What Perks are good with The Plague?

Also, Plague is fantastic
Idk, I found Bamboozle to be fantastic on her. XD
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Thanatophobia because smart survivors won't cleanse against her and this punishes that.
I also like Whispers on her because she's pretty easy to hide from being so tall with a 32m TR. It's also a nice ASMR feeling when you have Corrupt and a survivor is nearby.
BBQ, Ruin, and Enduring/Spirit Fury as usual.
Bambo is good as @Andreyu44 said, but it depends on the map really. It's mostly useful to shut down the strong loops in some spots.
I also liked using Brutal Strength because 1) survivors tend to drop the pallet early if they are sick and broken, and 2) it saves time at gens since you will usually kick and puke on it.
Overcharge seemed good the few times I used it. Kick a gen, puke on it. Survivors will avoid touching it until the infection goes away, then if they fail the skill check they lose even MORE progress and you know they are there, so you can kick and puke on it again. It forces them to get on the gen while it's infected just to avoid the regression time.
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I use BBQ, Ruin, Monitor & Abuse, and Brutal Strength. The Enduring/Spirit Fury combo is really good as well.
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Just my thoughts but discordance is another good one to have on killers that run off instantly affecting more at a time, killers that can benefit heavily from this are
1. Freddy: imagine coming in and getting straight into the chases (throw class photo for more fun)
2. Michael: the more survivors you are stalking the more EW you will get means t3 faster
3. Plague: puking is transferrable from gen to ppl to other people to even other items catch a discordance proc off the back and poison half the squad starting off
Other killers can use it to great advantage but these three probably have the greatest connection to the perk with greater pay offs without being as obvious (like legion who's teachable it is)
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At the moment I use
Ruin: Gen slowdown
Thanatophobia: Someone mentioned it, Survivors sometimes don't cleanse, but if they cleanse always it's a wasted perk. Otherwise it's pretty good.
Monitor and Abuse: Just to sneak up easier on them so they have less time to react
Discordance: To get information which gen is being worked on
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You can run the standard pallet counter build: Ruin, Brutal Strength, Enduring, and Spirit Fury, or swap out Brutal Strength with Bamboozle (which I prefer).
She's effective at deterring generator repairs, and can benefit from Overcharge or Pop on top of puking on things after kicking them.
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You equip Thana to force survivors to cleanse. Not cleansing right now is the biggest counter tactic to Plague, and Thana punishes that. Yes, if they cleanse often it's not going to make a difference, but if they cleanse you get Corrupt which is INSANELY powerful and makes up for the loss of a perk honestly.
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Which killer was that again? >.>''
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Bloodhound would be good for finding/tracking people who are in broken state
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Unrelenting,beast of prey, unnerving presence and fire up.
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I haven't really settled on a build for her yet. Enduring/Spirit Fury/Ruin/Thana synergizes pretty well. You'll need something to deal with pallets because you're going to be eating them for breakfast.