Dead by daylight FNAF chapter *adjusted*

Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

First , yes I'm aware that I pitched this but thanks to a lot of feedback from the Community I was able to fix certain things with my chapter. However due to the overwhelmingly positive reviews, I wasn't able to change too much aside from Balancing "Keys to success" ,reducing the number of addons for the entertainment to 20 and adding a couple of new content ideas😁. Thank you all for the feedback hopefully I can see this get ingame at some point in time.


  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    I'm thinking I should add to puppets goal that the aura read will persist for X amount of seconds 🤔

  • Chavan
    Chavan Member Posts: 9

    I like the idea, it would be cool to see the killers changing roles, but I thunk that's what makes it a bit too complicated, you have 4 killers in 1 and they all have their own abilities, but it's a great idea nonetheless. The perks are mostly great but there is something with Foxy' Chill and Keys to success that just doesn't fit with the rest of he game. Foxy's chill is just stalk except it's a hex perk, it's pretty broken if survivors don't destroy it. I'm not sure how to feel about Keys to success, it sounds pretty good, but spending 5 minutes not doing the objective... I'm not sure.

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2019

    @Chavan that's the point of this killer ,its for people that are good with multi tasking and style adaptations for both killer and survivor.

    Foxy's chill isn't a stalk mechanic it's a spine chill mechanic heh

    And that's the ordeal of KTS spend time not completing the obj for essentially a free escape? Your choice 🙂

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123
    edited May 2019




    Slight adjustments for a better understanding

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Your ability is really cool and I like how it works. A FNAF chapter would be cool if they could do it.

    Fredbears Illusion is a bit weak. SWF will tell if the gen has been kicked or not.

    Puppets Goal is literally Hangmans Trick. If it doesn't affect all sabotage actions then they should buff Hangmans Trick instead of adding in this perk.

    Hex: Foxys Chill is a good perk. You need to specify how far the distance is.

    Arm Yourself is good. Killers may not like it though.

    Handyman really really weak. This only works with saboteur or your killer but it needs a buff.

    Keys To Success is badly designed. Just imagine a SWF all bringing in Green keys with one having this perk, they'll all end up with Skeleton keys. But also if a solo player brings this in they are screwing over their own team by doing nothing for 5 mins.

    Also mate I feel you should stop linking the community managers. They are very busy and I think no one should be bothering them unless it's really important.

    I hope my feedback was helpful because it's definitely a good chapter idea.

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123


    1. I'm not sure what you mean by Fredbears illusion

    2. Hangmans trick- A noise notification and faster regen. Puppets goal- No noise notification, active aura reading for any and all sabo actions. They synergize.

    3. You are right I should specify that.

    4. Aye , cant please everyone lol

    5.ill look into that

    6. That's at there own discretion, with Franklin's demise and the ability to close the hatch you'll be fine. Games typically take 10 mins anyway.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    edited May 2019

    Fredbears illusion if a swf player sees you kick the gen, they'll know if your running this perk or not. Maybe after it's kicked the next 1/2/3 skill checks are ruin skill checks?

    Puppets goal is weaker than Hangmans Trick. I think if this chapter was added they would just change Hangmans trick to help the new killer like with the trappers bear traps.

    Keys To Success is only countered by Franklin's demise but if the killer closes the hatch another survivor can still open it with a key. I just think it wastes too much time to create the key, probably screwing over your team as a solo player but can also be op in a smart swf team.

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123


    You know, I actually like that idea. You should use that for your own creation but in swf information gets out no way to stop that.

    Packing an absolute counter to sabo action in one perk would be way too powerful gotta be split.

    That's the thing it takes half the game to make one on top of that you as a killer patrolling, you will most certainly find a crouching survivor fiddling with themselves.....okthat sounded better in my head 🤦‍♂️

  • Luxile
    Luxile Member Posts: 4

    oof it seems really lovely but wouldn't the dev team have to contact Scott Cawthon?

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    @Luxile of course but considering all the fnaf rip offs I'm sure he would be willing to cooperate

  • Luxile
    Luxile Member Posts: 4


    and how long have you been @'ing the devs?

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    @Luxile once here ,once on the first draft that's all

  • Luxile
    Luxile Member Posts: 4

    ah, i hope they see it then. good luck to ye

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    @Luxile I got one BHVR read no response tho

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    FNAF with no jump scare like the hag? I'm fine with that

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    I cant draw someone help

  • Mr_Qwayzar
    Mr_Qwayzar Member Posts: 123

    I drew it and I'm thinking about changing its effect ,how is it?