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Battle Passes, ######### Really?

Member Posts: 1,124
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

Let me make one thing clear, I love this game and I have always supported the devs through buying their new DLCs when they came out and cosmetics when I could, but this new battle pass is fûcking stupid. I was super excited for the dev stream, both for the new reveals and for the nostalgic look back on the past year; but then one little announcement had to sour the whole stream. First off, who asked for this? I know you surveyed it, but I'm positive that people were not for this in any way. In games that have battle passes, they are super annoying and no one likes them; but you know what most of those games are that have battle passes? They're free. Dead by Daylight is not a free game and if you were to buy JUST the game and all of the DLCs that exist right now, it comes to $106.85. The full game costs OVER $100, that in itself is ludicrous, but at least the content per DLC is fairly cheap and the content per DLC is worth it (for the most part). Now add onto that the $10 cosmetics that you can't buy with shards and that increases the costs even more. The positive to this though is that they weren’t doing limited cosmetics anymore, every cosmetic they added would stay there and no one will be left out if they missed the initial opportunity to get a skin. However with this new battle pass, certain skins will be limited AND you'll still have to pay for it. They try to pass this off as a "don't be upset because it's not pay to win" which is the exact BS excuse that OverWatch pulled with their lootboxes and $60 game price tag. They completely backpedaled on the whole "no longer exclusive" mentality, where these battle pass cosmetics can only be obtained for 3 months AND you have to pay to get them any then they're gone forever. Not to mention this isn't a one and done payment, they're going to want you to pay multiple times for it. Needless to say this is a terrible decision especially for new players and is several steps back from the improvements they were making with cosmetics and whatnot. I hope that you could drop this whole idea or rethink it entirely because it is not acceptable for a game that costs $100+ on top of $10 cosmetics to add yet another source of payment. They only way this would be acceptable is if A) The base game and original DLCs were free or B) The battle pass was a way to get already made cosmetics "free" as apposed to directly buying them or C) Make the battle pass cosmetics available in the shop when the next 3 month cycle comes through. I will not be buying this games battle pass unless changes are made to make it seem less money grubbing, there is nothing positive about this new addition and it literally ruined what was supposed to be a celebration of DbD for me. I'm not quitting the game or anything (god forbid THAT card has been pulled too often) but I cannot support this terrible business practice and I wanted to voice my honest opinion to have this game avoid bad press over ludicrous prices and business practices.

Post edited by Luigifan64 on

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  • Member Posts: 625

    I've been trying to get some answers.

    The Battlepass is just skins?

    Cosmetics and that's it?

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes, essentially. They said its not Pay to win, so I'd assume no BPs or Shards are in it whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 625
    edited May 2019


    Thanks for the confirmation. I sort of hoped for more.

  • Member Posts: 76

    They say ONLY cosmetics...... we know that's NOT the only thing that will end up in it.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    No but you’re paying even MORE for a CHANCE to get cosmetics that you might want on top of the money you already spend on the game. In addition you have to pay multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    It might not affect me, but it could affect others who feel pressured into getting something that’s limited. Previous limited cosmetics were free to compensate for you possibly not getting them, but now you have to pay for them at a CHANCE to get what you want. I hope I don’t have to describe how bad this is for the common consumer or new player, because it is very anti-consumer.

  • Member Posts: 551

    In the end, it is a business. Yes, people are more likely to buy something if it is limited time and this system takes advantage of that. It would be cool if they became available again in the future but even if they don't, it is completely up to the player themselves if they want to buy it or not. You're pressured, not required.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I don't support or oppose this. Why? Because it's cosmetics. It's a non issue. If you want to buy in for them you can. If not you don't have to. As for those who "feel pressured " they need to grow up. The I feel pressured thing is a lame excuse for making poor choices.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    again: why would that be bad in any way for players?

    you literally get cosmetics FOR FREE, just by playing the game ON TOP of the cosmetics you can buy with shards. you will get even more cosmetics by spending some money and grinding the pay 2 get Battlepass.

    this will finally give me a reason to keep playing the game more than 1 or 2 rounds a day, so no. this is not a bad thing. its not pay2win, its purely for cosmetics and it gives players like me a reason to keep playing.

    this game will NOT turn into Fortnite 2.0, just because we got a Battlepass.

    we will NOT be flooded by 8 year olds because of this and this will literally change NOTHING ingame.

    thats my opinion on the matter.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    And you can't see how bad it is for a $100+ dollar game to charge more for limited cosmetics, on top of the store; even if they're not pay to win, it is still is an extra cost.

    It's not an excuse for people who make poor choices, it is a predatory tactic so that people don't feel left out. It's like putting a compulsive gambler in a casino or in front of lootboxes and blaming them for the scummy things that the companies try to take advantage of because of their situation. Not to mention a decent part of this community are people who are under 18, who are more susceptible to these kinds of practices. It is not a healthy practice for any game that costs money.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    @Mister_xD The issue is it being a very bad business practice, not the game becoming Fortnite, we are also trying to make compromises, at least i am, by asking for small compensations when you fail for whatever reason to complete the pass you paid for (If you do pay for one).

    You are the only one mentioning Fortnite btw, don't claim others do when you are alone on this.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    But we already had that, it was called the DbD store and shards, it literally fulfills the same purpose but it is a lot less predatory. I can't fault you for wanting to play more, but shards are enough of a motivation to play more to unlock cosmetics, and guess what, you don't have to pay a cent to get that. Never said it would become fortnight or be "flooded with 8 year olds", I was merely drawing comparisons to FREE games that use this practice because it is their only source of income. It isn't pay to win, but that doesn't make it any less scummy.

  • Member Posts: 551

    Isn't DBD rated M?

    But also I don't get the lootbox comparison. This isn't gambling. This is you buying a pass and then playing the game to get those skins. Matter of fact, buying the pass just cuts down on the amount of time you need to spend to even get those cosmetics. I don't even see the predatory practices here...other games with Battle Passes (like Paladins) have a free and paid track. You MUST pay to get those skins, no amount of playtime will get them for you

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Plu we dont even know how exactly these battlepasses will work

    what if they dont run on a time limit?

    and if they do, i bet they are bound to the season, which they also announced to be much longer than the current seasons.

    paying for a battlepass is always a little dangerous. you spend money and you will get rewards the longer you play. usually, if you clear the entire Battlepass you managed to gain more rewards than when you purchase them directly in the store for the same amount of money. therefore there is a risk. if you dont feel like you can complete the battlepass, dont buy it.

    PS: yes, i have seen the fortnite claim coming up. this may not havere been in this discussion, but there are people that believe this, so i commented on it. also, no, my answer was not soley tied to this post. its an overall answer i pretty much copy paste into every "ugh battlepass is bad" post here.

    PPS: pls dont expect me to read this enormous wall of text. i use the headline, a TL;DR (if there is one) and some keywords from the whole thing. ESPECIALLY if its an discussion thats seen a lot on the main page. cuz 95% of them say the exact same in the end.

  • Member Posts: 330

    The battle pass does not hurt the people that don't like it at all. Its only cosmetic rewards, and there will be no "stealth" skins for anyone *ahem* Claudette. If you don't like it, don't buy it. You're non the worse for its existence

  • Member Posts: 326


    I'm a bit confused by your post after reading the title, the post, and all the replies. So in all seriousness let me ask: Are you actually angry about the Battle Pass being a thing, or just the exclusivity aspect of the paid cosmetics?

    Personally I see the Battle Pass as a great way for the developers to continue to add cosmetics into the game and reward all players, and give the players the additional option to purchase more cosmetics and help support the game.

    I do absolutely agree though on the exclusivity thing. It is a very obvious sales tactic to boost sales. A person is much more likely to buy something if they know they won't have the chance to ever get it again.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Just because something is rated M means that every person playing it is going to be that age, there are children who play Call of Duty and GTA who are far too young to play it.

    The comparison drawn between lootboxes was because it's a similar situation, the only way to get these skins is to pay repeatedly to get them and it is purposely playing off of the limited edition tactic to get people to buy it. If the cosmetics come to the store eventually, then it would not be as bad.

  • Member Posts: 1,456
    edited May 2019

    @Mister_xD I heard that they are time gated, like all passes that exists in games, so we know abit on how they work, duration of a season doesn't matter and shouldn't when money is involved.

    It shouldn't be dangerous, it's not a lootbox, which is the definition of dangerous/risk and reward, a pass tells you what you will get, and not getting it after having paid for it, not even getting compensations is wrong, that's litterally scamming people.

    "Don't buy it' is a cheap excuse, you can't always plan out how the future will happen, like i keep saying, things out of your control happen and it shouldn't impact what you PAID for, or if it does, you get a something in return, that's how things always worked out.

    I can tolerate the exclusivity thing as long as you get something in return if you can't finish the pass, it's only fair when money is involved.

  • Member Posts: 1,809

    i will pay for battle passes only for a 8v2

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I like to feel rewarded when I sink a bunch of time into a game like this. I don't mind paying extra to get skins, just like buying the charity case.

    The only worry I have is what is in the battle pass? Skins and new loading screens is cool but maybe emotes would annoy me. The only thing I dislike about certain battle passes is how I feel they release content, such as emotes which make the game to silly.

    I'd personally want at least 1/2 full cosmetics per character for a battle pass and maybe 2/3 new loading screens.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Both, given that this is not a free game ($106 for the full game without cosmetics) on top of the already existing cosmetic shop, the battle pass is overkill. The whole exclusive thing sucks too because they said in the past that they would avoid that path at all costs. So if the cosmetics WERE obtainable in the store after a set time or if the base game were free (and original DLCs after a certain period of time), then I'd have less of an issue with it. Adding a battle pass to everything that already exists is redundant.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Luigifan64 i understand where you are coming from, however you also gotta understand the devs a little here.

    this is a game that gets continuously worked on and updated, so they somehow need to pay for their bills. they used to do so with chapter releases, but with the addition of the store you could get these for free, so they added auric cells only cosmetics and now a battlepass. they do not force you to buy any of those, its just a possibility.

    skins are nothing you need to have and also nothing that would drastically change your gameplay (they said they wouldnt add cosmetics that would allow harder to spot survivors to stay more hidden).

    if they stop making money out of this game, they will stop working on it.

    imo, just be happy we get a battlepass for free and can gain the same cosmetics (or some of them) without paying anything. they could also just keep releasing more auric cell only cosmetics. in that case you wouldnt have any chance to get them without paying money.

  • Member Posts: 44

    The thing is, if you look at the slide for the "Battle Pass" you can clearly see that they state that you CAN access the paid track via playtime. So you can essentially get the skins for free when you play much.

    I seriously don't see the problem here apart from that they should seriously start bundling some killers to the main game or so. But having the option to buy (which again you can acces via playtime) a battle pass to earn skins? Yup, the real problem

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    But isn't that what the shop and the shards are supposed to do? I can't blame you if those don't feel rewarding to you, but shards reward so much more than just a chance at a cosmetic. They can reward you with almost any cosmetic you want, almost every character, and new perks/bloodpoints all for free and strictly obtained with gameplay. Having both to me and having both have paid aspects feels redundant and unnecessary especially seeing as one provides so much less and has to be paid multiple times to get the full experience of it.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited May 2019

    You know years ago people were against any sort of paid dlc, people were against subscription games like wow.

    Guess what happened? Those who were against them didn't buy them but the market still introduced them and for dlc some made that much someone always wanted something.

    Then you have the ftp model which on paper looks great but that mod makes even more money for some but that's probably due to the pareto principle that 20% of your customers make up 80% of your revenue.

    In the end you can stamp your feet, post threads but it is happening like it or not, you have the choice to purchase it or not, that choice is yours to make alone.

    No one is part of the problem of it happening as it WILL happen anyway, battlepasses are the new dlc scenario like it or not.

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    The Devs didn't listen to the survey just like they don't actually care what goes on in PTB, they just do what they want because they know they have no competition in this genre currently so they just don't give a #########.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    That doesn't make it any better, if something is bad for the community the worst possible thing someone can do is stand idly by and say, "welp guess I better let them just do it because they'd do it anyway".

  • Member Posts: 272

    The game has been growing and so has the development team for the game. Developers are expensive and they get paid a lot of money, just Google the wages for game developers. On top of that, they have multiple positions such as design teams, QA team, developers, level designers, and a few more.

    On top of that, servers can be quite expensive and with the introduction of dedicated servers that are coming soon, they would need to spend quite a bit of money to buy enough servers for multiple regions and locations to ensure as many players as possible have decent ping.

    Personally I don't see an issue with it because it only gives you cosmetics. Although it is another source of income, that will just help them to expand their team further like they have been doing by the looks of it.

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Not really much you'd expect, I think they know not to add those as it would cause huge community backlash.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    If this is true, then I won't have an issue with it, but from what I saw on the dev stream it seemed to be how other games handled it. That being that there are 2 paths, the paid and non-paid one; the non-paid one provided less cosmetics with no opportunity to get the main ones centered around the theme. Based on that I assumed it would work like that, however if it does work like how you say then it will be better.

  • Member Posts: 326


    Ah I got you, thanks for the explanation.

    It definitely is a daunting pricetag for a new player to the game, but I don't think they could ever really make the original game or past DLCs free unless they could establish enough of a secure income from their cosmetics.

    Since it is a live game that is constantly being added to, changed, and supported they have to continue to bring in money on it.

    Even though I dislike the exclusivity I know it will drive the sales of the BattlePass. I just hope they put that money back into the game towards more people and resources.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Plu they most certainly wil be time gated. thats how the usual battlepass works. i was just trying to point out to you, that you dont know how these will work. who knows? maybe you DO get an auric cell reward for failing the battlepass?

    what i was saying though was, that you can get items out of this that, combined, are worth more than what you payed.

    but if you decide to buy the battlepass, you should be grinding for it. i highly doubt something will keep you away from the game for THAT long (we are talking about months here) that it would be impossible for you to grind for at least the amount of money you spent to get the battlepass.

    that is also not "scamming people". everyone has the exact same chance to obtain the stuff they paied for. a scam would be when they trick you into spending money for something that is basically impossible to gain, no matter how much time / work you put into it.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    But I thought the DLCs and the auric cell exclusive cosmetics were enough, seeing as their price tags are already pretty high and seeing as grinding for the shard cosmetics take quite a long time, the faster reaction is just to pay the digital currency and just outright buy them.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    @Mister_xD You really are stretching it to the maximum it make it look less bad.

    Point is there's a chance you can't get what you PAID for and you should be compensated for it, period, there is no middle grounds when money is involved.

    I'm fine with the free pass, but if the paid one happens, measures needs to happen so you get at least something.

  • Member Posts: 4,299
    edited June 2019

    Do you honestly think you will stop them?

    Who decides what is best for the community? It seems just as many are for it than against it on here and other threads.

    I am one who will never buy a battle pass but I also would never pay money for skins.

    Even so I don't disagree with them making them earnable in game or if someone can buy a boost for them, it's a virtual look and doesnt impact the gameplay, if someone has the incline to buy it so be it, it makes no difference to my enjoyment of the game.

    You also have to think of the employees, before the store we got very little cosmetics, they probably hired more people to make them hence the price tags, this could also be a way to keep them in a job as who knows the store sales could be slowing down.

    Post edited by twistedmonkey on
  • Member Posts: 7,669

    @Plu and you are just repeating yourself.

    again: why would i PAY for something, that REQUIRES me to put work into it, if i decide to NOT put any work into it?

    in that case, just use the free one. but if you DECIDE to pay for the Battlepass, you should, and thats just common sense speaking, put work into it. period.

    if you fail to do so, that is NOT the devs fault. that is 100% YOUR fault for not playing. you KNEW this would require some effort and time to pay off the very second you bought it, so dont act like you had no chance.

    if you dont think you got the time to do so, go for the free one or live with it that you might not be able to gain the maximum outcome out of your money. thats all im saying.

    PS: i will not answer you if you bring up the same argument again, as this would just be a pointless debate at that point.

  • Member Posts: 1,456
    edited June 2019

    You keep ignoring that fact and you even pretend that I said it's the devs fault when I didn't, you pay for something, you get it or get a compensation for it, it's not about anyone's fault, it's just logic, don't answer, it makes thing easier for me actually, @Mister_xD , things always worked this way because it fair and this shouldn't be an exception, as much you can think you control your life perfectly, it just isn't true.

  • Member Posts: 66

    Dont like it, dont buy it. Seems pretty simple to me. No one is forcing you to spend more money on the game. Its OK, you can pass by that buy button safely. The evil battlepass wont hurt you!

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    100 in a map only one winner. Play with ur friends in squad to take home the victory Royale

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2019

    Honestly, an Archive's Pass isn't a big deal because it doesn't give you Bloodpoints or shards to get better stuff (pay to win). If it did, me and BHVR would have a problem because this game isn't supposed to be pay to win, nor do I ever want it to be. Also, there is a free version, and you're getting the same cosmetics to that specific character according to Matheu Côte. It's a win-win for everyone to be honest, so cheers! :)

  • Member Posts: 384

    I wish everybody would stop saying that it forces people to buy the cosmetics. The dev stream said that of the past "tones" of every rift stays, so you can grind for it even after the chapter ends. That means if you want a themed cosmetic, then you can get it at ANY time.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    If this is true then I won’t have gripes with it.

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