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General Discussions

can you please reduce same matchups with same person if i rate teh match 1? I am being targeted

Member Posts: 194
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

I understand the rules so im not naming and shaming.. I jsut want this to be made aware ,might even improve the health of match ups.

Suggestion :

Why not have an option for reducing same matchups if i rate 1 star after the match.. I do like back to back matchups vs competent players so if i dont rate anything or rate 5 stars increase chance of repeat matchup if i put 1 star please give me a new lobby. is that too much to ask?



I was playing body blocker hag with mori and this person got tilted and since i had kept my profile public at that time he saw i was youtuber and started telling me that I should not play like that and all.. i dont care about all that but what happend in the course of few days was i kept getting matched with this idiot back to back like sometimes 5-6 games in row as survivor and he would just ruin the experience for me I dont mind facing him once or twice a day i dotn even bother checking who im playing vs since will be doing something else while lobby starts i only switch back to game when i hear ingame sound intro. so i dont usually know who im playing with but when i get targeted like this its discouraging to play this game .. he is not even from my country he is from neighboring and he dislikes my country and keeps BMing in chat which i dont bother to stick around.. I dont want to get this guy banned for targeted harassment i just dont want to face him repeatedly back to back..

Post edited by Skemooo on

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  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Players cannot and should not be able to influence the matchmaker, ever. Report the harasser.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Leave the lobby then this feature would kill the matchmaking in the first week after implementation. I know your issue well and it annoys me too but you need to sove it from your side

  • Member Posts: 1,899
    edited May 2019

    Best you can do is report them if they are really harassing you.

    The reason there won't ever be a way for players to affect matchmaking is that it would be abused. If you face a difficult opponent don't worry, just avoid them and never get matched up with them again. In addition to it making the players games easier it makes the opponents queue times longer as well. A good player would suddenly have really long queue times due to people blocking him because they lost against him.

  • Member Posts: 194

    i dint say never.. i said chance to get matched should be less.. i dont mind facing that person.. but not back to back come on are there no players in this game or what? it wont kill anything if its done right.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Doesnt MLGA do exactly that with its blocking feature? Meddle with the matchmaking? Why is that allowed?

  • Member Posts: 2,320
    edited May 2019

    @ABannedCat cause there isn't a way for it to be stopped.

    MLGA is moot anyways.. once Dedicated Servers come out it won't work anymore.

    OP will just need to be more aware of who comes into their lobbies.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107
    edited May 2019

    Start tunnelling him. Make the game unenjoyable for him, and just enjoy the BP he gives you. Once dedicateds come out it's gonna be a lot harder.

  • Member Posts: 194

    i was the survivor.. he is killer. i play both i dont usually pay attention to whom im playing vs as killer.. eitehr ways just had a game now and guess what it was him luckily my team had 2 rank 4s now that im at red ranks .. and i was rescued from his toxic camping+headnodding .. all this because i played body blocker hag and i moried him on his first unhook.

    I dont have any issues when i play killer i dont mind T baggers or flash light clickers..they are not wasting my time.. but campers and tunnelers when im carrying new players tilts me.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    Your last choice is to get him to kill you asap. Less BP, less Emblem points. Don't even get into a chase.

  • Member Posts: 194

    that would just be bad for the other 3 team mates.. I dont really know if he is the killer until im hooked and i get face camped :P.. till then i play normal.

  • Member Posts: 443

    The only thing I would be ok with is if they allowed you to have 1 to 3 players you could put on an avoid list so you would never get matched with them. Anything more than that would lead to an easily abusable system. People would just rate great players poorly to avoid them or add all the good players to ignore lists. Letting you ignore a very small number of people (1-3) would let you avoid someone who is harassing you while not being too exploitable

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I said this in a different post I'd like to be able to completely hide my name until the game is over. They should still see my character and what I'm using but shouldn't be able to see my name until in the end game tally screen.

    I don't like people dodging or targeting me either so I think this would be a healthy change to the game.

  • Member Posts: 686

    Just dodge?

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