

Who'd win in a 4 way fistfight?

Member Posts: 5,873
edited March 2019 in Lore

Tapp, David, Jeff or Jane?

This isn't a troll post but I genuinely think Jane can bellybounce them.

Post edited by Poweas on

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  • Member Posts: 5,873

    You should, my sense of humour is terrible, I make bad jokes, so this is no joke if it's funny. 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    @Poweas I think i am more hurtful at the fact you included a guy who brews Beer over a Homicide Detective


  • Member Posts: 5,873
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    It'd be down to David or Jeff with the one used to taking a beating and one probably immune to it due to DA WEED.

  • Member Posts: 2,161

    Isn't David like a cannon fighter? So clearly it'd be Jane. (jk don't kill me)

    Also, @Poweas be nice to yourself. :c I'm sure you're very funny.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    I have a bad sense of humour. Trust me. My jokes are dead.

  • Member Posts: 5,176

    Hm, either Jane or David, Jane could crush them all but David is known to taking beatings

  • Member Posts: 1,261

    As much as I like Jane, David King is a bare-knuckle fighter who actively gets into fights, while she is nothing more than a TV show host. Maybe she practiced some form of martial arts, but she just doesn't seem like the kind of person to get her hands dirty.

    My order of likeliness to win would be: David King, David Tapp, Jeff Johansen, Jane Romero.

  • Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2019

    i think David King could take them because before he got taken by the entity he got into bar fights a lot. So he knows how to take on multiple guys at once.

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    Alright, I had a debate with myself of whether i should comment on it or not because i didn't know if @Poweas was being serious. But i guess that's because i saw Jane in there and didn't think of it as much lol. But, here we go.

    I will try my hardest to not be biased

    David King: A young,steadfast individual, David would most likely be able to hold his own against Jeff and MAYBE Tapp, Jane on the other hand seems like someone who might have taken a few self defense classes, so if anything she may have the upper hand as well.

    Jeff Johansenn: I'm going to be honest, I don't think Jeff would be able to win at all, His eyesight as well as being someone who i don't think would even get into a fight would come into play drastically, i see him mostly as someone who would be trying to calm things down, than actually trying to fight.

    Detective Tapp: He is in law enforcement, so i don't doubt him having some kind of fighting style, i think i would compare it to the likes of David King. The only downside being is his age, he's in his mid to late 50s, so he can fight, but not for long.

    Jane Romero: Being as one of her perks is to literally tackle the killer, i think she might be able to hold her own if it came down to it, in a way, i feel as if she would really be able to give David King a run for his money.

    Conclusion: Tapp would be able to knock out jeff easily. But would have some trouble with David King to the point to where he would be knocked out himself, Then, still reeling from Adrenaline, David and Jane would be the last two, and Jane having the tendency to knock the wind out of people bigger than her, easily is able to take out David with either a good right hook or a simple spear to the gut, making her. The sole victor.

  • Member Posts: 5,873

    @Detective_Jonathan I love it, and also a similar thing to what i thought. Jane would win because she's actually able to take on a killer 'head on' 😉, and being able to stun a Trapper like this is an insane feat in itself.

  • Member Posts: 699
    edited April 2019

    so David Tapp, David Tapp, Jeff, or Jane? Obviously the 2 David Tapps would work together and K I L L Jeff and Jane.

    And then the killer would hear the ruckus and K I L L the 2 David Tapps.

    (Phone Rings)

    Oh, I should get this

    (mumbled voice on phone)...What... (mumbled voice on phone) hmmm... (mumbled voice on phone) who?... (mumbled voice on phone for the last time) What the hell's a "David King?"

    Post edited by TheGameZpro3 on
  • Member Posts: 26

    david king. of course.

  • Member Posts: 406

    David because he is an ard northerner (I think)

  • Member Posts: 324

    if you just look at the size of tapp, david and jeff compared to jane it should be obvious she doesn't stand a chance

    probably david would win

  • Member Posts: 781

    Either Tapp or David.

    I assume Tapp was trained in basic combat because he is a detective, and David is a cannon fighter.

    I think putting Jane and Jeff there is questionable as well...

  • Member Posts: 434

    Definitely not Jane lol

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    David and Jeff would be at it for a while, Jane would try to report it and get slugged in the face by either Tapp or David

  • Member Posts: 483

    We are forgetting about the secret fifth character dwight watching everything from his locker

  • Member Posts: 819

    Jeff is hot so Jeff.

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    Not too sure but Jeff has those bare fighting skills, peaceful guy for the most part but don't get him mad, Tapp is trained and knows how to fight, Jane knows how to throw a mean right hook, left hook if so, David? Little bit like Jeff but honestly Jeff could just lift David and give him the toss onto a table, completely destroy him.

  • Member Posts: 1,456

    I would assume Tapp can handle himself in a fight since he's a cop/detective so probably him.

    I believe Jeff and David are pretty equal tho, even if he's pretty calm and peaceful, Jeff got his scar after he got into a fight during i concert i believe.

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  • Member Posts: 1,693

    Wait... Nea is the killer. She would be able to take the Entity's powers and one punch them all. (Though Jane might survive ;)

  • Member Posts: 141

    shirtless David, ofc

  • Member Posts: 118

    I would say David King and David Tapp would fight till the death while Jane is unconscious on the floor with a black eye and Jeff cries in the corner.

  • Member Posts: 70

    id say tapp.. since hes a cop he probably had some sort of training.. david might too i dont know the lore around him but yeah. i think my money would be on tapp

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