What would be an acceptable price for you for the premium track on the Rift?

I'm kind of assuming it's going to be $20 but that might be too expensive for me. I definitely wouldn't pay anything over that price point, that's for sure.
Oh and if it's $0 because you hate battle passes and would never buy one, that's fine, but I'm not here to debate that.
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I think $10 would be fair, but $20 would be the most that I would pay for a premium pass.
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I'd prefer for it to be something like 5~7$ if it comes out every 3 months. The DLC itself is already 8$, so adding another 20$ for 4 times a year add up to be 112$. Having the Premium track be 7$ would make buying the DLC and Premium track for only cost 60$, which is much more affordable in my opinion. We do have to wait and see what the devs have in these Premium tracks though.
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5-10 dollars. I’m indifferent to the idea of the battlepass type thing. I like doing different challenges things while playing a game, so getting a reward for doing that is a good thing in my book. But I’m not going to want to pay $10< for something’s I have to renew every couple months for
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If the tome in its entirety; narrative, rewards, challenges etc (including the Rift) was a paid item that was available in the store indefinitely I'd pay around 15 - 25 for it.
This is inline with an online subscription to most MMOs that present this kind of content through expansions.
For a predatory battlepass system a fair price might be the industry standard of $5-$10. To be more fair, it should be available with iridescent shards for an amount that is easily grindable within the 3-month time frame they mentioned.
Anything higher than that is greed and an indication for the future development of DbD.
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I won't pay anything over $10, since WoW charged $15/mo. No game offers comparable content for a recurring price.
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I think they said it was buyable with Iridescent Shards. Correct me if I'm wrong.
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I wasn't able to watch the stream in its entirety because of work so it might be. I'll take a closer look tonight for a discussion video later.
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We got such vague information as far as what we'd be getting on that premium track that I don't see how this question is answerable with what little information we have so far.
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$1. or $0.99
anything above that isn't worth it IMO.
Plus I'm planning on buying all the DLC in the game... and guess how much that is...
So I would love to save some money please...
Here's what I already Bought for a reference:
1) Dead By Daylight [Game]
2) Lullaby Chapter [Free]
3) Ash DLC
4) Halloween Chapter
5) SAW Chapter
6) Freddy Rework Chapter
7) Charity Case
$67.26 on the game so far (Includes The Game Price)
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Depends on the contents.
BUT personally... $5.99 sounds decent if there's gonna be rotations with skins and whatnot.
Especially since there is a FREE version alongside the Premium one, I doubt they'll charge anything higher than a DLC Chapter.
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Honestly I don't care, I've put 3300 hours into this game, a ######### tonne of people are up to this point and I still feel like I owe the devs more.
I've made a million friends, had a trillion laughs and I'm here for another 1K hours, honestly haven't had a game adapt and change constantly to what the community does and I love it and will continue to support the devs.
Not because I'm worried of "Missing out" but because i KNOW I'm missing out because I haven't honestly consumed a bad bit of content from the devs, except crotus prenn, that map can SUCK IT.
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I'd pay $10 to $20, nothing else. I'm not very rich so if it's $10 bucks that would be nice
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$20?! No... more like 6-10
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I mean they charge nearly $11 for a full skin. $4 for a single item. I would be shocked if it was $10 or less. But I could be wrong I suppose.
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Why do you keep posting this? The game and its dlc goes half off or more frequently. If you did buy all this stuff new it still wouldn't add up to your cost since you are including all auric cell packs that you don't need. Even if you counted the packs ,180 dollars over 3 years on something you enjoy does not amount to much.
6 -
oh no 67$ over the course of 3 years.
You're acting as if they dropped all this content in one day and expect you to buy it all when the majority of it you can earn in game.
Stop trying to make the devs look bad because you're late to the game and there's 3 years worth of content to catch up on, it's ridiculous.
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14.99 would be fair
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I'd pay about like $4.99-6.99
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It seems like its going to give a good amount of cosmetics so I'd say $10-$20
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@Micheal_Myers What are you buying the cells for?
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-Shrugs- it's part of the Addons. Plus some skins like Ash's are exclusive to cells. So it would be helpful to earn more skins Especially the ones that will come out for The Pig and Detective Tapp
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=/ Do you really think I was there day one?
And if you already have all The DLC's then you legit paid over $200 for the entirety of the game..
So having the battlepass cheap would work for me so I don't spend $300 and I hate battlepasses because it's stupid to have. Other games have it because they have more cosmetics that tell a story. Like Characters, Skins, Guns, Weapon Charms. Facepaints, ect.
So I'm not a big fan of the Battlepass either way. I'd rather not complain and say "Oh I can just buy the Battlepass for skins that might just go to the store either way!" Plus the Free pass is going to just have recolors while the paid is going to be exclusive which makes 50% of the player base to feel left out. And here's a thing people leave out...
If 75,044 Players bought $200 worth of DLC... [Steam Player Count] The Developers earned...
15.0088 million US$
So why would I support a Millionaire in a scheme to gain even more money from people who will feel left out.
So do I think they are a bad guy? No.
Do I think they will be a bad guy if they make a battlepass more than a dollar? Yes.
Because I actually took business classes and I know what tactics they are doing. They are trying to follow their friends at Bethesda, and they are following Activision.
They already make millions of dollars. so making the "Paid Battlepass" for a Dollar would make them guess what..
$75,044 on Steam Alone.
So they could easily make a million on all platforms if the battlepass was $1 and since this will be a monthly thing. They could easily make $1 to 20 Million dollars within a year. maybe even more.
So stop trying to call people out if you don't have the same information that they have. Because if you do then that's just plain rude. And I would have to waste my time with your rude comments.
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Whats the point tho? We will probably only get Claudette/Meg/Nurse/Billy cosmetics in these BPs anyway
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If you want to give me things for just playing that is fine because I have no money to spend.
I don't like battlepass type monetization structures. So rather than going into that I wil say this. If the buy-in to the "Premium track" is a one time purchase of $20.00 or less then I would consider it. I've bought the game, all but one chapter, and don't really care for the store. I mean I still have to play and unlock everything so I think it is a reasonable price.
If it is a repeating purchase cycle every season then it isn't worth it. That is one of my biggest issues with Battlepass type monetization is that it if for any reason you can't make it through the pass during the season you've just lost money. That is what is weird to me.
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I'd pay over 20, but I highly doubt it will cost that much anyway.
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You took business class but somehow forgot they have wages to pay, maintenance to pay, upkeep costs, investing into other teams for other games, I guess they just had a mobile team from the beginning?
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Ehh, $5 too low, but $10 too high. So I'd say $7.50
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Sorry, just had a re-read of your comment and had to laugh and tell you how ridiculous it is.
And if you already have all The DLC's then you legit paid over $200 for the entirety of the game..
The game with all it's DLC costs £79, a whopping $101. That's over the course of three years, by the way. $33 a year.
If 75,044 Players bought $200 worth of DLC... [Steam Player Count] The Developers earned...
The 75,000 figure is heavily exaggerated because of the free weekend the game currently has going on, not to mention my point above but all the content does not cost $200
So why would I support a Millionaire in a scheme to gain even more money from people who will feel left out.
Oh, I don't know - maybe because companies need money in order to grow? That "15 Million" dollars isn't going to just sit in their banks and bolster their wealth, they have wages and upkeep to pay for, who knew?
Because I actually took business classes and I know what tactics they are doing. They are trying to follow their friends at Bethesda, and they are following Activision.
With all the errors you're making it find it hard to believe you've ever taken a class in anything business related.
$75,044 on Steam Alone.
$75,000 WOW! That's probably like a months wages or something I'm sure they'll do a lot with that!
So they could easily make a million on all platforms if the battlepass was $1 and since this will be a monthly thing. They could easily make $1 to 20 Million dollars within a year. maybe even more.
They've already said the battlepass will be every 3 months, but I mean, looking at your post being disingenuous is one of your favourite things, and how do they suddenly make 1$ into 20 million? The player value is currently very inflated because of the free weekend.
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Honestly it depends on what/how much content is in the battle pass but that being said, I’m guessing it will probably be around $10 or so.
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Here's the thing you fail to realize... every player they get.. BUYS DLC.. And guess what..?
75,044 Players on steam. Maybe more on Console, On Switch, On Mobile.
So if we get the same Numbers on Console Steam Switch and Mobile Combined... GUESS HOW MUCH THEY EARN PER PERSON if they buy the game and ALL DLC:
$75,044+$75,044+$75,044+$75,044+$75,044 = 375,220 US$ In the $1 Battlepass Alone.
Which for a Company... is ALOT.
Because Guess what if you can make that much from $1 Guess how much you make from $200 worth of DLC. Also Nice Pound Symbols. Change those prices to USD ;) Since all my calculations are based on USD.
So... If there are about 375,220 on each Version (Includes Mobile & Switch since it will obviously have a player base)
375,220 x $200 = 75.04400 million US$
Want to see how big 75.04400 Million is in USD?
Now... Obviously the company takes about a 75 % take.
So the Company Takes: about $56,283,000 (BeHAVIOUR)
That Leaves about $18,761,000 for All Employees and also includes a way to get taxed.
So yes I took a business class. That's why you laugh because you can't say anything and you just wanted me to prove you wrong that's why you wrote it in a toxic response.
Also 75,044 isn't exaggerated. it's legit the Peak Players on Steam. All the players who played on the weekend doesn't matter if The peak doesn't change.
Every 3 Months? so that means they earn about... $375,220 every month (Once the Mobile & Switch Versions come out as well) Which means $375,220 x 4 = 1,500,880
So... about $1,500,880 Per year per Player on all Platforms (Including Switch and Mobile when they release)
So lets do the calculations again since this price is smaller they might take a smaller take maybe... 15%
15% of $1,500,880 = $225,132 for BeHAVIOUR
Which Means... $1,275,748 The Staff Gets this Per Year per Battlepass.
And these are estimations because I don't work at BeHAVIOUR so I don't know the real Numbers. But you assuming I don't know what I'm talking about is Hilarious.
They still will make more money than most Gamestop workers or most 7-11 Workers or hell even 911 Dispatchers might make.
That's why I said i would be fine with a $1 price because it's still a fair amount especially with the ongoing playerbase that's why Mobile would be successful because all they have to do is charge $1 per Battlepass, and literally everyone can afford it which earns them more money. And if you miss out on something in the battlepass it doesn't feel like you wasted $15 on nothing because you couldn't play. But if you just waste $1 then you could just be happy you could just spend ONLY $1 so in reality it is the smartest business move.
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Also this is my last Point on the cause. Cause tbh, I simply Don't care anymore. So believe what you wish. -shrugs-
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Do you guys even watchted anniversary stream? It was even said this is gonna be unlockable by playtime.
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That's always good.
What isn't good is putting an exaggarated price on it and say it's fine cause you can also unlock it normally.
Plus a high price will just result in less buyers.
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This is a thread they should read. Personally I dont see any reason it should be more than £10. Even 10 seems a bit much.
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What I've been trying to say the entire time.
Like $1 would be perfect so if you don't want to keep playing and miss out on anything you either wasted $1 or 30mins of Playtime And if you did spend $1 it would still help the company.
SO you @Boss and @Ksoni are both correct as well as I am.
I'm not against free cosmetics or a way to get em faster I just think it should be cheap and accessible to all players. Poor, medium, & Rich. i just don't want to pay $15 and forget about the Battlepass and then come back after playing Battlefront or CoD for 4 Months and feel like i wasted $15 that would honestly make me want a refund for the $15 but if it's $1 I'd be like "Welp it's just a dollar!" *Buys this Months pass*
So i think $1 or $1.99 should be a reasonable price and maybe after 5 Challenges we get a free Battlepass (The paid Side).
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since it is going to give us multiple cosmetic sets and be available for around 3 months (i think), i would say a price between 5$ to 10$ would be a good idea.
i would definitely not pay anything if the price was around 20$. thats the price of the whole freakin game, i aint paying that ON TOP just for a battlepass!
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You are absolutely clueless on this entire subject.
Studied business, lmao.
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$30 would be my limit. A season is supposedly 3 months so $10 a month.
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For me it's a very simple question. IF disconnecting people will start getting banned, I'll pay up to $20, even $25. Don't care much about cosmetics, but I'd be happy to support BHVR so that they can continue improving and fixing the game.
But if the new system for punishing DC-s is still going to be a joke, not a cent.
@Micheal_Myers you're an idiot. You talk like companies making money is a bad thing. Jesus. You some kind of Commie?
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Not to mention he thinks the game + dlc = 200$? Lmao he could literally go onto steam right now, add it all to his basket and see it's 101$.
His game seems to be to make BHVR look as bad as possible for no apparent reason.
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Hm... @SenzuDuck , he probably works for EA. Or Epic. Hm, maybe Facepunch?
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$5-15 if it's for three months and we get a constant stream of cosmetics that aren't available otherwise.
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Zero. I will literally never buy it.
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Geez lol
Like I said All my Numbers are estimations and, Steam has different prices because of Steam Summer Sale which is obviously on going.
And Never ONCE did I say Devs making money is bad.
I said it is idiotic to make a small bit of code $15.
I said they would still make their money if it was $1.
So if I am an Idiot for making Logical Estimations then so be it.
You both don't have to be super toxic about it.
All I did was put estimations of everything. You being extremely toxic about someone trying to spread logic and reason on a thread by using Estimations should be looked at by a Moderator like @Peanits , because you calling me an Idiot is extremely toxic and uncivil on a forum that obviously says "What is your Reasonable Price" and obviously in all my posts I put estimations together to make a reasonable argument based on my business knowledge.
I EVEN Stated that a $1 Transaction on mobile could be a great business decision. Since Thousands of players would try out the Mobile Version. And a battlepass could start that.
And like I stated in my last post don't be toxic because It is MY OPINION. and You have yours. You obviously won't change my opinion because I obviously put logic and reasoning in mine.
All you said was a Screen shot of DLC that is probably on the Steam Summer Sale. That was your logic POV.
And in the next post I made replying to that I explained why your points are soooo Wrong.
Because logically $1 (Like a McDonalds Value Menu) would bring in more people and more money especially if there is word that a Battlepass is in this game which is a GREAT business decision.
I never wanted to start a fight but obviously you guys can't make a reasonable civil discussion without calling me names and/or being toxic towards me because you are used to the " $15 Fortnite Battlepass "
And tbh I want to encourage the devs to make each pass 1 Month each so they can get more money from the dollar heck I even stated they could make it $1.99 so they can tax your transaction and make even more money which helps the company and The Devs.
My point short: Don't be toxic on the internet, Provide accurate Logical and reasonable numbers of why it should be... (Insert Price Here), Have a CIVIL CONVERSATION.
So I don't have to ask Peantis to read your comments that are obviously are toxic and targeting me for me voicing my own opinion on the matter.
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When you pay for a cosmetic you are not paying for a "small bit of code." They have to pay their employees, you know? They have to run a business. And then they need to make a profit.
I'm not saying the cosmetics prices are reasonable, but it's disingenuous to say "$15 for a small bit of code." That's like going to a restaurant and complaining that you could make the same meal at home for half the price.
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Thanks for being less Toxic than the Other 2.
I was currently frustrated when I wrote that post. I don't like being called out even tho I clearly stated it was an estimation and was a great business decision. I just voiced my opinion and they started to be toxic towards me even tho I provided numbers.
So I understand that they have to make a profit, and pay the Devs. But I think $1 or even $1.99 would still make them fairly alot. and would make alot of profit since every person who bought it either spends $1 or about $2.34 which could make them a fair alot.
So thanks for being civil on the matter.
EDIT: It makes them probably more than the rest of us tbh.