Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

How do I get rank 1

ImSpray Member Posts: 35

So I'm trying to get the achievment for rank 1 surv however I always get stuck at rank 3 and 4 because even though I do 2 gens, unhook 2 people and get chased I still don't. It feels like if I don't escape I automatically don't pip so how do I what gives the most emblem points.

Just confuses me how I can have rank 2+ on my team who are worse than me yet I can't get it I'm just so confused and angry.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Unless I'm crazy i didn't think there are achievements for Rank 1 Killer/survivor.

    I've hit both and don't remember anything ever popping up.

    Unless you mean personal achievements. (Or they were added in sometime "recently")

    Emblem system is complete garbage right now. Survivors are heavily penalized by team performance and killers are so reliant on bad survivors to build up an unreasonable amount of points to pip. I wouldn't stress to much until we see another Emblem change.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    @MegaWaffle Pretty sure PC has achievements for rank 10 and 1 on both sides (maybe 5 as well?)

    As for getting rank 1 OP it is way too dependant on the teams and the killer for survivor pipping. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone at rank 1 to be honest most people tend to get stuck where you are.

    The system really needs to be re-evaluated like some have suggested that survivors that are in long chases while gens are getting done get part of the objective points etc like survivors are actually a team but from the roadmap seems like we’re quite a way from the next big overhaul of the system unless they change it again soon.

  • Killmaster
    Killmaster Member Posts: 429

    Emblem system is broken and unless you play with SWF and bring instaheals you most likely will never get there.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    Unhooks could be a problem. They have to be safe unhooks or else everyone gets a nasty negative to their emblem. If you have one idiot running We're Gonna Farm Forever and unhooking in the Killer's face, it will make your emblem much more difficult to get.

    Same thing goes for healing and such. You should focus on making sure everyone stays healed up so you can keep that emblem as high as possible.

    Unless something has drastically changed, I have never had an issue hitting Rank 1 as a solo queue Survivor. It takes a little patience sometimes, you'll get those strings of 5-blink Nurses or Billies with fast chainsaws, but it evens out eventually. Just need to keep your gameplay balanced and do a bit of everything.

    I generally don't escape btw. I tend to be the one sacrificed so everyone else gets out safely. Something I personally don't mind, but it might go against your own idea of a win. 15k+ BP and a pip = win for me.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    Usually pure luck to rank up in red. They like making killers that destroy your emblems (legion, plague, clown, spirit) for various reasons, usually by giving you squat for evader while knocking down your unbroken - which means you are aren't working toward lightbringer and benevolence (you likely become a source of benevolence instead).

    Then if you get lucky combination of events to gather enough points to pip, you're likely to run into a string of games where either bad luck, bad killers, bad survivors will decimate any pip gains you made or leave you even worse off.

    I would really like to know how many Rank 1 survivors exist right now and how many Rank 1 killers.

    The guy who said play with a sweaty SWF to make Rank 1 is right. Some killer mains like to come in an say survivor red rank piping is easy solo, I will call bs on them every time. Most all killer mains doing survivor I've played with usually suck, they are first to go down and first to DC that is if they aren't farming you off the hook.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    And long hours - there are a lot of streamers who are very good at the game playing this for a living who are not rank 1 survivor.

  • ImSpray
    ImSpray Member Posts: 35

    I have played about 50 hours over the last 2 weeks and not been able to get out of rank 3/4 due to things I can'y control for instance I get punished for a killer camping me, I can't control being one hooked yet I get penalised for it and this happens so often its so bs.

  • ImSpray
    ImSpray Member Posts: 35

    That's exactly what it feels like, so many things are out of my hands its insane, I personally believe I have the skill to be rank 1 but things I can't control are keeping me back. For instance to have a game where I even have a chance to pip I need, 1) Survivors who either don't DC or purposefully troll, 2) A killer who does not camp, 3) If the killer is using their strong ad-ons for instance nurse mega blink, spirit no sound, huntress one shot you get by point.

    All of that is before my skill has even factored in, I'm not an amazing player and I'm not perfect so I screw up sometimes but the amount of times I'll either run a killer round all game or a killer will be ran around by someone else so I'll do gens and not be able to get anything in other categories.

  • ImSpray
    ImSpray Member Posts: 35

    My problem is that I either do gens while someone else gets tunnelled or I get tunnelled both ways nobody pips, and on not escaping to have it so you don't escape and pip you'd need 2 Iridescent and 1 gold which is pretty hard when killers are using good addons or just playing like a #########.