Adrenaline needs a nerf

AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117

Just had a game where I had 3 hooks on the basement all had been sitting there a full minute after gates were powered, during EGC guy comes in, all of them instantly recovered with Adrenaline, making it impossible to down them again, and with the gate open I either hit them and go to slow to ever catch up, or just dont hit them.

I get adrenaline is meant to be a stupidly OP perk, but ######### me it needs to expire at some point as a punishment for being on the hook when it triggers in the first place. If it expired, I'd at least get a well deserved 2k, but because of Adrenalines bullshit I couldn't even get 1.

Adrenaline needs a nerf, full stop. Otherwise it's abused like this to open the gates and make it impossible to down them again, even if they were hit on the stairs, without NOED or the like.


  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 781

    It is strong yes, but it is not OP. Simply due to it being able to cuck a survivor as well. Adrenaline leaves a survivor exhausted. Which means, once they get Adrenaline they can't use Dead Hard/Lithe/Sprint Burst and some of Balanced Landing. Which makes chases easier on the killer at the Endgame, knowing they are exhausted.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Same thing would of happened with BT, you want that nerfed as well?

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604
    edited June 2019

    As a killer main its fine

    just because u had a game doesnt mean it needs a nerf, we all have bad games

  • BillyIII
    BillyIII Member Posts: 365

    Adrenaline needs a buff actually. It should unhook and give BT.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530
  • PeepingPeacock
    PeepingPeacock Member Posts: 354

    The problem is gen times, nothing wrong with adren it does nothing until the very end of the game.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I just wish certain survivor perks had diminishing returns when run by multiple survivors.

    ie. 1 survivor running Adrenaline - 150% speed/5 seconds/1 health state.

    4 survivors running Adrenaline - No sprint effect/1 health state each.

  • SpideyGamer02
    SpideyGamer02 Member Posts: 5

    I feel the need to say, Adrenaline doesn't need a nerf as killer can instantly down with NOED and makes it unfair for survivors even tho NOED already is unfair lol. plus if you aren't happy with it, play as a killer that one-shots.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117

    Exactly. NOED can be disabled, and even just not activate in some situations. Adrenaline can't be disabled, at all. Adrenaline has no drawback that can disable it, wheras the killers only counter perk can be disabled and stopped completely. I'm not saying "Don't make it heal" or anything like that, only that it can be kept on hold, but not indefinitely. like in T3 if the perk is unable to activate it will try to activate within 30 seconds (so if unhooked in 30 seconds after triggering it will work) but pass that the perk wont activate.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Adrenaline isn't even that bad and if we're gonna talk about nerfing Adrenaline, we should talk about nerfing NOED, too. c: They're equals, after all. Only one is a reward for doing well (Adrenaline) and getting your objective done and the other is a safety raft for when your ship is sinking

    The better question is why didn't you go to try to push the last person out or why weren't you close enough to persue and get the savior down, though? You can slug him in that case and go after anyone else going for an unhook. It's expected to stay around your hooked people during end game. I'm not sure how you managed to have three people in the basement and not manage to get anyone who was saving to replace them on the hook.

    Maybe don't ask for a nerf because of a misplay?

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    I think you missed the part where they said that Adrenaline doesn't need a nerf because NOED exists. Adrenaline's drawbacks are not reaching end game (not getting the objective done). You playing with any normal games, you'll likely not reach it. Solo play can be especially hard. Adrenaline and NOED are a 1 to 1 comparison in that way, though. NOED is a reward for doing poorly essentially and Adrenaline is a reward for doing well. The only time you don't get NOED going off is if you're winning and if the survivors are doing well enough to worry about totems, which it honestly isn't ideal for survivors to waste time breaking them, even.

    Adrenaline isn't useful if the killer isn't on you, if you're fully healed, if you do bad and don't make it to end game. NOED's only useless if they waste time getting totems (giving you more time to down everyone and kill everyone), you do well. Yes, people having Adrenaline may encourage people to push gens while hurt (putting them in a vulnerable spot if you happen to come by), but that isn't even what you're complaining over.

    I still have no idea how you managed to lose with three people in the basement during end game. Hitting the people unhooking is an option and staying in the area is expected, so sounds like a massive misplay on your part tbh.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117
    edited June 2019

    I think you missed the part where NOED can be disabled. IT's not 1:1, NOED has a weakness, Adrenaline does not. Your whole point is moot and based off assuming they are 1:1 which is not the case. And I didn't misplay, I can't stand in 4 places at once, and last guy was crowded by them so I couldn't hit him.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    As I said, it isn't 1:1 because NOED is a reward for failing. Adrenaline is a reward for succeeding. Both can turn the whole game around or have no effect whatsoever. If you get Adrenaline while fully healed and get hit and downed after, Adrenaline isn't going to go off again. My argument is that they're similar and it isn't anything to get triggered by. Play both sides and you can see that much.

    You didn't catch them before they got the first unhook? You could smack one and persue that one. They're putting themself in a bad position. This would be like me saying killers needs to be nerfed 'cause I didn't take a loop correctly and got downed.

    OhTofu gives some good tips on what to do, etc. There's other killers you can watch to see what you're doing wrong, but coming here to cry "nerf" over your own misplay is admittedly really weak.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    adrenaline doesn't need a nerf. it is strong, but it isn't exactly a "oh no, i completely lost the game" perk. if you know how to counter it and do your best to protect the generators while keeping all survivors busy, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. besides, adrenaline has its own downsides for survivors (exhaustion debuff), so you could use that to your advantage.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,117

    So you're saying that 3 survivors get away because I didn't camp stairs? You know, the thing survivors get toxic about?

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387
    edited June 2019

    What he said. I camp when the gates are powered. If they get toxic, [Curse] them. It's not my fault you didn't hide correctly when all gens are powered. Seriously, I cannot agree with this guy's statement any more than I already do. Well said @Aven_Fallen.

  • Dathro
    Dathro Member Posts: 29

    It's like Survivor version of NOED. Theoretically the devs want us to base strong play around the broken Emblem/Rank system rather than Kills/Escapes.

    A perk that only comes online for the final objective can only matter so much. The only way for Killers to do really well in this game is to Snowball off a strong early-mid game, so this should be where Surv resources take priority.

    NOED & Adrenaline are both annoying when they're high impact. They're unreliable and tend to have minimal impact on Emblem system, best case usually turning a totally lost game into an okay one. You don't win a lost or neutral game with these perks.

  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    Actually make a good proposal to rework it is kind of difficult.

    Currently, the perk :

    => Allow a survivor to fully heal, get a sprint burst for 5s as you ignore exhaustion.

    => This perk allow you also to wake up if you are in dream world (freddy).

    => You keep the effect even if you are on the hook.

    => This perk can be cumulate 4 time without any real consequence

    => The only condition is the fact to be in end game

    => The killer can't counter the perk : some killers can apply a broken / deep wound statut which avoid the survivor to get fully heal but you can't do anything about the speed boost. Even though i make a mistake : the only killer able to counter the perk is trapper if someone step in his traps.

    I had an idea a long time ago but i don't think it would really appreciate as it would most likely nerf a meta perk ... The idea is to :

    => Make this perk an obsession perk where only one survivor will get the benefit of everything : speed boost, heal , ... Others survivors who are not the obsession will only benefit of the speed boost but for a shorter time : 3s (as speed burst).

    => If a survivor is on the hook, he won't be fully heal but could benefit from the speed boost.

    => Here i have two proposal (on or another) : either you make the exhaustion of the perk permanent in order to deny any exhaustion perk in end game (which make sense) or you cause to the survivor an hindred state for 15/13/10s (logical too and it seems more interesting).

    => In exchange, all survivors who use this perk will receive a bonus for interaction of 15% during 15s (heal, cleansing, opening, ...).

  • LiquidLink1988
    LiquidLink1988 Member Posts: 137

    Adrenaline is used only once per match. I don't feel it's OP

    The only potential Nerf I could get behind with adrenaline, is if the survivor is healed one health state, to take away the sprint burst for 5 seconds and only allow the sprint burst to activate if you are already at full health.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    next update let's remove all perks from survivors, then all survivors can no longer run from the killer. no, even better, all survivors start the trial on hooks. yeah?

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662

    let's just delete all survivor perks since they are all so OP and not counterable at all. let's remove pallets and all items from survivors, and most importantly the ability to run. when a survivor is hooked, they can no longer be rescued. killers will no longer have to chase the survivors. all survivors start the trial either on a hook or in dying state. sounds good? or is there something else? oh yeah i totally forgot, SWF should get removed too it's so OP when survivors can communicate to each other, nope.

  • BloodyTapp
    BloodyTapp Member Posts: 108

    So accurate nickname, though

    Adrenaline doesn't need a nerf, neither does NOED:

    • They're both endgame perks so their usage is limited
    • Adrenaline is a one-shot perk, whereas NOED can be denied before and after activation
    • NOED doesn't reward bad killers, it punishes survivors for not doing an optional objective known as cleansing dull totems

    Hope this post clarifies, why these perks remain unchanged. Don't make good perks garbage, make garbage perks good. Even though they both are annoying when you face them, it can be passed by.

    PS. The perk that can be called a reward for bad players is MoM (in its current state)

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I wouldn't nerf it, but rather change/balance it to make it affect also during the game and not only at the endgame.

    • Gain a sprint of 150 % for 3 seconds when a generator is completed while not exhausted.
    • Instantly heal one health state when the last generator is completed.
    • Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
    • You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
    • When on the Killer's shoulder or on a hook you will be instantly healed when unhooked/wiggled free.
  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I just think they should remove the "waking up" part of it. Especially after Freddy's rework.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126
    edited October 2019

    AFAIK it's getting nerfed this Mid-Chapter patch, thank god.

    I could be wrong.

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    Yeah, it's really unfair how survivors can basically 180 a match that's in the killers favor just from one perk with no drawbacks or counters. It just does too much, in my opinion.


    Adrenaline is used only once per match. I don't feel it's OP

    The only potential Nerf I could get behind with adrenaline, is if the survivor is healed one health state, to take away the sprint burst for 5 seconds and only allow the sprint burst to activate if you are already at full health.

    I feel this is a good balance to counter the insta-heal even after being hooked that's really the OP part. Or maybe it could even be temporary, like I've seen it suggested? Similar to the haste status, but just temporary Endurance until the effect is over.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    The only nerf Adrenaline needs is the inability to activate on a downed Survivor - the amount of Survivors that have had a second chance free escape through a gate across the map because they were downed while I hooked their friend; crawled away somewhere to hide; and were magically healed from dying when I closed the Hatch is stupid.

    Adrenaline should only work for healing injured to full health; not down to injured.

  • Avarice10
    Avarice10 Member Posts: 482
    edited September 2020

    It's an end game perk, only activates once the last gate is powered, sometimes you won't ever get any use out of it because you died before the last gen, other times the perk activates and you were already healthy and are now exhausted so you can't use your other exhaustion perk. It's only strong in those specific situations and even then it can be countered by perks such as NOED. It really isn't OP, it's strong in the right situation but that's it. When a survivor uses Adrenaline they're basically playing with 3 perks during the match and the hope the perk will be needed on the last gen.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Necro is worth it if the problem is still a problem after a year (or longer). Proves that nothing ever gets done.