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General Discussions

Do you find playing on console hard?

Member Posts: 686
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

You know, with a controller.

I'm a pc gaymer all my life, I've never owned a console thus never actually needed a controller. Just recently I got one to play rocket league and it got me thinking, in a game like dbd where your movement really matters especially when looping and juking, is it hard to play as survivor or hit hatchets as a huntress or generally is it hard to control your character? It would be a nightmare for me so I want answers from people that already play on consoles.

Weird question.

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  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Well I've never played dbd on PC so it's hard to compare. From what I've seen of PC players though, they can move much easier and more precisely then console. So I'd say yes it's probably harder.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    On PS4 I don’t have much trouble but I play a dbd copy on Roblox and I could barely look behind me!(it had the same controls as pc dbd) I find pc really hard to play with.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Since I own both PC and xbox it really depends as a survivor it can be easier to juke killers because of the sensitivity differences aswell as frame rate drops but those are very minor things and console players adapted so it isn't noticeable at all.

  • Member Posts: 7,161

    Not at all.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Biggest issue on console for me is that Nurse and Huntress are much harder to play than on PC, which is a problem considering that they are 2 of the best killers on PC.

  • Member Posts: 625

    I find trying to solo queue as survivor hard.

    Gameplay and mechanics come natural to PS4 players like myself.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Absolutely. Controllers sensitivity doesnt go high enough. 360's are stupidly annoying on console. Survivors can turn char. Model faster than killer can rotate camera.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Yes, because obviously a controller doesn’t have anywhere near the precision as mouse and keyboard does, and right now the console version has a cap on how high your sensitivity can go, so it is really hard to do a quick snap around hit after, say, a Nurse blink. Beyond that though I don’t have too many problems with console.

  • Member Posts: 625

    Framerate too.

    My God, framerate drops to 10fps with Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Its much easier to be juked as killer and lose the survivors since you cant just snap around like on PC.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Playing survivors is no problem. fine.

    But the killer is suffering.

    That's why console survivors can't find the game.

    Devs should increase the sensitivity of the controller.

  • Member Posts: 923

    Consoles have a higher skill cap than PC for sure. Low sensitivity , frame drops which have been reduced those past update make it difficult. survivors is way more easy while killers suffer.

  • Member Posts: 923
    edited May 2019

    GG bud i used to be a great nurse players but lery's/ Rotten fields is too much for me.

  • Member Posts: 8,243


    Léry's and Rotten Fields are a nightmare on console, but I still manage to get a 3k or a 4k.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    If you want to get good with nurse on console, like the professional pc dbd players you have to be very dedicated to her. PC much easer.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Console is easier with movement. Now.. That being said, Struggling with the Entity on 2nd Hook IS WAAAAAY Better on PC.

    I had to hook up a Keyboard to my console and SMASH that Space Bar because the A button was killing me and felt unnatural...

    But since my Keyboard got broken (Accidentally spilled water... ;-;)

    I have to button Mash "A" XD

  • Member Posts: 923

    @NMCKE congrats i need a lot of practice but never get those maps. i'm great but those maps i don't understand how we can even kill one due to lack of visibility.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Ah nice, I just stick em all in the basement as Bubba and watch the chaos unfold.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Not at all

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