Didn't they add a mechanic to punish hook-camping killer?

Because apparently the loss in points isn't a big enough deal to stop them from doing so. I keep running into games where even someone running the Hag is camping the hook even after placing traps.

I'm not making a suggestion, I'm actually asking if that mechanic was introduced or not because I remember there being talk about such a thing long ago.

Just sucks to have to sit there and die. :/


  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    Right but...if they get nothing from the kill if they camp, then why camp?

    I get trying to win, but if you get nothing from it, why try so hard?

    Is it a ranked thing? Because if it is, that still brings up the need for Ranked to be a separate mode.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    Well sometimes toxic killers trying to bait salty comments, sometimes needed (endgame), sometimes revenge (tbagging survivors), sometimes swarming survivors (ultra altruistic).

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    Ahh, I play on PS4, so no such thing as comments.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    They did but as you can see it doesn't really deter them from doing it. Unfortunately camping will continue so long as camping remains effective.

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    Fair enough, I know game balance isn't easy, it's just unfun when every day you get a game where someone is either camping or working with the killer or exploiting glitchs. I get that there is only so much you can do, but when the same two people (my friend and I) run into this stuff consistently out of everyone playing, that would incline there are a lot of people doing it to the point that it is rampant. That or we are just that unlucky, who knows.

    Regardless I never enjoyed Survivor that much anyway but we may just have to stick to being fun-having killers who don't care if we 4K or not and leave Survivor alone.

    Just sucks because you can't play together otherwise.

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    Your down votes astonish me.

    I'd feel better knowing they won't get anything if they camp the hook. A major loss for BP.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    The current deterrents work on camping as a strategy, but have no impact on camping as a Survivor punishment. A killer that is playing solely to enjoy the survivors suffering will Camp regardless of the point loss and even if they earn nothing for the entire match. They're playing because that's their form of enjoyment.

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    It's fine, the reason they do this is because they just accept it. They accept the fact that some Killers like to camp and take the fun out of the game instead of looking for alternative ways to fix the problem.

    If the problem is that Killers do it to guarantee a kill and points do not matter, than the new approach would be to find out why Killers want to guarantee a kill so badly.

    If it's to rank up then that means that they are competitive and if this seems to be the underline motive then they should take the approach that has been asked for multiple times, which is to separate competitive and casual players.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The mechanic exists! It's called gen rush. Do it.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Also make sure one or two people have Borrowed Time. Survivors have a chat window to discuss these things, but mostly I just see "boobslol" before the game starts.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Yet if that camper gets NOED as a result, and the survivors complain, you guys will say they were lazy and should’ve cleansed the totems.

    This is why the biggest issue with NOED is the lack of a minimal requirement for the killer to even be able to get it. I know this isn’t a NOED thread, but when people say to just do gens it’s a viable counter argument. Don’t let campers get NOED then.

  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    Yep, camping is gonna lose you the game unless people are hovering around the hook.

    The killer just doesn't care, they want to kill that one person for whatever reason and are fine with throwing the game out of spite.

  • ForsakenM
    ForsakenM Member Posts: 47

    I mainly play Killer so I don't care too much about Survivor.

    I just play it causally with friends to have fun.

    Thus I am always between Rank 18 and Rank 20.

    I barely have any of the good perks for Survivor and those ones I do have are currently not teachable because I haven't invested enough in them because I don't play Survivor.

    My team was doing gens while I got camped. This Hag had Hex: Ruin. Because this was an under-10 Rank game she was able to camp me to guarantee the kill while also delaying gen work through the Hex.

    I guess the real issue here is that competitive play is mixed with casual play, meaning that people who play for the thrill and to have a good time with friends suffer at the hands of people who REALLY want to get to Rank 1 even though you don't really get anything for it other than 'being the best.'

    Hence the need for Ranked to be a separate mode.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    edited June 2019

    It's like people disconnecting: They may not make BP at all and lose rank, but they still do it.

    Reason you're being camped is mostly to either secure a kill, or to secure a kill of a specific person.

    Both of those reasons definitely don't make them think BP or rank is important.

    Post edited by Boss on
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    its implemented.

    campers are a very rare sight at high ranks these days, thanks to said mechanic.

    still, it didnt discourage low rank killers to camp.

    also keep in mind that the killer will not lose chaser emblem points when there is another survivor within the radius.

  • Skemooo
    Skemooo Member Posts: 194

    i got targeted and facecamped with head nodding for 3 games back to back from same killer coz some days ago i was playing body block hag and i moried him on his first unhook. I dont mind getting face camped its part of game and it adds more risk. it kind of gets anoying when you get same killer back to back though.. usually campers derank and you will never face them again.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Sadly the only solution to "punish" camping right now. Problem is this negatively effects all killers and the call for a second or more complex objective for survivor is real.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I camp when I see 2 or 3 survivor hidding poorly near the hook. I also camp sometimes when I feel like it ;-) no amount of punishment can dissuade me. If you don't like it just quit struggling and accept the warm embrace of the Entity.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    @CallMeSpidey and how is that fair for endgame, when camping is 99% of the time needed unless u want to get them a free escape? Or swarming survivors?

  • SolidusPrime
    SolidusPrime Member Posts: 39


    Yep. It's called doing generators.

  • Kuripi
    Kuripi Member Posts: 13

    Yeah, I was just in a game where the Killer hook camped. I watched and waited until the Entity took my fellow survivor, hoping there was an opportunity to rescue them but the killer just stood there chopping at the victim on the hook. I started doing generators at that point but by the time everything was completed, there was one survivor on the hook and I was the only unhooked player left. I watched the killer a while to see if they would leave the hook to look for me but they just stood there chopping, so I opened the gate and waited some more until I had to leave. The post-game chat basically confirmed that the Killer was trying to extract salt and they ended up with the most points. Checking the killer's Steam profile, they had a couple of bans on record from other games too..

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    See how you rewarded the camper by camping yourself for some time? Work on generators.

  • Kuripi
    Kuripi Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2019

    There was no real way to know what I was dealing with, with the first Hook.

    • I couldn't leave the person on the hook to die if there was a chance to rescue them.

    My teammates were already working on the generators and we were all working on generators after the first person died from hook camping. I was even working on a generator when the first person was hooked about 3 minutes in from game start.

    There was no way to communicate that we had a hook camper

    So, yes, we were working on generators and the Killer still came out ahead on points.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    • True, but you stuck around for some time, according to what you said.
    • Yes you could. You're not obligated to rescue anyone. I tell my current SWF mate to leave me on the hook all the time.
    • You should've been working on generators as well instead of waiting for an unhook you knew would never come. It takes longer for a survivor to die than it does for generators to be repaired. The killer should not have gotten more than a single kill if you were working on generators.
    • Yes there is. Spam self-unhook to indicate a camper. Make sure to tell your teammates in the pre-game chat to do the same so everyone's on the same page.
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230
    edited June 2019

    Survivors need to lose this thinking of getting everyone out at all cost, it's what quite often turns a game from 3 escapees to 3-4 sacrifices, even though the Exit Gates were long open.

    In Dead by Daylight co-operation is OPTIONAL, albeit what some newer Survivors might tell you. One reason we don't have voice chat is that the idea was and still is that ultimately, each Survivor is on their own and ONLY their own survival is what matters most, not that of the other Survivors, that aren't actually team mates, but rather means and tools to facilitate your own survival.

    I'll leave Survivors hanging without second thoughts if it ensures my survival and/or if a rescue attempt would likely be suicidal, and I frankly don't care if you call me an anti-mate afterwards, because the truth is, darling, you do not matter to me at that point.

  • Kuripi
    Kuripi Member Posts: 13

    • Yes, I stuck around for the struggle and left when they had only a few pixels of time left. Had the Killer left a little bit early, I was potentially close enough to run and Unhook them.

    • Yes, of course I could leave them but then that enters the realm of philosophical and moral dilemma, discounting that it's a game we're talking about. Even then, there's a whole thing about sportsmanship and the spirit of the game.

    • I actually didn't know if the opportunity would never come.

    • Well now I know but in this specific case, no there wasn't.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    • In other words, you camped the hook, just like the killer. Your team could've repaired all the gens if you hadn't camped.
    • It's a game. If you want to take the risk of unhooking, you can't complain that you actually suffer consequences, on occasion.
    • I did and I wasn't even there. Because you said the killer was camping, I knew there wasn't a chance to unhook.
    • There always was. The signal exists regardless of your awareness of it.