Who s excited for the live stream tommorow at 3pm?

I'm excited for the freddy rework info,and other changes:) what are you guys excited about?
The "surprises" i.e things we haven't seen/heard yet. I'm excited but it's 5am for me. I will be there still, sleep deprived (because my dbd session is tonight), but there nonetheless
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I'm very excited, but I'll be on the road. I'll have to watch the video later.
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Freddy rework, map reworks, and Ghostface info.
Very excited tbh.
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I'm hyped freddy/maps rework mostly. i hope they will talk about perks/killers buff to increase variety/viability at all ranks. Dedicated servers will probably be a subject too and i hope the chapter 12 PTB will the last test they will do for it.
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I'm most excited for the stuff they said hasn't leaked. So the map changes, year 4 roadmap, and Freddy 2.0 excite me the most. Here's hoping we get new cosmetics, and voice lines with the new Freddy.
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Not really. Going by BVHR's track record, they'll have to really deliver on whatever they promise before I start getting excited or hyped for anything they do. Past experiences and what not.
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I just want to know if the charms will be Anniversary event only, or will stay. Mainly excited for 3 Plant Claudette with Botany Knowledge.
I'm also excited as to see what new things that haven't been leaked, and the Freddy rework.
The only thing is that I wanted to play Diogenes (Getting over it with Benett Foddy) in "Indie Pogo" tomorrow, since he releases tomorrow. So I don't know whether to watch the stream live, or play Diogenes live. Unless they release the update at 12AM, then yay.
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Can't wait:)
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Equal parts excited and terrified at the possibilities, honestly.
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I'm excited ! Really looking forward to the Ghostface reveal, the Freddy rework, and anything new they may reveal that hasn't leaked yet :)
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I wanna see more info on Ghostface. What kind of numbers they have finalized, at least for the PTB.
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I'm excited! They'll announce their partnership with epic games, the Freddy nerf and reveal the new scream skin for legion!
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I'm interested but also figure it's mostly stuff already leaked or nothing overly exciting. It's nice feeling for the dev team though as it's a proud moment for them and I'm happy for them. But also be ready for all the complaining and crying on here. Someone as big and loud as Jeff could get a new black pants cosmetic and the forum would probably explode with "BIAS THAT! BIAS THIS! THE BIAS!" threads. So I'm ready for the mains of both sides to pick apart everything to prove their side is mistreated after the stream.
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I have work starting at 4 😭
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New occulus VR support confirmed, ofc by paying
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I'm ready for the news. Can't wait for map and freddy reworks. Not really caring about Ghostface since his chirp can be heard by survivors, meaning his "Stealth" is just as great as the Pig's "Roar" sound before dashing XD
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Can you find it?
Nope :d
Nope x(
Close :)
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Yes DbD Anniversary Steam plus Mk11 dlc reveal. I got a lot to look forward to tomorrow.
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Map reworks the most.
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I'm excited and also really nervous and really hope it goes smoothly for everyone involved in it.
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I want to know if the last 4 million I've spent on Freddy will goto waste or not :)
I'm wagering he'll be as good as Billy.
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Y'all are gonna have the forums exploding with a bunch of very happy and a bunch of very angry people lol
I bet y'all are super nervous before so many big reveals and how the community is going to receive them.
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I can't wait for all of the overreactions :)
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Not it.
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Very excited but I work during it so I have to wait until I get home which is big lame
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Last surprise we had was pretty underwhelming and I expect whatever they're planning on showing tonight will be underwhelming as well.
The livestream's gonna start pretty late for me, so I am not sure if I will even bother watching it.
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I am excited for the immediate overaction in the forums.
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I'm getting really excited now
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I'm mostly excited for the release dates since we know almost everything that they are going to tell us. I'm hoping that the battle pass drops before Ghost Face. I also hope the anniversary event starts before then as well.
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@jackkn12 I really hope this isn't a disappointment lol
I also hope they have something happening in game today like a surprise bp event weekend or something.
Bhvr has never done an its out today type of surprise 😢
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Theres already threads saying that ghostface is the worst killer xD ........ the streams not here yet xD
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Ikr xd