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Plague Questions---getting back into DBD soon

Member Posts: 3,298

So I stopped playing when Plague had her PTB and I've been watching everything up until now and I'll be getting back into the game soon and wanted to ask some questions.

So besides any tips I can get for general gameplay for Plague I am very interested in her perks.

Dark Devotion---I heard this perk is best used on her because she has an instadown and paired with Infectious Fright she is the best person to use this perk BUT does this perk activate on Legion's FF? I know Michael and Clown with Pinky add-ons are the only others who could use this correctly but can Legion?

Infectious Fright---I pretty much got this one covered but does anyone recommend any builds for it, any particular Killer you find uses this best?

Corrupt Intervention---I know Trapper and Hag can probably get the most out of this, hopefully the reworked Freddy as well.

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  • Member Posts: 8,602
    edited June 2019

    Dark Devotion- extremely niche. IF you hit your obsession, and IF there's someone nearby, then yes, it can be useful.

    Infectious Fright- Myers has a field day with this perk

    Corrupt Intervention- A complement to Ruin, not a replacement. A trap perk IMO. Very overrated.

  • Member Posts: 70

    agreeing with edgarpoop above me-

    infectious fright also works well with nurses id say

    corrupt intervention.. agreeing with edgarpoop again. pretty eh if you ask me. wouldnt run it myself i think

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Dark Devotion is extremely meh. Don't recommend it.

    Infectious Fright is OBSCENE on the Nurse. I can't stress this enough. With her slugging capabilities this perk is one of the best on her atm imo.

    Corrupt Intervention is pretty staple on Hag and Trapper nowadays, on everyone else you're better off with Ruin. Don't recommend using both at once ever.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    @Pudding I like that your stance on Dark Devotion is meh but you use it as your profile pic XD

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    @gantes Don't use them together? It sounded pretty risky so I'll take your word for it thanks.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    In my experience at least, survivors will simply have an excuse to look for Ruin during the first two minutes, so you end up having one perk worth of game delay for the price of two.

    Not worth the extra slot, especially with how good some other killer perks are.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I can elaborate a bit more on why I don't personally like Corrupt Intervention. It doesn't actually slow down gen progress. It just flips the map at the start. The main downside is that it actually forces the survivors into proper gen spacing in a way. Survivors usually like to group up and try to pound out gens quickly at the start. With Corrupt Intervention, they tend to split up and wander. You can end up losing the middle gen and then have a survivor on a gen on each side of the map once the perk ends. Really bad news. But that also can depend on the killer. With Trapper or Hag, it forces them right into your set up. It's not so much a stalling perk as it is an attempt at herding them.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    @edgarpoop Ah I see, it's more to corral them onto your side of the map and minimize the search area. I want to try it on Legion, my hope is that since they'll be running towards you at the start that they'll be closer together and I can injure all of them much easier with FF. Of course that's just a one off and a waste of a perk slot but I'm curious to see how well it goes.

    Any tips on playing the Plague herself?

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    @HatCreature The current meta against Plague is to not cleanse until there is 1 gen remaining, so you're going to be dealing with pallets and jungle gyms like any other M1 killer if they're coordinated.

    I like to start off by getting more than one survivor sick right off the bat, but don't spend too much time spreading sickness. She's not Freddy and has no stall capability. Once you have multiple survivors Broken, it's like any other M1 killer. If you're lucky, some survivors will get rattled and cleanse, which can make you pretty nasty in the open.

    For perks, you have some build versatility:

    -My go-to is Enduring/Spirit Fury/Ruin/Thanataphobia. Thana gives them an additional reason to cleanse. Survivors cleanse at a noticeably higher rate when I run Thana.

    -Another interesting one is Infectious Fright/Deerstalker/Ruin/Monitor and Abuse. Remember how survivors like to stay Broken against Plague? 32m terror radius and they scream if you down someone within it in this build. I haven't experimented with Hex: Third Seal yet. I'm not sure if Broken status from Vile Purge actually applies the debuff or not. But you might swap M+A for Third Seal or Knockout.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    @edgarpoop I forgot M&A increased your TR during a chase, that way IF has more range and can find more people, nice :)

    I think I'll try IF/Thana/Knockout/M&A this is a slight tweak to my go to Freddy build that might work with her and help with map pressure. Thanks for the tips, I'm really excited to get back into it.

  • Member Posts: 166

    Lmao so does nurse, infectious on nurse is so broken, kind of needs to have a CD imo.

  • Member Posts: 70

    because the icon looks nice:D

    before that i had adam (adam main here oof)

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    All 3 of her perks are quite lackluster.

    Dark Devotion is mainly for some memes. It's way too situational for a lackluster pay off. It does work on Legions FF for your question.

    Infectious Fright is a perk people will like to tell you has some decent builds like on Myers but I just disagree. There are better perks you could run even on Myers. It's another lackluster perk that isn't worth a slot.

    Corrupt Intervention looks good on paper but is actually quite bad. The only killers it is alright for are Hag and Trapper as they can make use of the setup time. Anyone else, garbage. Good survivors will just wait out the timer and do nothing till it ends.

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