Ghostface too OP

Hello, i think Ghostface need fast nerf, bacuse his power is too OP. His ability to "stab, stab" survivor after crouch is OP and he needs BIG nerfs. I have hope they gonna nerf him. If they dont nerf him, this killer gonna be better than NURSE. PLEASE NERF HIM.
Lemme fix this
All fixed!
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Nice joke. LMAO
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Im serious, his power is too OP
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Just turn around and don't let him get too close when he crouches
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You are very stupid! He need nerfs.
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Grow thicker skin.
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I think the killer in chapter 13, which we have no information on, is likely going to be extremely OP so I'm being proactive and demanding a hard nerf from the devs.
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Lmao so nerf a killer that hasn't even hit PTB yet? This has to be bait , surely no one is dumb enough to think the leak was 100% finished product right? And even if by some chance that is how he works he can still be looped it's just going to be a killer you want to evade and not sit in front of antagonizing with his ability to expose you , probably one that you want to break LOS with to end a chase rather than get insta downed
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Nerfs will come in time... all in good time. Simma' down now.
But first...
Lemme' take a selfie. 🔪📱🤳💀
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Who remember freedy he was op to and how he end? Next plague was op but no after ptb etc.
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@brokedownpalace Nah. Chapter 13 will be really weak. Chapter 14 is the one that's gonna need serious nerfing though.
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Come on guys! Ghostface is the equivalent of of 5 blink nurse and insta saw billy had a baby!
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Oh damn when you put it that way I gotta agree! #nerf14
That would be one ugly, homicidal baby :(
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I'm OP please nerf me
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How can people down vote this? Its a joke lmao
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If your serious about this, you need help. But if your talking about the footage that showed how ghostface can quickly stab twice, which basically one shots a survivor, after crouching, its definitely a bug most likely