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General Discussions

So let's talk about disconnects

Member Posts: 1,109
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

I can honestly say everyone has that one game where they just lose it but now it is practically becoming an every match thing. Note many of these contain the same survivors.

But common man this is only every few rounds right? Wrong...

This one caused that awful hook animation sound to play on repeat.

Some more along the way

Survive with Friends -> Lovely

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  • Member Posts: 2,886

    I don't see you actually talking about anything. I thought you wanted to talk about disconnects?

  • Member Posts: 1,809

    yup is pretty much in every single match

    if the ban waves come, numerous DCers will uninstall DBD, then will be a tragedy

    the only solution to prevent DCs is making game more exciting, with new stuff (game modes, items, feats...) since now players are tired of the same over and over

    why ppl didnt DC up to 2 years ago? cuz they were not bored yet of the same, ez ez ez

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    If a survivor dcs close to end-game the hatch should simply not open.

    - This fixes abusive dc for hatch endgame by survivors.

    Items being lost because of disconnect.

    - Removes pull the plug item saves.

    If you pass over 5-10% of game dc rates should trigger a ban.

    If you are experiencing connection issues it should be easily reported on their own system. There is clear differences between an intentional disconnect, pull the plug, and loss of signal.

  • Member Posts: 2,051


    There is a ban wave coming out.

    Dedicated servers are coming within two-three months.

  • Member Posts: 2,188
  • Member Posts: 1,809

    it is said as long as you DC less than half of the games, ur ban-safe

    so if you play 5 matches and DC 2, you should be fine

  • Member Posts: 433

    Not good enough, DS's are absolutely ruining this game and have been for a while. Something needs to be done now. Devs have to stop pretending it isn't a problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    Incase you did not know peanuts said there working on it as its there top thing to fix. But all they can do at the moment is do ban waves until dedicated servers come. So again you have to wait until they add dedicated servers. That's all we can do at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 433

    "But all they can do at the moment is do ban waves until dedicated servers come"

    That's blatantly untrue, there's nothing stopping them from implementing something now if the dedicated servers are still a few months away. If they actually wanted to, they could do it easily.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    I'm only going to say this once. I want something added too but we just have to wait

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    We just have to wait until dedicated servers come. I want something now too but I'm not posting stuff on the fourms saying dcs need a fix now

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @jackkn12 More ban waves would help. Also apparently we need a lower threshold.

    From a technical point of view, there is no reason not to take action now.

  • Member Posts: 1,009
    edited June 2019

    Reading your post game chat seems like you like to push for D/Cs and rub it in as well. You even got salty when the one guy escaped.

    Survivors disconnecting right and left is obnoxious. But Killers need to realize maybe there is a element of enjoyment or actual fun missing for Survivors that is also causing this. Though what is to be expected from a community that thrives on "watch me be a sweaty/toxic Survivor/Killer" videos. :/

  • Member Posts: 911

    DCing has always been something of an issue but it became much worse after people stopped losing pips for DCing. as of right now, if you actually care about your rank (which many seem to) and you feel the game isn't going well you can just DC and retain your rank. i have no idea whether or not this was an intentional change (perhaps to discourage deranking, which it hasn't, since people just suicide on hook now), but it needs to be reverted as soon as possible. ever since this change was implemented i have seen far more DCing. i've hit people once at the start of the game as a yellow addon wraith and had them DC

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    Was this change to prevent Survivor from losing rank when the Killer pulls the plug? Rank really just means how much time you spend on the game more than anything. Silly to think anyone really cares about Ranks.

  • Member Posts: 330

    Yup. I've played very few games recently that didn't contain a disconnect. I keep reporting them, as "Disconnecting early to avoid defeat" is reportable, but we all know nothing is being done about it till Dedicated Servers

  • Member Posts: 911

    you should rephrase this to "it's silly to care about rank", because i promise you that a lot of people do care. in any game with a ranking system you'll get people who care about it, no matter how little it actually indicates about individual skill. the significant increase in DCs since this change occurred is more than evident of that

    to answer your question, if i'm right and this was done to prevent deranking, it was likely to prevent survivors from DCing to lower their rank (perhaps after all the debating surrounding deranking that occurred recently), which was a common practice that is now no longer possible. however, if you care about deranking and think it's an issue then this change still did nothing, since people can still just kill themselves on their first hook or otherwise throw the game, so all this did was cause even more people to DC given the lack of any real consequence beyond a soft ban once you hit a certain threshold

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    @VexTheHex "Survivors disconnecting right and left is obnoxious. But Killers need to realize maybe there is a element of enjoyment or actual fun missing for Survivors that is also causing this."

    Of course those survivors who are dc'ing are doing it because they don't have fun in their particular match. Getting downed for the first time? Facing a killer they don't like? "No fun, so dc."

    "No fun" is no justification for a dc. In most matches, one side will lose. And losing usually isn't fun for players. Having people dc'ing in the majority of matches is hurting this game immensely.

  • Member Posts: 1,423

    Sadly we have to wait for Dedicated servers to actually start penalizing these people, which is terrible since that's possibly 2 - 3 months away.

    The best that can happen now is if they've DC'd enough they'll get banned when a ban wave gets sent out but the threshold is quite high so I wouldn't expect any changes. Looks like it's going to be another few months of this since there's no penalty.

  • Member Posts: 6,434
    edited June 2019

    My thing is...

    Are you aware that the game is currently disconnecting a bunch of people out of the blue?

    Hell, I've been disconnected as a killer and it takes me to the post match page, and shows me that THEY dc'd. That's how ridiculous the bug has gotten. Happened 3 times in a row yesterday.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Yeah, DBD is one of the most toxic games I’ve ever played. I can’t go five games without receiving a toxic message. I don’t know if it’s just lower ranks, but if people can’t play the game, they blame it on the killer. Almost every game results in a disconnect.

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    Yes, I am also able to understand when those types of bugs occur. When a survivor for no reason across the map dcs and the match is going normal pace I can assume it was from the bug.

    If the survivor is also moving and instantly goes down to a dc this is also a bug.

    However when the survivor looks at you then faceplants the ground or while you are carrying them disappear those are not 'bugs'

    There are key differences in the matches I have posted above.

  • Member Posts: 1,109
    edited June 2019

    The only time I rub in a dc is when they dc so hatch opens instantly rather than the survivor having to wait. Since that doesn't qualify as fair gameplay to me.

    In many cases I try to end the match quickly to move on I thanked the users that just let me kill them to move on for ending it swiftly rather than dicking both our times around.

    I am also playing plain vanilla huntress for most of these games.

    Also to the comment that I try to get them to dc is untrue. In many cases if someone disconnects or kills themselves on hook it prevents you from getting emblems anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    Considering how long this game has been out. Low-tier internal reporting should be implemented already. However, what if these dedi-servers end up being delayed till the end of the year? Wait a year without any fixes so give these users free reign to ruin games where lobby times for some of us are several minutes long at times?

  • Member Posts: 1,790
    edited June 2019

    Let's not talk about disconnects, since there have been about 100 other threads on it already.

    And yes, people DC for any reason just like killers camp/tunnel for any reason - it all sucks. Guess when you start doing it, it just gets easier and easier to do.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I was judging this partially on the pitiful low points some of the Survivors had indicating they were likely camped/tunneled early on and didn't really get or do anything in the match except hang on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    No, that is just how fast I can finish matches rather than playing "Dead by Farming"

  • Member Posts: 819

    Your comments after the game are hilarious. I actually laughed IRL. :D.

  • Member Posts: 1,109
  • Member Posts: 540

    I can't speak for the other players.

    For me the game has become extremely stale. The meta has been unhhanged for years. The same few perks are being used by every killer and a slightly larger pool of perks are being used by survivors. The same killers have been at the top for too long.

    I played a few games this weekend. First was a hard facecamping trapper. Second was a hillbilly that tunnelled off hook and ignored the other survivors. Third was a prayer bead spirit that just lingered around the hook never straying too far.

    I didn't feel any enthusiasm to play after that. I can see why some players are fed up and don't care about dc'ing anymore.

    But that's just my 2 cents

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    How about people make threads about Disconnects when the game stops dc'ing people out of the blue.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Nice screens of the same thing. What're we discussing?

  • Member Posts: 1,109

    How about you learn the difference between random dc's and intentional?

    I mean it isn't like the survivor standing at you or the killer that head bobs top left to bottom right or quick lag then out are 'Crashes' people vaulting a window or running instantly leaving is the game kicking them.

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