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General Discussions

Upcoming ranking system changes

Member Posts: 13,671
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

They were quite vague when talking about this on the stream so I'd like to get some other opinions on this.

The impression I got based on Not_Queens wording was that they'd be making ranks be killer specific. IE you could be a rank 1 nurse but only a rank 8 Trapper.

  1. Is this the impression you got based on how they worded it?
  2. Hypothetical if that is what's happening, how do you feel about that change?

If that is indeed the change they are making, I actually really like it. It will allow you to show what killers you're actually really good with. I also like it because you may be awesome with nurse but then you go to play a killer you're pretty bad with that you definitely can't play at a rank 1 level and get destroyed. This solves that issue.

This would give them a frame for rank rewards as well, as they could put killer specific rank rewards to work towards. You'd now have a lot of challenges to try in reach in terms of reaching high rank on each killer to get their specific rank reward. They were big on wanting to add more player goals to the game like this.

It also would set us up nicely for killer specific leader boards that they talked about a while back.

@not_Queen Would you be able to clarify if this was what you meant on the stream?

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  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited June 2019

    This is one issue with it I was thinking about as well. What if there was a limit to how low all your killers could be? Say for example like 10 levels. So if your highest rank killer was rank 1, then all your other killers would be sitting at rank 10 at the lowest when you started them. The number could be tweaked but you get the idea.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I don’t have enough information to decide how. (Mainly ‘cause I don’t fully understand the conditions)

  • Member Posts: 113

    All my killers are level 50 so based on this theory i'll be ranked with only survivors who are level 50? I don't think this sounds right or works in my opinion. Maybe they should think about using player level instead.

  • Member Posts: 2,051
    edited June 2019

    Yeah, something of that sort would be fair. I think the numbers could come from how Rank reset operates.

    It'd be nice if we could get an in-game profile too (shown in end-screen). Like seeing our Top 3 favorited/played killers/survivors and seeing which characters we brought to Rank 1 or something of that sort.

    @BoredByDaylight Character levels and time played are meaningless. Rank is the closest thing we have to a skill rating right now.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    That isn't what we're talking about. We're talking about rank, not level.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "It'd be nice if we could get an in-game profile too (shown in end-screen). Like seeing our Top 3 favorited/played killers/survivors and seeing which characters we brought to Rank 1 or something of that sort."

    I'd actually love this as well. A little more customization and people could see what your favorites/most skilled killers are.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    “@Boredbydaylight Character levels and time played are meaningless. Rank is the closest thing we have to a skill rating right now.” (Don’t know how to stop this quote thing) I agree with this, I’ve been playing since howling grounds and have devotion level three but I definitely deserve to be green ranked on both sides. Times really doesn’t mean skill.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    edited June 2019

    Blueberry, I hope rank requirements are based off killers/survivors at your rank because it would better reflect the game you had.

    For example, let's assume a rank 1 Nurse usually gets 14 emblem points. Therefore, if you played Nurse at rank 1, you would need 14 emblem points to pip and 3 more emblem points than that to double pip.

    For example, let's assume a rank 12 Trapper usually gets 8 emblem points. Therefore, if you played Trapper at rank 12, you would need 8 emblem points to pip and 3 more emblem points than that to double pip.

    For example, let's assume a rank 12 Pig usually gets 9 emblem points. Therefore, if you played Pig at rank 12, you would need 9 emblem points to pip and 3 more emblem points than that to double pip.

    For example, let's assume a rank 8 survivor usually gets 12 emblem points. Therefore, if you played survivor at rank 8, you would need 12 emblem points to pip and 3 more emblem points than that to double pip.

    Do you see what I'm talking about?

  • Member Posts: 747

    I think it sort of creates a casual mode everyone has been begging for. Like if you're playing competitively you play one of the top tier killers. If you're just playing for fun you don't have to get steamrolled and derank just for playing a mid-low tier killer.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I believe so. So in a roundabout way you're saying it sounds like a good idea to you as well?

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    In a roundabout way it would kind of alleviate that issue I agree.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I got the impression it had to do with rewards for being at higher ranks.

    I hope they don't implement that every killer has an individual rank. I feel at high ranks you usually face the same killers and this will become even more apparent if this change is implemented. Also how would this work if you join a lobby as killer but then change to a different killer after?

    I'm hoping the archives force more variety with killers at these ranks. Also more BP depending on your rank.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    It's an excellent idea, it would fix rank instantly besides the emblems.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    "Also how would this work if you join a lobby as killer but then change to a different killer after?"

    Hmm that is a very good point. I'm not sure what they'd do about that.

  • Member Posts: 595
    edited June 2019


    Can you give me a timestamp on what Not_Queen said about it? I didn't even realize she mentioned something.

    Dave Richard's quote (around the 1:03:16 mark) on the topic was this:

    "What we have right now, in the rank, is comparing killers with survivors, and we think that this doesn't make a lot of sense since they have very different roles. So what we want to redo with this rank rework is to compare killers with killers, you know, Trapper with Trappers, so that you have, you know as a player your own progression in there, you want to get better and compare to your game, and then compare with other players who are playing the same kind of thing."

    So at first glance, it does sound like an individualized rank system for each type of killer. But that last sentence also makes it almost sound like a rank system based on a leaderboard for each type of killer. I don't know - seems too vague right now to speculate much about it.

    I do agree with the opinion that it could cause low rank bullying by killers who are already quite proficient in killer-plays in general, which I am absolutely against. Of course, not that the current way works any better, given someone learning a completely new killer usually ends up being bullied if he is already ranked high with another killer.  ...yeah, I don't know how I feel about it either way right now. Hopefully they'll come up with a fair ranking system that would be fair to newcomers of both survivors and killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,600

    I'm very encouraged by the mentioned ranking system changes. For instance, playing Trapper at rank X is very different than Spirit at rank X, yet we are currently graded on the same curve. More nuance can only help.

  • Member Posts: 194

    It is not a course of separate or not for just ranks.

    I prefer no teachable perk in separate rank mode for this.

    In another words, in separate mode, all players can use only their character's perk.

  • Member Posts: 24

    What it all sounds like is what League currently does with their Mastery system. For instance if the average jungle graves plays X kind of way and you exceed those expectations then you get a mastery rank based on your performance throughout the game. This sounds like a much more accurate way to base someone's rank off of to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    You're talking about a completely different game. That would never happen.

  • Member Posts: 194

    Ok, so we can imagine what will in fact happen with that work.

    seperate rank can do what for the ranking system?

    1. red rank still Nurse and Billy. Wont change.
    2. to avoid playing with those OP Killer, survivors may always switch to other character with low rank when current character rank reachs purple or red. There are so many survivor characters that can let people playing just in rank15- rank10 untill the rank reset comming.

    So, In my perspective, the change you said about is just what something related to BHVR's new content(Noticed there will be a perticular character story and cosmetic unlock system.)

    But to normal game playing, it is totally nonsense, and even worsen the game inviroment. However,they may also hadnt thought about it , they always do whatever rushed into their mind, without thinking it through.

  • Member Posts: 13,671


    Well firstly this is only for killers. It wouldn't make sense for survivors as they are only skins.

    Red ranks wouldn't be only nurse and billy because it's pretty easy to get to red ranks with all the killers. The difference is how viable they are while there.

    "But to normal game playing, it is totally nonsense, and even worsen the game inviroment"

    Based on what I've said above I don't see a downside.

  • Member Posts: 194

    If it's killer only, then it sounds kinda good.

    It will be an incentive to encourage people playing those classical M1 killers.

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