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"Everyone can play how they want"

ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
edited May 2019 in Off-topic

NO TL;DR... im supposed to waste more time than I already have on this "diary" I just typed up, because ppl are too lazy to skim thru...not so much...don't read it then.

I'm a little confused as to how this is supposed to happen when there are so many different ppl playing this game in so many different age brackets. I Have put almost 2k hours in, and i realize there are plenty of ppl with way more than that...but im a bit older than your avg gamer and I've grown bored of doing the same old things on games as i've learned winning means less than nothing, especially on a game that is inconsistent at best, So I play now for the fun of playing the or lose i want those good battles, down to the wire skin of my teeth wins and losses. I know someone ppl might be like huh? But some of the most memorable games I've played were down to the wire losses...simply because it was a good game played well by all, and it coulda gone either way.

But now it seems to abuse game mechanics, and be as toxic as possible to illicit a "salty"response...They call us "Salty"because of how we respond to some ppl lack of skill and how they abuse mechanics to convey the image of skill...I spent time learning and not taking the easy way because that's not what skill is. Just to be inTOXICated by some tryhard's that realized u can win Hide n Seek by playing Ring Around the Rosie. So basically its like running around a table while being chased by a slower person, and they give up, so u never lose, but in DBD, u just win a lot more, since there are too many variables for anyone to win every single game all the time and never lose...winning means everything is NOT how I want to play this game.

I'm so tired of hearing how I play how I want...well i play how i want too but my way takes into consideration that it's JUST A GAME, and I'm NOT the ONLY one playing really irritates me to see some fake brag about how good he /she is, when they have thousands of hours, and they played the same game as someone with 10 hours! who doesnt know how to play better yet. it seems all the people who plateau, and can only reach a certain skill level find things that give them an edge they otherwise wouldnt have. I'm getting told by 10 year olds and younger with less than 10 hours that looping and wasting time was how this game was meant to be played...because its too hard to learn and actually get better.

I want to play using my skill and experience I dont want to rinse and repeat running in circles...simply because it works and requires less skill from me...that defeats the entire purpose of playing the game. I can't play how I want to because I want to play fairly and have good tense close games, I want the risk of dying...That makes it FUN...but ppl on both sides are abusing the game and using the easiest strategy so they can brag about their amazing skill...because they can do the easiest thing possible...smh.

If DBD was about skill then u would get less access to perks as you prestige' have to rely more on skill than you could on the game giving you perks that give u an advantage, even more so once you get really good with them...I stopped using certain perks because they made me a weaker player, i also felt after a while that they made the game too easy as a survivor. I do this because I hold myself to a higher standard and cause of my pride in the things I do, and doing things right or not at all, and in my day skill was proven by not relying on easy tactics u might use when you're much less experienced.

Maybe different modes for survivors and killer. Like for survivor...Altruistic mode which would be team oriented play...Cut-throat mode for those who winning means everything... For killers you could have Organic mode and At All Costs" tryhard" mode. I don't play the same way as someone who only cares about winning so I'm not sure how "everyone can play how they want" when you have different ways of playing, playing together...The way I play doesn't ruin the game experience for anyone else...But they way toxic ppl play ruins the game for anyoen who wants to actually have fun playing the game and not having fun pissing ppl off...

I think we can all agree that "when we were kids" is a different time frame for a lot different ppl. I grew up playing games like hide n seek and manhunt, but it was never about the win because we were gonna play more games and it awas just about being bored and killing time till there was something better to do. Using a stick and pretending it was a gun or like tic tac toe in the dirt were a frequent thing, i realized, after a certain amount of time, playing video games that got more and more expansive with a plethora of things to do, especially when left to my own devices, that i didnt need to win(it literally means nothing) I just needed to play fair and skill would give me wins natrually...

Plus winning because i can do the easiest rinse and repeat strategies weren't even as fun as losing a good close game...I KNOW I can do the easier thing, but I have experience and skill, so I shouldnt need to...I realized i was only robbing myself of the experience of playing the game, because a lot of elements in society teach us that winning means everything...get to the top no matter what...But i felt If I didn't EARN it then it was like i never did it. I learned to deprogram myself from that line of thinking. I hold myself to a higher standard because of myself, and how i judge myself, and it seems all people wanna do is win any way they can because they care too much about how other ppl judge them, that other ppl think they are winners...

When I was playing SOCOM ppl like that were kicked out of rooms for ruining the game experience...Now there are so many of them they literally outnumber us massively...welcome to the participation awards...

Post edited by ThatsYoAzz on


  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2019

    Well, sorry, but u can do what i learned to do when there was a long subject to read, skim thru and find the relevant it seems to be common place for me to do more work than writing the "diary" I just wrote because ppl are too lazy to simply read the words I took way more time to type...this is exactly what im talking about...ppl are so lazy... reading too many words is a waste of time...but playing a game, like dead by daylight, the easiest rinse and repeat strategy way for a game, to get a meaningless win, that wasn't earned based on skill, on a game with no stats and the rank resets every month, and emblems that only we can see, isn't a waste of your time?

    Post edited by ThatsYoAzz on
  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018
  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    TL;DR's are important for ppl who think their time is worth more than other people's...Man where was that TL;DR when my teacher gave us a book report that I didnt want to read, because i had more important things to do...I guarantee that they woulda got a chuckle out of the sheer arrogance but it wouldn't have cut it. Much like "the dog ate my homework" didnt work either...and that has actually happened.

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2019

    and let the insults begin..."I'm no where near the level(who cares)of a member on these forums who actually has thought provoking discussions". So I must be an idiot who can't articulate words to form a proper thought...insult #2 and u gather this because i think ppl are too placated nowadays and i dont have the time for it. I guess we all don't have time to do a lot of things...guess ill just have to deal with it...just like every generation before the last few. "The sheer arrogance(insult#3) you display for thinking your ranting doesn't require(laughable)a tl;dr is a testament of how ignorant you are(insult #4).

    So you think that all that is actually being articulate and the voice of reason? ...ok...if you say so...simply put if its TL;DR then it's Too Long and you Didn't Read it...condescending comments never happened, a plus in my book. I sure as hell aint as arrogant to talk to ppl the way you kids do today and call them ignorant and arrogant cause they didn't make things easier for realize that with all your ranting that your not making the compelling case you think you kinda proving my point. you think your so clever trying to insult ppl the way you your being completely your condescending rhetoric for someone who cares. Stop being so lazy it might not be so hard to comprehend what people say if they don't have the time or patience to make it easier for you...No one made it easier for us....some things got read..some things didn't.

    Post edited by ThatsYoAzz on
  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2019

    im so sorry that i just jumped onto the DBD forums and don't have 3,ooo posts or more...i just dont have the time to care, at least I'm honest about it though...I dont need a TL;DR for the forum so i get the jist...ill read it if it interests me...or I won't if it doesn't.

    I'm gonna email my favorite writers and ask them to give me a TL;Dr for my favorite books that i want to read but I just don't have the time to. BTW so what if someone with higher levels writes more than me,and takes the time to add TL;DR's that mean we all have to. I sure hope they see you singing them praises tho. No Need to be a condescending [bad word]

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    It was a simple request. All you had to say was no and move on.

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    so in all ranting & insulting, he did about me ranting about the game, and how I can't really play how I want, and how I have to hear "everyone can play how they want" and yet im complaining because i can't play how I want...and all u got from that was him politely asking a simple request. I basically "said no" in the same way he asked a "simple request" as its an insult (to me) to complain about asking for a corner to cut cause it takes too much time to read something that really isn't all that long.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Damn your still at it, I read your essay when I first came on and I agree that you need a TL;DR it just looks like a big rant that goes on and on another reason why you need a TL;DR.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Here, I've written down the first letter of each line in each paragraph. Hopefully this helps because in the time I spent doing this I could have probably read the thing myself ^.^''











    I really felt the emotion poured into paragraph 3 where the OP wrote "Iigwlwt".

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ThatsYoAzz Sorry I could not write this sooner, but here is my reply to you. It's gonna be a long read, but unfortunately for you, I ain't putting a TL;DR cause apparently you are allergic to it.

    "And let the insults begin..."I'm nowhere near the level (who cares) of a member on these forums who actually has thought provoking discussions"."

    Insults? Pfft, you have no idea how I actually am when I'm trying to be insulting. This was me being nice.

    "So I must be an idiot who can't articulate words to form a proper thought...insult #2."

    Do not put words in my mouth. For what it's worth I feel like you can, you just aren't trying.

    "And u gather this because I think people are too placate nowadays and I dont have the time for it."

    Your words, not mine.

    "I guess we all don't have time to do a lot of things...guess I'll just have to deal with it...just like every generation before the last few."

    Uh... What? I'm not trying to jest here, I am really confused.

    "The sheer arrogance(insult#3) you display for thinking your ranting doesn't require (laughable) a tl;dr is a testament of how ignorant you are(insult #4)."

    Okay, the 'insult' you have as the third one isn't a insult. Cause if it was, then you are very guilty of being insulting with this gem:

    Now maybe you don't care if you yourself are insulting. But then that would make you a hypocrite when you point out my 'insults'. And while the fourth insult is an actual insult, it is also true. You are ignorant, suck it up.

    "So you think that all that is actually being articulate and the voice of reason? ...ok...if you say so...simply put if its TL;DR then it's Too Long and you Didn't Read it...condescending comments never happened, a plus in my book."

    I read this, over and over again. I could not figure out what you meant here. My apologies.

    "I sure as hell ain't as arrogant to talk to people the way you kids do today and call them ignorant and arrogant cause they didn't make things easier for me..."

    No one called you arrogant, you called people arrogant. I was the one who called you ignorant. I am a young adult who was merely asking you to not be a [Bad Word] about your reply to a friend of mine, and to write a damned TL;DR. But no, that's too much work apparently.

    "You realize that with all your ranting that you are not making the compelling case you think you are... You are kinda proving my point."

    You are the last person who should be telling me that I'm ranting. I've been the calm party here, if I was anything like you, my writing would be all over the place in answering you. I don't see how I prove your point, when you prove my point by showing your ignorance.

    "You think your so clever trying to insult people the way you do..."

    I'm not trying to insult you dude, I'm trying to help you see things in a rational way.

    "Like you're being completely your condescending rhetoric for someone who cares."

    Why answer me then? It seems like you care a lot. Anyways, I am being civil. I could have gone the extra mile and make fun of the audacity you are spewing by saying we are kids, when you write like a child. But I'm not gonna do that.

    "Stop being so lazy it might not be so hard to comprehend what people say if they don't have the time or patience to make it easier for you...No one made it easier for us....some things got read..some things didn't."

    I'm not lazy here, but a TL;DR was desperately needed for your rant post. I love reading, I read all the time. Hell I write my own stories, but this isn't a essay or a book. This is a digital rant that wasn't formatted to be of ease to the eyes.

    Other Post

    "I'm so sorry that i just jumped onto the DBD forums and don't have 3,ooo posts or more..."

    What does post count have to do with anything? Some of the best people I know have only like a 100 posts. I got my post count from talking to friends and having fun. Post count is worth jack squat.

    "I just don't have the time to care, at least I'm honest about it though...I don't need a TL;DR for the forum so i get the jist... I'll read it if it interests me...or I won't if it doesn't."

    That's you, but some people don't have the time to read it all, especially the jarble of words you have in your initial post. We weren't asking for much, just a simple Too Long Didn't Read created to help comprehend your post. But that is too much effort apparently.

    "I'm gonna email my favorite writers and ask them to give me a TL;DR for my favorite books that I want to read but I just don't have the time to."

    There is a difference between books with actual substance in it, and a ranting post made in a forum, one is actually interesting and I want to read it, the other is made by a person who can't formulate a proper sentence.

    "BTW so what if someone with higher levels writes more than me, and takes the time to add a TL;DR. Does that mean we all have to?"

    It means someone who is as bright as you can be takes the time and effort to allow us to comprehend his work. And trust me he writes long posts that I don't mind reading, cause he actually makes it manageable to read.

    "I sure hope they see you singing them praises tho. No Need to be a condescending [bad word]."

    I honestly don't care if he does or not, he doesn't hang out in the Off Topic forum anyways (Where I got my post count). You are the last person that should be calling me condescending, even if it is true.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    This derailed quickly ...

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ABannedCat It sure did. Got any survivor pudding? Or Cold Dirt?

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    @Shad03 No, but I go a granite tombstone that allows me to kill people on the spot.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    i read things , all the thru, when the subject holds an interest to me...and like generations before me some things get read and some things dont get read...I really dont have to inclination to read everything you wrote as your simply analyzing everything i said and putting your own meaning to it, since u cant grasp what mine are. I just wont read not giving crap about giving me a TL;DR because i feel i have to read but cant dredge up to initiative to actually read it...or simply dont have time...great things about the internet is once its there...its pretty much there for suffice it to say that if something was too long to read but I actually wanted to read it...then i could simply come back when, i do have the time, and pick up where i left off...strange concept huh? If you dont want to read it because its too long...simply move i am about to do. and generations that came before us. I did skim thru it version of TL;DR, and u just repeat everything I said with your little commentary as to what you think it means or what u think of what I said.

    Yea ill just suck it up cause im so're still not getting a TL; really didnt have the time to read all that huh? but u got time to regurgitate it back to me...ROFLMAO GTFOH...If your in your 20's to me your a kid...dont take it as an insult...only kids seem to think being called a kid is an insult...your a real condescending person acting like your being civil...I really dont see how this is such a big deal...if the subject interests you then read it...if it don't then DONT READ IT...dont tell me i have to start TL;DR'ing stuff because these last few generation are getting really really lazy and expect everything to be done for them..

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2019

    if you cared so much about a TL;DR then you would have gone thru and made a TL;DR for all the ppl who have a like minded point of view about reading other people opinion's about things but are too long for them to read...that was a lot so i'd understand if you didnt want to put a TL;DR for that, but i dont know how the others that actually fight ppl to put up a TL;DR...they might not be so happy with you...nor to forgiving as you can see how far off this post went because im from a generation where we didnt get a short cut. So I dont think about giving other ppl short cuts...the person I am now considers myself a kid until my late 20's btw, because of the outlook i had about you getting all tight and twisted because I didnt put a TL;DR in my post...i realized there are better things to worry about...seems you still gotta figure that i assume you and anyone else who would think like that is a kid...cause your still worrying about the wrong crap.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @ThatsYoAzz I wasn't going to respond, I really really wasn't. But by the Entity I would be insulted if I didn't after reading what you just wrote. This will probably be the last thing I write to you, since this is probably getting tiresome and people might just want the both of us to shut the hell up. So this is my last reply to you.

    "I read things , all the way through, when the subject holds an interest to me... And like generations before me some things get read and some things don't get read...I really don't have to inclination to read everything you wrote as your simply analyzing everything I said and putting your own meaning to it, since you can't grasp what mine are."

    Okay, I told myself 'Don't be a [Bad Word] and point out his horrible grammar', unfortunately with how you talk, I gotta. Please, take the time and read through your Entity damned posts. You keep going on and on about 'My generation' this and 'My generation' that. I'd had expected someone from your generation to know how to put ' in their don'ts or can'ts, but you can't do that apparently. I also grasp what you are saying, so I'm not analyzing.

    I am not analyzing as much I am putting your words into context when I write my response to you. I'll explain further down.

    "I just won't read it... I'm not giving crap about giving me a TL;DR because I feel I have to read but can't dredge up to initiative to actually read it... Or simply don't have time... Great things about the internet is once its there... It's pretty much there for good... So suffice it to say that if something was too long to read but I actually wanted to read it...then I could simply come back when, I do have the time, and pick up where I left off...strange concept huh?"

    Yes, that is a very great thing. Unfortunately unless me and you continue to go back and forth forever, this thread will fall into irrelevance. So your point is moot. What is the strange concept here is you call me a kid, and sure fine, maybe I am. But this kid at least knows how to use capitalization and writing a alone I correctly. But the strangest concept is your abuse of the Ellipsis, or the '...' you are so fond of using. Seriously, my brain cells start dying seeing the abuse.

    "If you don't want to read it because its too long... Simply move I am about to do. And generations that came before us. I did skim through it though... My version of TL;DR, and you just repeat everything I said with your little commentary as to what you think it means or what you think of what I said."

    Here's the most hilarious thing, yeah? I don't care about TL;DRs in a long post. The only reason why I'm here is cause you decided to insult my friend, and I take great offence to that. I take friendships seriously here is what I'm saying. Anyways, I'm moving on as well, since you clearly are too blinded by your own ignorance to comprehend that someone possibly younger then you can offer good advice.

    As for me repeating? That's a lovely thing called 'Putting into Context'. Unlike you, I like having people see what I am replying to. Also, putting your paragraphs in segments helps me articulate my thoughts better by giving me something I can respond to at a good pace.

    "Yea I'll just suck it up cause I'm so ignorant..."

    You only prove my point.

    "You're still not getting a TL; really didn't have the time to read all that huh? But you got time to regurgitate it back to me..."

    Contrary to popular belief, I don't give a flying [Bad Word] if you have a TL;DR or not. I am arguing for the folks who need the TL;DR, and I'm doing this because of the insult you gave to my friend for him asking for a simple question. Of course I have the time to put your words into context so I could answer it more easily, I suggest you do the same.

    "ROFLMAO GTFOH...If you're in your 20's to me your a kid... Don't take it as an insult... Only kids seem to think being called a kid is an insult... You're a real condescending person acting like you're being civil..."

    Okay, let's assume I'm 10. That means a child has more common sense then a guy who is supposedly an adult or from a older generation. Maybe I am a kid, but somehow I think I'd rather be a kid who knows how to formulate proper sentences, then 2 b u and write vry poorly.

    I am being civilly condescending as your thick skull cannot seem to take in the fact that you are in the wrong here. All you needed to say was: "Sorry, I do not want to write a TL;DR because...." And state your reasons. But you had to be rude, and therefore, I took it upon myself to step in.

    "I really don't see how this is such a big deal... If the subject interests you then read it... If it don't then DONT READ IT... Don't tell me I have to start TL;DRing stuff because these last few generation are getting really really lazy and expect everything to be done for them..."

    As I've written several times in this post that I don't care if you have the TL;DR. It was way too long yet I still read. And for the love of the Entity stop staying 'generation', you prove yourself that it means nothing to be an older generation. You sound like a [Bad Word] [Bad Word].

    Other Post

    "If you cared so much about a TL;DR then you would have gone through and made a TL;DR for all the people who have a like minded point of view about reading other people opinion's about things but are too long for them to read..."

    I don't care... So shove this point up your [Bad Word].

    "That was a lot so I'd understand if you didn't want to put a TL;DR for that, but I don't know how the others that actually fight ppl to put up a TL;DR... They might not be so happy with you... Nor to forgiving as you can see how far off this post went because..."

    I have no idea where you were trying to go with this point.

    "...I'm from a generation where we didn't get a shortcut."

    STOP SAYING THAT! It literally means nothing at this point in time. Seriously. You prove age doesn't mean horse spit.

    "So I don't think about giving other people short cuts... The person I am now considers myself a kid until my late 20's btw, because of the outlook I had about things..."

    TL;DRs aren't a short cut, they are simply a tool to be used to help people understand your thoughts much better then if they were forced to read the dumpster fire that is your initial post. Your outlook is just terrible, you're not a very smart person.

    "Like you're getting all tight and twisted because I didn't put a TL;DR in my post... I realized there are better things to worry about... Seems you still gotta figure that out..."

    I'm getting all twisted cause your grammar is terrible for someone who claims to be from a older generation. My sister writes better sentences and she's 13. You might have better things to worry about, but I am a Forum Junky, so I can take the time to write this answers to you.

    "So I assume you and anyone else who would think like that is a kid... Cause you're still worrying about the wrong crap."

    If we go by your logic, then I'll assume you are a child who wasn't taught how to write sentences with proper punctuation, grammar, or paragraphs. Who are you to tell me that I'm worrying about the wrong things? I got nothing else to do, so I can certainly write these things to you.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732



    When I write these responses to people, I do so with the intent of giving those I argue with a ground to stand on. So the 'regurgitation' you accuse me of is me giving those who bother reading context as to what I am replying to. It also shows that I am willing to spend my time talking about individual points to prove my own statements. Let those that read this all judge us and see who gives the better argument.

    I don't care about TL;DR like you seem to think. I care about my friends, I also suffer from Pride. My pride would not allow me to let this go until now, because at this point, I'm afraid you cannot be talked to, your skull is too thick, your mind too ignorant. My patience can only go so far...

    Your skimming costed you, you didn't get my points, you didn't see the woods for the trees. You systematically ignored my posts in favor of trying to get me angry like the child you are. You might be older then me, I'll give you that, but that does not make you wiser nor my better. Have a good day.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited June 2019


    It was customary in ancient Egypt for the enemy fallen to have their hands or penises cut off and presented to the Pharaoh. For instance, after a great victory over the Libyans, Pharaoh Mernaptah (reigned ca. 1213-1203 BCE) returned with the penises of more than 13000 of the enemy dead.

    You're welcome.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited June 2019

    Ok, I give a more on-topic reply: you're actually making some sense. Problem is, there's those of us who strongly prefer a ruthless approach. I'm not toxic, I'm not insulting people (unless they insult me first), definitely don't aim to ruin the day of other players. But I still feel the best way to play if you use whatever tactics are at hand, dirty or not, don't care about being "nice" or "fair": anything that's not cheating is okay.

    Again, not because I want to make the other players miserable. Rather, because I except the same attitude for them: play as effective as possible, and I assume they're emotionally stable enough to handle even the worst defeat with good humour. It's just a game after all. In a sense, I do these things in game so I don't have to be that person in real life :)

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2019


    sorry dude, i dont use my PC to enjoy making others mad...i grew up. It always seems to me that I have to constantly be lectured and be called ignorant because i dont value the same stuff others do, I respect what others value but it doesnt negate or invalidate what I feel...from the very beginning you've been nothing but condescending to me. I didnt ask you to come read my post. It's my post so why I had to argue my point is a bit are giving me crap because I didnt make a TL;DR...

    I only got on PC two years ago, so I dont know all the unwritten rules and etiquette for posting on forums...till about 2 months ago I didnt even know what tl;dr meant. I have more important things to care the games that I try to enjoy playing because I am stuck playing with ppl who play much differently than I do and for different reasons...more often than not, im getting lectured by some prepubescent teenager, whether its on the game or forums.

    So pardon if I assume your still young because your reaction is the same as that of the many teens who think they know everything, after i see im talking to someone as young as my son, with their all their less than 25 or so years of life. I love getting lectured by ppl that are younger than my kids. then being called ignorant and thick skulled because u havent gained the experience to even understand what im even talking seems like gibberish to you. kinda like when parents tell their kids not to do things and kids think they just wanna make life miserable and how could they understand us kids...well... it was "us": who actually were the ones who didnt understand.

    So I assume by the way you wig out over not creating a short cut that your still young...because if i was reading something i felt was too long I would skim thru or just NOT READ IT! lol i dont give the person crap because they didnt summarize everything for me in a nice neat package to save me some time. I also assume your young by the way you assume im so ignorant because I suffer the same curse of pride and will not give once i dig my feet in...but because you can't empathize with anyone else i gotta be a moron...

    you keep thinking that your being so nice and civil and I dont care who and how many agree with me or you...this isnt a competition for was me venting about being told "we can play however we want" but that doesnt really work when you have different styles of play trying to play makes for a very toxic environment...maybe if you spent less time thinking of clever subtle ways of insulting ppl, like your smarter than everyone else, and more time realizing we arent all the same and my circumstances have made me who I am. and you shouldnt lecture ppl because they do things differently than you do and u cant grasp life has taught me to value different ideals than you i must be ignorant and thick...


    I happen to play the game with EVERYONE playing in mind...I make sure I dont abuse things that I know would irritate me and make the game cheap...just because a LOT of ppl havent realized how much certain things can irritate ppl, or simply dont care because most ppl play DBD for themselves and dont care how other ppl feel...but I was raised to treat others how I want to be treated...i feel If I know I'm doing something that I know is gonna irritate people, because it is kinda unfair, after playing awhile and gaining experience and skill using those things felt too easy and cheap, so i dont use them much and when i do, i dont use them the entire match and base my whole strategy on them.

    I dont wanna play against low level ppl the same way I would play against a high level person, but i see it all the time survivors looping a killer who literally just got the game then talking crap at the end saying stuff like "EZ" "git gud" yada yada yada, Most ppl I play against just find the best crutches and just goes on auto pilot and I know how weak of a players it makes, because I stopped using them for that very reason. I dont wanna play games I know I can win if i use certain perks with certain tactics the same pride and integrity I value in life i've also come to integrate into my gaming because thats the type of person I am...

    I dont wanna become what I hate so just because so many are taking the easier way, because thats what they wanna do...I won't take that path. The "road less traveled" as it were. I dont need those things to play so if i dont have them it doesnt hurt my game...and I know, by getting thanked after most games I play as killer even games I've 4k mori a whole team, that im doing something right because everyone had fun,and everyone got some good pts. I didnt take the way I know I can use to make up for lack of skill or experience at the game.

    I see most of the world taking the easy way because its easier and we only have one life to live. If I can do it the hard way because of my pride with one life to live than I can play a game honorably, with other ppl in mind, for the sake of fun and killing time, instead of treating everyone like an enemy. I don't do what I do to make ppl miserable but if i see I am, within reason, I will stop doing that...i guess im just considerate like that...I care too much that other ppl are having fun too.

    This is what my problem is when im told "everyone can play how they want" as someone tries to justify being a tryhard in the game...and calls me salty swearing Im mad because they are so awesome.I dont I cared that I died...when I dont I care HOW I die, and how they had to play to do it...ppl with 4k hours playing like someone who doesnt have experience how the game is played and has 10 hours...

    I've been looped by survivors as a killer and they had 1 hour and everyone is doing it plus its not hard to pick up at all. To me its just ppl who can't break line oif sight good or never got good at it because running in circles and pattern looping were just easier. I dont loop as a survivor because to me its too easy especially when survivors abuse swf acting like Navy SEAL wasnt meant to be played that way...

    But dbd isnt gonna kick off most of their player base because they use a cheap exploit that isnt really cheating...but to me and others... it really is. they aint gonna commit business suicide because its the right thing to do. I guess its annoying being instilled with ideals like earn your keep and respect others, among others, and it annoys me to see so many not holding themselves to those same ideals.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    edited June 2019


    2 things.

    1. Your writing is awful. It's very hard ro read and to keep track on your train of thoughts. There are long posts on this forum that I love to read because they are written well. A TL;DR would help in your case, to simply summarize your point of view and help with confusion.

    2. Don't put your grief with "younger Generations" on the forum users. It's discriminating in the first place, and it's unreasonable. Get off the high horse that is your age and try to communicate with people on an eye-to-eye basis. You'll be surprised how much you can learn from younger people.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Please don't post your diary on the forums lol

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    I like how this thread turned into one about TL;DR's hehe

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18


    im not discriminating against younger generations by saying they should try having some back bone, earn their keep, take pride in what they do, to stop taking the easiest way. I didnt say younger generations werent allowed to ride the front of the bus or vote!!!please stop trying to make this more than it failing to see where im discriminating. I have animosity for a bunch of kids that think they know more than ppl much older than them...i dont go to high schools to make friends...yet im constantly being told off by little kids because you guys assume anyone who doesnt think like you is an idiot.

    Don't tell me what to post in my post...{bad word} off and dont read it. I was raised tro respect my elders, and people in general...but im getting good and god damn tired of not taking the easy way,because of my pride and integrity, watching all the younger tryhards take the easy way simply because its easier and requires less from them. dont lecture me about this that or the other. It's not like im imagining how bad this world is going to crap.

    People used to take pride in everything they its just do whatever comes easiest...because everyone else is...i really do wish i could see all you internet brave ppl in real life

    I have a feeling this conversation wouldnt have taken the course it clowns are just trying to bully someone. Internet brave is another things im sick of...talking to adults like you are who you think you let that anonymity keep you brave boys.If its that damn confusing then simply....MOVE ON

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    you guys enjoy your amazing day of lecturing ppl how they should do things because of how you do things...and im simply arguing the same exact point...but from my end...ironic

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2019

    its my

    it's my post and I'll post a diary if I want to, diary if I want to, diary if i want to, u would post a diary too if it happened to you...thats an old song im using to make my point before u go off explaining how you wouldnt... blah blah blah

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    The diary: 3rd entry 6/4/2019

    I really love how i simply want the younger generation to not take the easy way, and take pride in things they do even playing a game, because playing the game is for fun...not to validate ones existence, which seems to be what ppl user them for nowadays... "Im better than you because you died or I escaped one match" "ur rank is only ** so im a better gamer than you" "i dont care about how much fun you have...I play for me" Really? This is what gaming is about now?

    I just want to play the game it ends however it ends, no one abuses relies on things that stack the odds...All the people playing the way they do now, woulda been the people voted out of rooms, but there are so many willing to take the easy way now, we are ppl who only play games to win(taking the game too seriously) seem to be the majority now. lets do the only thing that I can do to get a "win" and thats the game we play...tryhard by daylight...or rinse and repeat by daylight.

    Lets make a repetitive game worse by using only one strategy because it works...and let ppl win more than they can based on their skill alone...I play my game the way I pla, and it gives ppl a fair chance of catching me.But the way most play doesnt give ppl a fair generation was taught to do things right and right usually means the hard way, not the easy way. these last few generations get participation awards cause we can't have people not feeling might hurt their feelings!

    I swear to christ I must be living in a twilight zone. i cant see how i have to argue this the game...stop playing the game a certain way because it requires no skill...oh lets get good at taking advantage of the game mechanics and just use that the entire match cause we can't get as good as others...participation award. everyone cant get good hence why there arent millions and millions of professional sports teams. sports team lose and they get paid but lose one match on dbd because someone abused the game...and watch how they brag about how awesome they are...which is ironic because if they were that awesome then they wouldnt need to rely on one tactic and abuse it the whole match.

    I mean lets just lets cheaters and hackers play then atleast they have the nerve to straight up cheat instead of pretend they are being legit, by cheating lite.

    This is what my post was originally about...I'm so glad the internet bully's came by to lecture me on everything else but what I posted...oh you need a tl;dr...your a bad person, you're ignorant, arrogant, and your discriminating...JESUS CHRIST! im just sick of watching games I enjoy playing being ruined by ppl who tell you to "git gud" "mad cause bad"(smh) yada yada yada...and ironically if they were any good they wouldnt need to RELY or be dependent on certain perks or running in circles forever...without pallets to loop and infinites to run all these people that think they are so amazing go down like anyone else. They also usually rage quit...

    I dont play games to validate my existence by the outcome and then belittle people...thats what bully's do when they can't cope with stuff...take it out on someone else...misery loves company. playing with a bunch of prepubescent kids who cant even play a video game with some honor and respect for others...ppl alwasy seem to say..."Why are you salty? It's just a game" yet it seems like thats why they play the way they do get a reaction out of ppl. No one cares about "the game" when we complain. We care about how the GAME was played. ppl use "its just a game" to justify being a chucklehead during the game. I use it to say why play a certain way just play the game let you skill determine when you win...but then there wouldnt be so many ppl that would win very often and DBD would take a player base nose dive.

    kids suck and are immature and try to force the game where they want it to go...I love being told how something is supposed to be done by people who assume so much about me cause i complain, when i say this is how playing a game is supposed to be done. And i assume quite a bit by how you behave on a simple activity such as a meaningless video literally means less than nothing but u cant play it very well unless you use certain aspects...thats not skill thats dependency. your "win" is dependent on relying on certain tactics or perk sets to be able to win...try playing without those crutches and let's see how good ppl do...let s see how much skill there actually is in DBD.

    My steam name is in my post and i know ppl can see my profile with my discord...if your feeling so sure of yourselves then jump in my discord and we can discuss it. but be warned i feel very strongly about sportsmanship and being honorable no mattrer what i do. So if you are gonna just tell me its just a game and i can play how i want...then your only making my point...i dont play that way out of consideration of other because its just a video game not the olympics or the world series....most importantly i dont do it because i hold myself to a higher standard.

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18
    edited June 2019

    When i say kids i am talking about anyone who isnt above 30...who doesnt even have the sand to play the game with their skill not perks and tactics that any idiot can use...and just get better using that stuff. I main survivor and i dont loop...i break line of sight and lose the killer or get hooked or die...i dont rely on running patterns to waste time and using perks to ensure that those patterns let me run them for entire matches.

    To me that defeats the entire purpose of playing the're not playing the game you're playing the mechanics. We learned to do so much more with so much less and you kids just have no imagination today if someone doesnt hold your hand like a small child, you dont know what to do...just remember... ppl, like most of you here, woulda gotten voted from the game if u grew up in my day and tried to play a game like your lives depended on the outcome.

  • ThatsYoAzz
    ThatsYoAzz Member Posts: 18

    When i say kids i am talking about anyone who isnt above 30...who doesnt even have the sand to play the game with their skill not perks and tactics that any idiot can use...and just get better using that stuff. I main survivor and i dont loop...i break line of sight and lose the killer or get hooked or die...i dont rely on running patterns to waste time and using perks to ensure that those patterns let me run them for entire matches.

    To me that defeats the entire purpose of playing the're not playing the game you're playing the mechanics. We learned to do so much more with so much less and you kids just have no imagination today if someone doesnt hold your hand like a small child, you dont know what to do...just remember... ppl like most of you here, woulda gotten voted out the game if u grew up in my day and tried to play a game like your lives depended on the outcome. people who use video games and forum posts to try and put themselves on a pedestal over others

  • JoyceNorfleet
    JoyceNorfleet Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2019

    Yes, it is really long to clarify it further. But the most important aspect is connected to the writing itself as these guys can do. When the person wants to clarify his own thoughts, it is better to do so in such a detailed way.

  • RoachesDelight
    RoachesDelight Member Posts: 312

    Opens post, Sees novel, Nope, Post's useless comment anyways, Bye.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    What a ######### show..