Spirit or hillbilly ?

Which one do you prefer and who do you think is better ? Best perks to use for them ? Any advice be great
Spirit imo, phasing is fun.(I’m basing this off of fun) I don’t have all the perks so I can’t give you a build.
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Thank you I just don’t find myself able to mind game in rank 8 . Survivors seem to know how to go against it now
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Billy for me Spirit is the killer i hate the most because of (prayer beads - being unpredictable - phasing when moving/vaulting)
Build for Billy i use.
Meta build you'll see the most often
Ruin - BBQ - Spirit's Fury - Enduring
My favorites
1: Fire Up - BBQ - Spirit's Fury - Enduring
2: BBQ/whispers - Nurse calling - Enduring/SF is god tier but only when you have mastered Billy.
In case you don't know the advanced billy trick.
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Spirit is more interesting and fun both playing as and going against.
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I dont have a headset so def billy. I love him and the way he plays. It feels so nice to hit chainsaws consistently. No knock against spirit though, she just seems to be hit or miss. With Billy, worst case scenario you are an m1 killer with great map pressure.
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Spirit is more enjoyable and takes more skill to utilize, IMO. Those mind games you can have add to the fun.
Hillbilly is no doubt a strong killer, but he doesn't take much skill to use. Honestly I find him rather boring to both play and face.
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Billy: enduring, spirit fury, whispers and bbq
Spirit: sloppy, nurses, ruin and bbq
To me Spirit is more fun, but after the introduction of survivor perk Mettle of Man I have found myself playing less and less M1 killers, including Spirit.
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Theoretically, Billy is stronger, since he can counter MoM, but playing him you need to have bamboozle to block windows, and then just M2 all the way.
Spirit however, is not pretty good when versus survivors with Iron Will and MoM.
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spirit is stronger vs better survivors than billy is because she doesn't care about loops
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The Hillbilly. By FAR.
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They are both pretty brain-dead easy to be good with
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Hillbilly is much better than Spirit, no debate there. Nurse and Hillbilly will always be top two.
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May I ask why you think that ? I get looped for days by survivors with him and I run the enduring spirit fury ruin and bbq combo especially on haddonfield ...######### that map !
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I get looped for days with billy even with spirit fury and enduring
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What would you say is a good build for spirit ?
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Billy is better by miles; instadowns and whole map pressure will always win out.
But in terms of game design, spirit. High skill cap power plus lots of mindgames (though I don't like how the passive phasing is mostly RNG)
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There's another recent thread with this exact subject and some pretty good points on both sides.
My personal opinion is Spirit is better because she doesn't give a ######### about looping and isn't map dependant. Billy does have more consistent map pressure and an instadown, so he's pretty good too, but Spirit is overall more consistent, especially at higher ranks,
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I mean i keep playing red rank survivors with DS plus MoM and it's not giving me that much issue as, say, hag ,spirit, nurse, legion or plague. Don't play much of most other killers though; only when I have dailies, really.
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bbq, ruin, nurses, sloppy/whispers
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Hillbilly is overrated, yes his map pressure is great but if you go against competent survivors theyll turn you into an M1 killer by looping.... it's that easy to counter him....
Spirit is by far stronger and more fun to play as and against... with the ability to mind game at any point with her power she owns loops (something billy cant handle) and has map pressure.... plus shes bae....
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What if I throw bamboozle on billy wont that help ?
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To an extent yes.... it can close off the shack loop faster then normal but in a map with lots of windows like say lerys or the downstairs of the game it wont help all that much.... it also shows the capability between the 2 Billy benefits with bamboozle where as if you run it on spirit you're either a prick or wasting a slot
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Billy is better for pubstomping, Spirit is better against good survivors. The games you lose with Billy could be won with Spirit. Playing Billy will translate better to other killers in the long run. Cant go wrong with either tbh
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I just suck with spirit I guess I always get good survivors that loops me for days too lol
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Well that's your problem not Billy's.
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The thing with Billies is that they always run the same perks. Very boring and predictable. At least the Spirit can make the games more interesting with her mind games.
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Well how about giving some tips to avoid that ??
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That's the nature of multiplayer games, a meta is always established.
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if you like winning without trying and using no skill, use Billy
if you like having to outplay survivors with mind games use spirit.
pretty simple really
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So the chainsaw is magical and doesn't require aiming or timing?
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Ask a Billy main if you want want tips.