Freestyle ftw
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She has been an issue for a very, very long time. Her built in camo is worth at least a perk slot or 2 in value.
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I can still see her.
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When did they say they wanted to "fix" Claudette?
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To long ago to call u the date
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I still remember when the Left 4 Dead T-Shirt first came out and Claudette was legit invisible, even more so with new moon offering before they retired them.
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Reshade. Adjust so Blendette pops out. Problem solved.
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Yes exactly, THAT'S THE SPIRIT!
Using 3rd party tools to give you a visual advantage in a game where stealth is important. You should just get banned for using such a tool.
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I can see Claudettes without any problem.
And I am pretty sure that many people will also see those Claudettes that are hugging a Wall or Rock and think that they are invisible.
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Claudette has 1 thing that makes her visible
Her hair
Her hair seemingly is so dark that it stands out in the dark, so you can see them through the fog, I have done this tons of times
Another way of finding a claudette is if you are close to a p3 one, the skin actually will lighten up
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I main claudette as a survivor and I know this is an issue. I don't play her with the p3 skin but when I'm killer I can barely see her if she is hiding somewhere.
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Only really in the distance with high contrast background. Other than that it's just blending.