Place Your Bets on Freddy

Tomorrow they are giving us info about the freddy rework which is based around the end game collapse do you think his rework that took years to make be good or bad place your bet down below
Freddy re-work will turn him into a default M1 Killer who can do everything every other Killer can do (with some lame chargeable M2 gimmick)
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Lets hope not
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I hate jumping the gun without any legitimate info on a rework, but previous experience leans towards betting on equally as bad (or, hopefully at least, just slightly better) in a different way. We shall see.
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That why we are just taking a geuss if its gonna be good or bad no harm no foul unless it actually is bad then we grab our torches and pitchforks
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I don’t bet.
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I bet all my money! that he will be good...
My whole $0.01s I have.
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I bet
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Dats epix
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I just hope whatever they did isn't a complete redesign and he is similar to how he is now. I like playing Freddy he just need QOL buffs really.
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I'm with this 100% but seeing hints at the power bar...I'm concerned. Hoping on slight improvements though, but it's a rework meaning they probably will evaluate all areas of his power including addons.
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I think this is much more than QOL buffs.
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If it was just a QOL buffs it wouldn't have taking 2 years to give to freddy it most likely a full blown rework
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I bet my entire steam wallets contents of
That it will be a nerf to his invisibility
And a nerf to the dream world where only the Survivor enters it and their actions are drastically reduced and there are no aura reading aspects.
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I know it's a stereotype that BHVR messes everything up, but I'm strongly against that stereotype. BHVR has made the EGC (plus a ton of other stuff) and it made a lot of killers/survivors happy, so I think they will do phenomenal with the Freddy rework! :)
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You can bet nothing, right? :)
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I'm gonna lean towards it being decent.
I'm not gonna just go full cynical on this one just yet but.
I have high hopes, they had 2 years to figure it out so it should be decent or even in the best case scenario amazing.
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I think everyone is just scared/worried, they have had 2 years, but it's better to be cautious and pleasantly surprised when it's good then excited and disappointed. It's also a little disheartening when you've learned/mastered a killer as is and they get a full rework. I'm thinking if Freddy is good post rework and it's drastically different I'm going to prestige him regardless of addons left etc and relearn from the ground up.
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It will be a bad rework in the sense that you're not going to get someone who is good at chasing. Ergo all the people mad at loopers will not get a killer who can counter loopers.
It will be a good rework though because it will make Freddy far less polarizing -- he won't be a complete stomp against inexperienced players and he won't be a complete turd against great looping teams.
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The rework scares the ######### out of me.
They'll probably give him something stupid he doesn't need, and nerf 3/4 of the rest to compensate.
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Well if you already P3-50'ed him like me you're good to go.
But for you, it will be a nice thing to learn (if its good... i dont see how the "worst killer" could get worse.)
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*DbD developers* hold my beer
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I'm hoping itll be good but I'm still nervous either way. I really like Freddy right now but if this rework makes him much better, so be it. For now though, I've got nothing to bet in if it'll be good or bad cause we havent even seen or gotten to test it out yet.
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Freddy, Leatherface, and Legion are the Killers with horrible designs in my eyes. (i actually preferred original Legion though, new one is way too bland)
I honestly don't see them turning him into a healthy addition to the game without really tweaking him into something different. He's quite possibly the easiest Killer to use his power (click Survivor, now they do stuff slow, glow, and you can see their aura at distance) and the Survivor side of it is just annoying to face him. He's not fun to play, he's not fun to play against.
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My bet is everyone will complain about him saying he’s op, and they nerf him and then we’ll be back were we start. With him in F - Tier.
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I predict this will happen:
1) Some players will say he will be weak.
2) Others will reply "You havent tested it yet, cant pass judgement on that!".
3) Step 1 players will end up being right and will keep saying the same.
4) Step 2 players will say either "Its not a nerf, its a rework. He got some nerfs but some buffs!", or "You tunnelling Freddy/Killer main! You didnt play Freddy the way he was supposed to!", or "Much healthier to the game though! He was so unfun to play against!", or "Adapt!".
5) We will end up with an add-on dependant bland M1 Killer. Probably some players will try justifying the changes with numbers based on Survivors running in straight lines.
Sounds familiar? TLDR; Legion rework 2.0.
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To be fair though I put effort into legion playing him correctly only to have him yeet into the trash. He’s not fun anymore due to the vault and speed changes and his power literally means close to nothing, it’s not even worth playing legion in the current state regardless of him being able to get kills. Yes they could rework them entirely down the line but it made learning them feel pointless and a waste of bp and time. Freddy is my second top killer, I’ve got consistent kills with him through most ranks I play (green-purple) and I’m not looking forward to dropping all that knowledge on perk/addon/play styles into the trash too. Hence I said I’ll prestige and start over because I’ll likely have to forget everything I bothered learning, but that’s the best case scenario if the rework makes him more fun but how likely is this to actually happen because fun killers isn’t fun for survivors.
But congrats on having p3 50 (I don’t usually see the point in prestige, it’s much better to get all perks and save the bp for something better/new killers etc this would be an exemption only for Freddy because it’s easier to relearn the addons/power that way)
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bad mark my words. doubt he will ever become truly viable .... ive no faith in the devs or hope after how they make new killers just circus clowns ....
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"Killers don't need to be viable. They need to be fun!"
Never specified for whom.
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His new power will be that sweet jump he did in the NES game.
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Low tier like most of the cast. Every good killer BVHR has come out with has been a complete fluke based on their record.
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I'm gonna say he becomes S tier. The devs have taken A LOT of time. They completely overhauled his gameplay. I have high expectations.
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yeah no, Legion is that right now
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I suspect it it’ll be good. They’ve never put this much time into a rework, they said this wasn’t something that could be done with mere numbers changes but is a full on redesign top to bottom, basically a new killer. Plus let’s be real, it can only go up from ground level... as you can guess from my profile pic I am very excited to see this today :)
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My predictions:
-Nerfed every single aspect of Dream demon (no invisibility, no aura reading, action speed penalty reduced from -50% to -25%, waking up changed to a 3 seconds channel)
-Overall, he'll just be a M1 killer with a useless gimmick like "survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 30 seconds every time all 4 of them are asleep".
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Well if we make a guess based on all the previous "reworks" the most likely scenario by far is that he ends up another mid tier aka non viable killer. If he did actually end up as rank 1 viable he would be beating all the odds.
So I like to stay positive but the most likely scenario isn't a good one.
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I am prepared for major disappointment. Our developers have shown that they value "fun" killers over good killers.
He's probably going to get gutted into some generic m1 killer with a gimmicky-as-######### power that's harmless.
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I'm worried because he's actually good right now.
I don't want them to completely ######### him up and make him an actual F tier, and I don't want them to overcompensate because of his reputation and make him a killer everyone is going to DC against like Legion.
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The community ######### this one twice, the survivors for failing to adapt and got him nerfed and the Killer mains that took a huge dump on a Killer that is already decent and could have used some QoL to be just less annoying for both.
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We have seen Trapper and Wraith "reworks".
With those in mind its good to expect nothing so you dont get dissapointed.
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My theory is... He's been one of the biggest punchlines in this game since his release... so they will do the opposite and put him right up there with Billy and Nurse.
I wouldn't be surprised he is over the top when he gets tested on the PTB.
I've been dumping all my points into him.. in the hopes we get something like the wraith. Where some of his addons were redone and some 3K addons where upgraded.
I'm hoping those stacks of 60 brown crap items I have all off a sudden become ultra rare.
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thats because narrow minded tunnel vision and they clearly only care to cater too the survivor side. now yeah killers have had buffs and changes. but nothing of impact that helps the killers side. they always add a downside so survivors can still bully the killer or loop till the cows come home. thing is i wonder if they even realise keep doing detrimental things like cheap gimmicks that dont actually aid the killer.
legion with his change. and yeah il admit or agree being moonwalked with no counter etc or spam hit was ######### annoying! but the plague her power is useless. ghostface the power will probably be useless too. im seeing a reoccuring theme here constantly where new killers there powers work against them and not for them.
and history always repeats itself. so thats how i see the future for killers of this game doubt it will change which is a shame. without killers the game has no life blood and in the end could die or the playerbase drop. but tbh idc that much im a casual player these days or just do dailys because i cant tolerate or stand the bias and imbalance so you know ... they keep gutting killers or "tweaking" there power but just making the power be pointless and not work altogether lol .... its gotten to the point its pathetic. sad really considering at one point i loved playing dbd
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not as weak as you think? survivors can unhook right under your nose and due to his "power" he cant even hit them while they do it because of him being in the dream world so they get away scot free his power has all negatives in that situation and survivors literally have no drawback for doing that or punishment for being in his radius. that makes him weak and a glorified circus clown a joke. when a killers power is more detrimental too him we have a problem lol ....
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My Guess is he'll end up mid tier or somewhere close to The Plague. I highly doubt we'll get another Spirit/Nurse/Hillbilly since people would just complain until he's nerfed again.
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He taking this long so he gonna be good hopefully. I'm betting someone gonna complain bout it tho. Legion is the only rework tht I still don't understand why lower the speed of the vaulting but I'm gonna give the dev the benefit of the doubt
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300 for overreactions, mixed with valid responses, to eventually just pointless ######### threads about how OP or weak he is.
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If it had been me I'd have gone with a simple rework. I'd have changed it so survivors were basically half asleep already while facing Freddy. He'd have been able to attack and interact like any normal killer. In this state I'd have made him a bit like Wraith in that you can see him but not fully. I'd then have left Dream Demon as is. I think this one small change would have been huge for him. As to what they'll actually do, I have no idea.
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As a freedy main, the rework better be good or I fill flip a table.
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I have never been happier of being wrong in my whole life! Not sure how strong Freddy will be, but I am really excited and looking forward to testing him.