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Can someone tell me what Ghostface's perks are?

Member Posts: 1,527

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  • Member Posts: 198

    I’m all ears: if someone does a fast action (jumping out of a locker or a running vault) within a certain radius their auras are shown

    Terror trembles (I forgot the name but it’s something close to that): if you grab a survivor off a gen it’s blocks it off for a certain time 

    Fervor something something. (Also Forgot the name): if you hook ur obsession ur terror radius is lowered and the survivor who unhooks the obsession becomes the obsession. The more you hook your obsession the lower your terror radius becomes. It’s token based

    thats basically his perks perks

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    The second one blocks all gens not currently being worked on when you pull a survivor or hook one, I thought.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @nunadventures Wait. That hooking perk.

    Is there a limit to how far down your TR goes? How much is lost per hook?

    That could be pretty crazy

  • Member Posts: 42

    so..Furtive Chase + Make Your Choice + Remember Me + Hex: Devour Hope.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @WolfPad06 Woah that unhook perk will be insane if you can find your obsessions early.

    That plus M&A=24m gone with all stacks.

    That will make 110% killers 0 TR and 32 will be basically T1 Myers

  • Member Posts: 1,100
    edited May 2019

    Ghostface Perks:

    • I'm All Ears: If a survivor decides to randomly fast vault out of your terror radius, here's an aura for a bit.
    • Thrilling Tremors: Whenever you pick up a downed survivor or yoink them off a generator, all generators not being worked on are blocked for 16 seconds. Oh and... uhhh.. they're.. not being worked on.
    • Furtive Chase: Hooking your obsession gives you a token (up to 4) that causes your terror radius to be reduced by 2/3/4 meters in chase. You've been pranked if you run this.

    If they sound underwhelming, stupid, and impractical, well.. you win! They're all garbage.

  • Member Posts: 182

    Well at tier 3, your 4 tokens would translate to 16m less TR.

    They did not mention it on the stream, but in the leaked version I believe the perk would de-activate if the obsession died.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @BadMrFrosty I dunno...tremors and chase sound like they could be really good.

    Chase+M&A could give billy an 8m terror radius.

  • Member Posts: 182

    First perk is trash, true.

    Second perk you are really underestimating the information gain you get from it. You can immediately tell where survivors are working on gens and even if they aren't yet, it gives you 16 seconds to look for a survivor and start a chase before ANY progress can be made by them. Depending on the cooldown this would be incredibly useful for high mobility killers like Nurse, Billy or (Woohoo!) the new Freddy.

    I do believe you have the values backwards. The token always grant a 4 meter reduction, but depending on the tier you can only gain 2, 3 or 4 tokens.

  • Member Posts: 1,100

    Thing is, most standard killers are already running the BBQ/Ruin/Enduring/Spirit Fury setup. Which of Ghostface's perks is better than any of those? It's not a better tracker than BBQ, that's for sure.

    As for the final perk, the fact that the TR reduction is only in a chase makes it beyond useless. If it was always active, that perk would be high risk, high reward since you'd have to find and down the obsession consistently, hope they don't have DS, and then capitalize on it once their dead. Like most perks, it would work best on mobile killers if it worked that way.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "Furtive Chase:

    -Hooking your obsession gives you a token (up to 2/3/4). For every token your terror radius is decreased by 4 meters. When your obsession is unhooked, whoever preformed the unhooked action becomes the obsession."

    Keep in mind this decreased TR is IN CHASE. That is a big difference than just reduced at all times.

  • Member Posts: 182
  • Member Posts: 6,807

    @BadMrFrosty actually you would never need to worry about DS with this perk. Since it always jumps onto the unhooker.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    You know what I want to see? This + Rancor vs SWF in endgame. Anyone unhooking the survivor get's mori'ed

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Also I would like to remind everyone that a smaller terror radius = smaller red stain. Which is useful in a chase.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @Bbbrian2013 No, it doesn't work like that. Furtive Chase only decreases your terror radius while being in a chase. So it's something like the opposite of what M&A is doing and combining both perks wouldn't make sense.

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