Toxic survivors is what keeps me from playing the killer

drunky26 Member Posts: 686

I imagine this is the case for a lot more people, not just me.

No one likes being bullied by a 12 yr old keyboard warrior.

I'd play the killer a lot more if it wasn't for all the toxicity. You know, teabag, flashlight clicking while using every crutch perk imaginable, the usual stuff.

Then taunting you at the exit gates as if they're saying "haha you can't kill me" and then they throw few insults in the end chat. Sure I could disable the chat but why ? There are a lot more nice people out there and I don't wanna disable it just for those scummy players.

I love playing the killer but whenever I'm about to start a match I'm like, oh god I don't wanna go through that again. I've reached rank 1 on both sides, I prestiged, I got all the perks I want, I have no goal in this game anymore except just try and have fun. Which I can't due to these people.

Sure you can say "it's just a game why take it so seriously"

people that say this don't understand, it's basically bullying, taunting, they're calling you out, they're rubbing it in your face.

For all those toxic survivors: Why do you do this?

I know this is like 100th thread on this, but i just want answers.

I imagine you gotta be a real douche to do this to someone.


  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713

    I answered this question in my native language. I will answer in English, as far as I can ^^.

    Why, Mr. Toxic? Why, why, why? Why do you do it? Why? Why tbagging? Why keep palletlooping? Do you believe in something of trolling or are you just afraid to die? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it genrush or bloodpoints?! Perhaps Lunar Vessels?! Could it be for altruism?! Illusions, Mr. Toxic, vagaries of perception! Temporary constructs of a feeble survivors intellect trying desperately to justify an toxity that is without meaning or purpose! And all of them as artificial as the Fog itself, although only a survivor mind could invent something as insipid as altruism! You must be able to see it, Mr. Toxic! You must know it by now! You can't escape in gates! It's pointless to keep looping! Why, Mr. Toxic?! Why?! WHY DO YOU PERSIST?!

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    The easiest way to get rid of the toxic keyboard warriors at post chat is to act like you don't care it makes them extremely angry trust me.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019


    You are the only reason you can't have fun.

    You are your own downfall in making it unfun.

    They aren't the ones who decide if you have fun or not.


    I don't know.. I stopped giving a crap in this game in terms of "succeeding".

    I get into a match... If I feel like they already are hammering out a "win" on me, I usually just decide to run around the map looking for something to do. Try out different ideas on chasing the survivors.. experiment a bit....

    You'd be surprised how you can lure a survivor in without doing anything. Several times I've wiped out a team just by playing in a "off" way.

    -- Example... I got one of my best EGCs completed the other day with Huntress.

    4 survivors.. I think it was only a 3 man SWF.. 3 had OoO and where watching me right off the start... I went up on a hill and just started throwing axes down a long stretch of the map... After awhile the survivors must have thought I was working on a daily and started letting me hit them way far back... 2 down... 2 injured.... I then moved into start hooking them... I was laughing my head off the whole time as they were caught off guard and started offing themselves on the hooks. Little claudie.. didn't know what I had in store for her as the last one.


    Just have some fun... Be toxic yourself...

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    This again. Ok, not a single thing you complained about is actually toxic. They are only toxic because you let them be toxic. You let tbaggers and flashlights get to you. You let loopers get to you. You get worked up over something as simple as a game mechanic.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906

    I don't think if even one toxic player came forward and told you why they were toxic it would make you feel any better about playing killer.

    Why does any bully do what he does? The sense of power, even in a game that at the end of the day is meaningless beyond the fact that its meant to be enjoyable. Even simple games like monopoly bring out the worse in people. The anonymity of the internet makes people who wouldn't bust a grape in real life feel brave enough to be total a holes, online. Such is the nature of PVP. You encounter toxicity on both sides, but certainly more in SWF because bullies like to have an audience.

    Since you can't change the way people act, you'll have to change the way you react to it. When you get all bent out of shape-not an easy thing to manage, I know--you are giving the toxic players exactly what they want. Nothing is worse to toxic players than being ignored. Good game or bad game as both killer or survivor I've learned to gg and move on. Toxic players are prepared for your outrage. They don't know what to do with your indifference.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    As someone who grew up playing halo and call of duty on the xbox 360 I will never understand how people let some rando on the internet saying mean things about them affect them so deeply. Its not even in voice, its just typed words, sticks and stones. Actual children who get verbal abuse 10x worse than typed chat on call of duty care less about toxic behavior than you do and don't let it stop them from doing what they want to do.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Learn Nurse like I did, that way you can nuke them during the next encounter.


    Just leave when the match is over. You shouldn't let the toxicity get to you because all the rational players know this game is survivor-sided.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    There are toxic surviviors but there are many who want the game to be better as well. (I was the noob baby legion).

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    "Tea-baggers get hooked. We always see to that"

  • DoubleTap
    DoubleTap Member Posts: 218

    @shalo It is SO NICE when you get nice comments post match. I wish it happened more often:

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Since you obviously play a lot of Survivor ("keeps me from playing the killer" ergo you play survivor instead) I'm curious, how do you feel about Killers doing all manner of "toxic" activity like

    • Slashing/pounding/chainsawing survivors on the hook
    • Throwing people into the corner of the basement
    • Standing over and stepping all over a downed survivor's body while lookig up and down
    • Using the usual crutch perks
    • etc.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    Iv'e always wondered why people here get so riled up over this.

    They call the glorified squats survivors do here as teabagging. That's not even real teabagging. Real teabagging happens when you gun the guy down, then as his point of view is on the ground looking up with his dead eyes you squat over his corpse and rub your balls all over his face. The effect is much more impressive in a real teabagging and not in this joke that is cute squats we see in DBD.

    And we had no problems with it back in the 90s.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    I love these, I got one when playing old legion and playing properly (no cheese or multistabs and spreading damage) and a min thanked me for the match saying it was fun and thanking me for giving her a chance. These people are amazing, we need so much more positivity post match, this is why I take the time to compliment really good killers on good plays post match and gg and compliment survivors that escape me by playing well. some of them (on both sides) are amazing and deserve props for it.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    dEVS not like killers :D

  • fischyhb
    fischyhb Member Posts: 23

    When I first started playing killer I would get frustrated with this type of behavior, but it never really bothered me because its just a game. All it made me do is practice more. Now I actually look forward to these toxic groups and enjoy playing against them more than 4 people who are just playing to survive. Altruism and recovering their dropped items (Franklins) are the biggest killers in this game. Post game comments just bring a smile to my face if they are negative because that means I made them mad. And if they do run me and all survive (not as common anymore as when I started) I just reply WIN SOME LOSE SOME gg, if they try and taunt me.

  • citron
    citron Member Posts: 78
    edited May 2019

    Not much can be done about in game teabagging etc but if you do well and don't want to give them the satisfaction of moaning in chat at the end the best thing I have found is to immediately leave after the match has ended, you will then get a friend request from the most toxic of survivors, block them. I get around 5-10 "friend" requests post match each day now.