State of the game video.

I'm leaving this here for reference. I feel it is a significant because I am an average gamer. I don't do Twitch or Youtube. Furthermore, I'm aware that some members of the community and development team do visit this site. I'm not so arrogant to assume they might find a single video of any use...but there is no chance if there is no sharing.

I'd like to call attention to a few key points about this video. If you will notice, the game has a bit of gen rushing, body blocking, proximity camping, and soft camping. Additionally, the very first hit by the killer takes as long as the first repaired generator. Although the video is 12:15 in length (10 seconds adjusted for loading), the game itself is over at the 6 minute mark. The remaining 6 minutes is completely survivor choice. I call attention to this fact, because often times survivors will opt to simply leave, making this trial the exception.

Again, 6 minutes is the approximate length for 4 survivors (actually 3 because I was chasing 1 survivor for the entirety of the trial) to repair 5 generators! <<<<<< Most important point I think this video makes.

This was a zero pip trial.

Lastly, pay no attention to the David I completely missed at the 00:25 mark.


  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    I'm sorry, but this was some of the worst gameplay from a Billy I have ever seen.

    You need to get better and stop expecting kills to land in your lap and then post about how this can be considered the "state of the game", with a video titled "Frustrated".

    This was embarrassing :/

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @only1biggs said:
    I'm sorry, but this was some of the worst gameplay from a Billy I have ever seen.

    You need to get better and stop expecting kills to land in your lap and then post about how this can be considered the "state of the game", with a video titled "Frustrated".

    This was embarrassing :/

    Thank you for your soon as you gain developer status, I'll give it consideration.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    All those missed chainsaw hits are giving me a migraine.

  • skvirl
    skvirl Member Posts: 92

    You broke chase SO many times to kick gens. At one point one of the survivors was just standing in plain sight right in front of you, but you ignored him to kick the gen instead of chasing him. You wasted time kicking a gen that was barely started on. You're a Billy, who can use his chainsaw to get around the map really quickly and down people really quickly, which means you don't need to kick gens all the time like you did. You wasted so much time in doing this. I'm sorry, but I agree with the previous comment saying this not the state of the game. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just commenting on what I see here.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    I'm sorry, but this was some of the worst gameplay from a Billy I have ever seen.

    You need to get better and stop expecting kills to land in your lap and then post about how this can be considered the "state of the game", with a video titled "Frustrated".

    This was embarrassing :/

    Thank you for your soon as you gain developer status, I'll give it consideration.

    Dude, no developer will look at this and take it seriously. Trust me.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2018

    @only1biggs said:

    Dude, no developer will look at this and take it seriously. Trust me.

    You really don't comprehend well do you?

    @FSB75 said:
    I'm leaving this here for reference. I feel it is significant because I am an average gamer.

    First you tell me how horrible I am at the game. No worries, not out to impress anyone. This video isn't a "look at me" cry for validation or attention. I quite clearly state I'm "average". You would say be it.

    @FSB75 said:
    I'm not so arrogant to assume they might find a single video of any use...but there is no chance if there is no sharing.

    Second, I'm well aware that it's quite possible no one of consequence will consider aspects of this video. I even said as much.

    It's as if I'm telling you I don't know how to drive a manual transmission car. We get in the car, then you laugh as you tell me I can't drive a manual transmission car. Do you have an objective?

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited July 2018

    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @skvirl said:
    You broke chase SO many times to kick gens. At one point one of the survivors was just standing in plain sight right in front of you, but you ignored him to kick the gen instead of chasing him. You wasted time kicking a gen that was barely started on. You're a Billy, who can use his chainsaw to get around the map really quickly and down people really quickly, which means you don't need to kick gens all the time like you did. You wasted so much time in doing this. I'm sorry, but I agree with the previous comment saying this not the state of the game. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just commenting on what I see here.

    I did indeed break chase a couple times. The idea is to slow gen progression. Why ignore the fact that despite my efforts to slow gameplay, 5 gens were repaired by roughly 3 survivors at a time within 6 minutes? 4 gens, 3 survivors, 6 minutes....that seems fine to you?

    My playstyle is open to criticism, it's what happens whenever a person offers something to the public. However, that subjective content aside....the fact still remains that despite efforts to slow the game, how fast do you think it would have been if I had simply tunneled or camped?

    Allow me to break it down for you:

    1 minute 55 seconds for 1st gen
    2 minutes 33 seconds 2nd gen (38 seconds from 1st gen)
    2 minutes 42 seconds 3rd gen (9 seconds from 2nd gen)
    4 minutes 34 seconds for 4th gen (1 minute 52 seconds from 3rd gen)
    5 minutes 17 seconds for 5th gen (43 seconds from 4th gen)

    Again, as you pointed out, these times were with a killer focused heavily on slowing the game down using gen kicks and Overcharge 3. So while your "feedback" about my gameplay is distractive at best, I would argue that tunneling or camping would have produced even shorter times.

    5 generators in 5 minutes 17 seconds.....and that sound reasonable? I'm not asking if it's normal. I'm not asking does it happen all the time (I know it does). I'm pointing out that I think this is a balance issue, hence why I offered it here, in the "balance feedback". You have to remember, these times also reflect the fact that this was accomplished by 3 survivors at some points and I was in an active chase, or had a survivor hooked.

    I'm not here to speak for the elite. I'm not here to speak for the Twitchers and Youtubers. I'm here for the average, run of the mill players.

    5 minutes and 17 seconds to catch and hook 4 survivors? That's reasonable for an average player? Honestly?

    Lastly....these are NOT depreciating numbers. There is no reason to be glib about the whole thing. Removing survivors would be the best way to slow the game down or control the tempo...but you will never convince me that it's possible for a killer to camp a survivor, down and hook another, while gen kicking. We all know what would happen....because it does, in this video.

  • FSB75
    FSB75 Member Posts: 474

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited July 2018

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

    What are these numbers? You are driveling. JUST. KILL. THEM.

    Idiots who run around kicking gens hoping to slow the game instead of downing one, then another, WITH THE BILLY...will always lose because they are kicking gens. If you want a slower game, take them off gens. When one is down or on the hook others come. You are a BILLY. Put pressure on them.

    You are also taking what Skvirl said and twisting things and just making things up.

    You didn't need to kick gens. You didn't need to camp. You just need to play better.

    This is like you telling me, "I can't drive", taking me to a car and then blaming the car for why we aren't going for a drink.

    Get a grip dude. For real.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

    What are these numbers? You are driveling. JUST. KILL. THEM.

    Idiots who run around kicking gens hoping to slow the game instead of downing one, then another, WITH THE BILLY...will always lose because they are kicking gens. If you want a slower game, take them off gens. When one is down or on the hook others come. You are a BILLY. Put pressure on them.

    You are also taking what Skvirl said and twisting things and just making things up.

    You didn't need to kick gens. You didn't need to camp. You just need to play better.

    This is like you telling me, "I can't drive", taking me to a car and then blaming the car for why we aren't going for a drink.

    Get a grip dude. For real.

    2 minutes for a camp, that is where he got it from. In an 80 second chase, 3 gens can be completed. It is stupid.

    But yea, the gameplay used isnt amazing, many mistakes were made. But overall, the point is there.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Kuris said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

    What are these numbers? You are driveling. JUST. KILL. THEM.

    Idiots who run around kicking gens hoping to slow the game instead of downing one, then another, WITH THE BILLY...will always lose because they are kicking gens. If you want a slower game, take them off gens. When one is down or on the hook others come. You are a BILLY. Put pressure on them.

    You are also taking what Skvirl said and twisting things and just making things up.

    You didn't need to kick gens. You didn't need to camp. You just need to play better.

    This is like you telling me, "I can't drive", taking me to a car and then blaming the car for why we aren't going for a drink.

    Get a grip dude. For real.

    2 minutes for a camp, that is where he got it from. In an 80 second chase, 3 gens can be completed. It is stupid.

    But yea, the gameplay used isnt amazing, many mistakes were made. But overall, the point is there.

    In those two minutes, with a Billy, he could have downed others. People would be off gens and or dying and not popping them. It is simple.

    The gameplay used is woeful and NOT a state of the game. There is no point there.

  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @only1biggs said:

    @Kuris said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

    What are these numbers? You are driveling. JUST. KILL. THEM.

    Idiots who run around kicking gens hoping to slow the game instead of downing one, then another, WITH THE BILLY...will always lose because they are kicking gens. If you want a slower game, take them off gens. When one is down or on the hook others come. You are a BILLY. Put pressure on them.

    You are also taking what Skvirl said and twisting things and just making things up.

    You didn't need to kick gens. You didn't need to camp. You just need to play better.

    This is like you telling me, "I can't drive", taking me to a car and then blaming the car for why we aren't going for a drink.

    Get a grip dude. For real.

    2 minutes for a camp, that is where he got it from. In an 80 second chase, 3 gens can be completed. It is stupid.

    But yea, the gameplay used isnt amazing, many mistakes were made. But overall, the point is there.

    In those two minutes, with a Billy, he could have downed others. People would be off gens and or dying and not popping them. It is simple.

    The gameplay used is woeful and NOT a state of the game. There is no point there.

    If he didnt camp sure.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @only1biggs said:
    I'm sorry, but this was some of the worst gameplay from a Billy I have ever seen.

    You need to get better and stop expecting kills to land in your lap and then post about how this can be considered the "state of the game", with a video titled "Frustrated".

    This was embarrassing :/

    Yet the emblem system decides to rank him a rank 8 killer. Yes, the ranking system is completely broken and you will face enemies who are not even close to your skillevel

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @only1biggs said:
    I'm sorry, but this was some of the worst gameplay from a Billy I have ever seen.

    You need to get better and stop expecting kills to land in your lap and then post about how this can be considered the "state of the game", with a video titled "Frustrated".

    This was embarrassing :/

    Yet the emblem system decides to rank him a rank 8 killer. Yes, the ranking system is completely broken and you will face enemies who are not even close to your skillevel

    Rank means nothing and you just said as much. Not sure why you commented to be honest :/

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Kuris said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Kuris said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @FSB75 said:

    @only1biggs said:
    @FSB75 I can comprehend quite well...what exactly is the point of your post?

    There would be no "gen rushing" in the example video you gave if you played better :/ It would have been a short game in YOUR favour.

    I'm trying to not be mean or anything, really...explain to me what you want to achieve out of posting this

    I'd rather you explain to me how to prevent 5 minutes and 17 seconds for 5 generators. Camp? Tunnel? It takes 2 minutes, full hook duration.

    Are you seriously suggesting that you could easily down and hook one survivor every 1 minutes 30 seconds? That's what you are saying? Because that would be the average time....and that's provided that they never get rescued.

    1 minute 30 seconds for each survivor...say it, please say that.

    What are these numbers? You are driveling. JUST. KILL. THEM.

    Idiots who run around kicking gens hoping to slow the game instead of downing one, then another, WITH THE BILLY...will always lose because they are kicking gens. If you want a slower game, take them off gens. When one is down or on the hook others come. You are a BILLY. Put pressure on them.

    You are also taking what Skvirl said and twisting things and just making things up.

    You didn't need to kick gens. You didn't need to camp. You just need to play better.

    This is like you telling me, "I can't drive", taking me to a car and then blaming the car for why we aren't going for a drink.

    Get a grip dude. For real.

    2 minutes for a camp, that is where he got it from. In an 80 second chase, 3 gens can be completed. It is stupid.

    But yea, the gameplay used isnt amazing, many mistakes were made. But overall, the point is there.

    In those two minutes, with a Billy, he could have downed others. People would be off gens and or dying and not popping them. It is simple.

    The gameplay used is woeful and NOT a state of the game. There is no point there.

    If he didnt camp sure.


  • Kuris
    Kuris Member Posts: 228

    @only1biggs said:

    In those 2 minutes he could have downed others if he didn't camp.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Kuris said:

    @only1biggs said:

    In those 2 minutes he could have downed others if he didn't camp.


    Sooo....what's your point, or are you just emphasizing mine? Because it didn't seem like it.