Disable hatch close and leave the end game timer

This will balance the game out and end hatch standoffs.

the killer can't camp the hatch and the survivor can't stand around waiting to take a hit to get the hatch or hide and wait for the killer to leave the hatch because he will die at the end of the countdown. Make it fair for everyone not one sided for killers.


  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    I wouldn't have a problem with reworked exit gate spawns, though I think some maps one side is just going to be screwed.

    Example, Haddonfield is Killer sided for exit gates since the map is so small, along with the Game maps. I main Freddy and after I close the hatch it's pretty easy to find those pesky Survivors.

    For Survivors though, Lery's and Yamoaka's Estate so long as you are patient. Example, played against a Clown on Lery's where I became the last Survivor and Clown found the hatch. I was near a gate but waited a bit in one of the dark rooms (huge risk I admit) but after a moment I heard the heartbeat come only to leave a few seconds later. I rushed the gate and opened it just as the heartbeats returned and escaped with a few seconds left.

    I think the devs had it right when they said a huge part of EGC will be luck based, it's just both having luck and being smart.

  • Sonic249
    Sonic249 Member Posts: 9

    do the devs read this? if so you have ruined the game. i hope all the killers who complained you appeased them because it is almost impossible to win. when you are the last game almost every time the guy on the hook is gonna hold on for as long as possible which gives the killer time to get back to the hatch to close it. if you help the guy on the hook you'll probably die because they will leave you for dead. fix this... my suggestion is perfect

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Actually since EGT was introduced killers cannot grab survivors who jump into hatch, so if they removed the ability to close hatch that would pretty much mean gg every time.

    No hatch stand off because survivor wins regardless of who finds it first.

  • animatedlegacy99
    animatedlegacy99 Member Posts: 1

    I think the hatch close is a good thing to keep. For the most part ends hatch standoffs and people holding the game hostage. The better thing to do would be to wait at an exit gate when they close it. It seems to be the more ideal play with survivors I face. I suppose there would be a big factor on how spaced out escape gates are. You can still win, it’s not impossible by any means and definitely doesn’t make it one sided for killers.

  • Chrisko
    Chrisko Member Posts: 288

    I like the idea of the change.

    Killers with the mentality that 4k is a win and anything less is a loss, then they will not support this. They will focus on the argument that why should the 1 survivor left have that option.

    Killers are solely responsible for their play. They don't have to rely on anyone else in the game. If this game had 2 killers that had to work together to succeed and one of them was screwing around, they might be asking for a balanced option for them to succeed if their killer teammate didn't pull their weight.

    From the last survivor standpoint (solo play), I have no control over my teammates play and this would give some more flexibility to escape. I wish survivors would play more cooperatively but that will never happen (except in SWF). The current game state encourages SWF and discourages solo play. I don't mind being killed but It is not fun when my fellow survivors don't pull their weight and I have to spend the next 5 - 10 minutes with little chance to succeed and low probability end-game options.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    If you want a game where you don't have to worry about teammates, DbD supports that. All you have to do is select 'Play as Killer'.

  • Sonic249
    Sonic249 Member Posts: 9

    What's swf? & I was just in a match where I found the hatch right as it was opening and the killer hit me but I still got in.. that's good information to have

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611




    Hatch isn't supposed to be a free escape, especially when you already lost by failing to complete the gens.

    Big nope.

  • Judith
    Judith Member Posts: 819

    I escaped at least half the time I was the last survivor. Mostly through exit gates but it is rng depending how close are the gates. I don't think it is unbalanced in my own experience.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    There's to much emphasis on hatch as last survivor. Its just a quick escape if you can create or gain the opportunity. Its not there as a last man standing reward. If you know there's little chance focus on the gates over a risky hatch camp.

  • MrSunbro
    MrSunbro Member Posts: 111


  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    @DemonDaddy Finally a survivor with brains. I hope I never see you in my lobby, smart survivors always escape ;-)

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    I do miss making the killer have to watch three places instead of just two that can usually be patrolled easily.