The most important livestream of all, badly managed..

Niitosky Member Posts: 329

I love this game, and the things I'm about to say is for to see an improvement for the future, because let's face it, everything they presented was badly presented. And the reason is that they had NOTHING to present.

Let's start from the beginning.

You make me a huge advertising campaign for this stream, even the countdown on twitter day by day, what this means to me, that the stream will be incredible with so many things to show.

Well, the fateful day arrives and I immediately notice something strange, the 720p. Already that makes me strange, how can you make the most important stream of all at 720p? But let's move on.

Start the evening, and it's a continuous talk of gameplay and design changes without showing you anything. ZERO. They only talk about future changes without showing you absolutely nothing, why? they still have nothing in their hands, only words.

Then comes the first video, about the switch version, and there all my disappointment happens that then will continue until the end of the live, that is, the videos with which they present things all run at 360p .. how can you organize the most important live of all with 720p quality and 360p presentation video? It is something obscene, we are almost at the level of the borderlands 3 presentation.

Immediately after the Switch comes the confirmation of the MOBILE version, and that's fine, we all knew it, but do you want to present it? do you want to show it? no, nothing, just the title, two sentences about it and so on to the next topic, but if it's playable and works (as confirmed by the leak) why not show it? perhaps because the already too low quality that you were forced to make the presentation videos, would have ruined even more the graphic rendering of the mobile version of the game? But that's okay, let's move on.

Then we pass to the design changes of the map, even here, words, words, words, no video presentation .. have you ever seen E3 you? Usually the presentation are made by showing everything we talk about, to make the user understand what you are talking about, but not here, just words, and the reason is always that, they had nothing to show, because all the projects are still at the beginning of development. INCLUDING KRUEGER.

Because that is the icing on the cake, we come to the most important content that the community has been waiting for almost two years, and is not yet ready, not even the addons have done, all still on the high seas, and in fact here, too, words , words, words, and just two videos of the transporter and the fact that he disappears as he goes away. But they didn't show you anything! Neither how all power works, nor how sleep cycles work, nor what are those new items scattered around the map, nothing, all sketchy.

Same thing about the rank rework, not shown, only discussed, but I say, it took so much to show a concept of rank rework instead of just talking? the same was true for the power of krueger, what did it take if you showed it to me entirely by writing down "work in progress" instead of just showing me 3 10-second videos on some things changed by its power?

Same thing as Ghostface, what did they show you? even ghostface power icons aren't the definitive ones, but are we serious? the most important live based entirely on concepts because you had nothing finished and of talking with certainty? ghostface showed you a couple of clips about power but without making you understand how it works, was it so difficult to make a nice 2/3 minute clip in which you fully explained your power and how it worked saying it was still work in progress? and instead no, words on words and 10-second clips.. but is this the way for present the new content according to you? Even on the presentation of Ghostface I do not agree to revise the same trailer again, in my opinion that trailer not have published it before, I would have shown it exclusively in live and I would have published later, or I would have shown a longer trailer or different.

I love this game and this team, I would not criticize it if I didn't give a damn about it, but the new contents don't show like this guys... you didn't have anything in hand, you did a stream only on words and future concepts without being able to show anything, but above all because everything you had to show had already been leaked .. even the power of ghostface is clearer in the leaks than in yesterday's presentation.. 

why did you want to do this stream if you didn't have any videos to present what you were talking about?

Maybe you didn't want to show anything because everything was already leaked?

what do you think guys?


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    I only watched about half of it, but I think they did a pretty good job. They showed the new road map with lots of plans for the future, showed the Freddy rework in detail even though some of that is subject to change, showed Ghostface's power and perks, talked about map reworks, etc, etc, etc. It was about as comprehensive as one could hope for.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    What are you talking about. Map rework with new pallet distribution can do more to fixing balance than bandaid fixing perks or adding objectives. Bad map design and ######### RNG is where they need to start.

  • Trotfoxx
    Trotfoxx Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2019

    I would have been very disappointed if i watched it. If they want to do a special (which they aren't forced to do), it should show shocking things. Like actual decent gameplay of Freddy, a new map concept, some new cosmetics which we don't know about, maybe even the concept art from the next original killer... but just them talking is really disappointing. Glad i din't see it.

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194
    edited June 2019

    I thought it was ok. I kind of agree a little that it dint turn out to be as good as it was promoted to be.. they need to hire darkhood :P

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Ikr I loved the stream:D I don't way they want to complain about it.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I actually agree with OP, I was disappointed and hardly anything was shown. Basically a lot of talking but not much actually revealed. And just to clarify, everyone has an OPINION on the stream. There's no right or wrong answer, so some people here need to stop acting like there is.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Yeah it was really disappointing especially since everything they wanted to “reveal” had already leaked so there were no actual surprises. I thought it was a mess.

  • rayoxium
    rayoxium Member Posts: 112

    The problem I had with the livestream was that it was laggy and low quality. I thought maybe it was my internet but I checked back on the YouTube video and the frame rate dropped often. It was their first stream of this type, so I didn’t expect it to be perfect. I hope they improve for the future

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Did you really expect anything else?

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    Well, your points make sense, but you were wrong in something, the stream was not that they will be in the game next week, next month. This stream was made to present the work they have scheduled for next year, you are a bit stupid thinking that they will have in their hands something they plan to do for 6, 8, 10 months counting from the anniversary.

    You just have not understood the purpose of the stream.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    There was a lot of wasted time with Mathieu ruining the moment, music intermissions, community user intermissions and dev intermissions. There were also a lot of cringey meme making attempts.

    The livestream was pretty ######### overall.

  • doublev1986
    doublev1986 Member Posts: 78
    edited June 2019

    I enjoyed it hyped for changes. Want the DBD coffee table

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    Unless they shrink down all maps its not going to do anything to help with genrushing. Maps need looked at for sure but its not going to fix anything on killer side.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    I'll be honest, I was very disappointed with how often they asked a question about the upcoming content, just to be told the question was no longer relevant. I feel like they should've gotten the script down a bit more before starting, especially if they already had segments dedicated just to talking about things that were simply dropped without any replacement.

  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,203

    You can't be serious. Fixing ######### up maps with their pseudo-infinites and safe pallets will absolutely help killers, even Billy. If it's easier to down a survivor that would usually loop you because of the BS, that adds pressure, and that's at least two people off gens which obviously extends time. Bandaid-fix perks or secondary objectives will not fix killer problems on a base level because all it will take is some opposing bullshit perk, a little word of mouth, and a new meta is born.. and guess what? ######### killers are still #########.

    Map design makes or breaks a game and DBD is no exception. You fix one of DBD's core problems and it trickles down. #########, they might not even have to do anything other than fix the maps because it's THAT big a deal.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    They are fixing 2 maps and the rest remain broken. The game does need 2nd objective and rebalanced perks. The loops will be shorter but there will just be more of them so ot really doesnt equate to much. The core issues are still there.

    You need a damn brain dude. You are drinking way too much survivor kool-aid.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    Actually you wrong devs want skill-based loops and of course skilled counter from killers. the shorter the loops the higher the pressure on maps. Thing is there will be more pallet so he won't change the map pressure survivors have with generators might be worse in fact. Devs have explained how he looks like but not how he plays out.

    Safe areas (crotus prenn , wretched shop , haddonfield , springwood) those have too much of them. they can destroy a game if you wish to chase to the end.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    What @xllxENIGMAxllx said, they're removing big loops, but there's more pallets. Now the loops require you to not get mindgamed and be skilled.