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my Killers Tier list (Personal Experience and opinion)

BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

I have seen a few of these around and wanted too make my own with my opinions based on my Experience (934 Hours in this game). This is based on how good they are at high ranks at getting pips. (Note this is before the MoM changes, so I'll be talking about Ghostface but this won't apply too Mettle of Man changes since it still does the same effect, its just a little harder too pull off.)

S Tier


Obvious best killer with not much too say why. She ignores loops, has insane map pressure, Most people don't even run addons on her, and if she slugs your going too get 4 dc's easily (Don't). The only bad thing is that everyone runs MoM, so chases are going too take a little longer in order too down someone, which is all it takes too get gen rushed. I usually run Noed, Ruin, BBQ and Chili and Blood Warden with the yellow range addon and any addon that gives an extra blink, makes a very scary end game nurse.


This one is a tie between her and Billy, but I chose her because I can't Chainsaw anyone as Billy. She has one of the greatest Mind game potential out of every killer, and if she runs Prayer Beads and Mother Daughter ring, no one is going too touch a gen all game. The reason why she isn't #1 is because she can be easily countered if you can tell when shes phasing or when shes faking, and she can still be looped easily if she wastes her power early since she only has 110% MS. I usually run Ruin, Haunted Grounds, Sloppy Butcher, and Noed, and my addons are either Prayer beads and Mother Daughter ring or Dad's glasses and Yakuyoki Amulet to help either pull people off gens and jump scare them, or too track them easier and have a really strong power.

A Tier

3: Billy Boi

Billy is a great killer that is tied with the Spirit on how good they are at high ranks and he can ignore MoM easily with his chainsaw. His chainsaw gives him insane MS (230%) before addons, which makes it really easy too patrol gens. His chainsaw can also one hit down, but you only get chance and most survivors will dodge it if you just swing willy nilly. The reason why he is lower then Spirit is because he has too deal with pallets and loops, and MoM. There are situations where you don't really have a choice but too swing your mallet or you will loose the survivor, so if done right the survivor will still get MoM too proc. My build for him is Enduring, BBQ and Chili, Ruin, and Spirit Fury with the Carborator tuning guide and the Thompson Mix. I am not a good Billy and I miss a lot, so the lowered charge time lets me miss a lot but still get kills with him.

4: Huntress

Huntress is one of the hardest skill cap killers in the game, only behind Nurse. She is also one of two killers who have ranged attacks too hurt survivors, so loops and chases can end a little faster. Her terror Radius is also different from all other killers, as her actual terror radius is smaller (20m) but she has a lullaby she sings which is about 45m, so there is a nice gap where you can be in her humming range, but not her terror radius. Her hatches also don't activate MoM. However, like Billy, there are times when you need too M1 which can add stacks faster then you think. It doesn't help when at about mid range survivors will be able too look behind and juke it if they run a serpentine menouver. Plus you loose a few seconds when you reload at lockers since you only have 5 hatches without addons. I usually run Ruin/Lullaby, BBQ and Chili, Monitor and Abuse, and Nurse's Calling with Babushka Rag and Begrimmed head, or Iridescent head and Infantry belt if i'm feeling toxic.

5: Shape

This is where the power difference really starts too show itself. Myers is one of the last truly viable killers in red ranks (without maining another killer). He starts the game out really weak in tier 1, where he has a small terror radius and no red stain, but he's slower (105%) and has a really low lunge range. Once he starts stalks survivors he gets more power, where in tier 2 he becomes a generic M1 killer with the only difference is that he has a smaller terror radius of 16 meters. Tier 3 is when he gets his own identity, Where in tier 3 he gets applies the exposed status effect on all survivors, for a certain amount of time, but his terror radius is increased too 32 meters. The reason he's lower then Huntress is that even in tier 3, he still applies a stack too MoM, so unless you have infinite tier 3 or a tombstone chunk, MoM is still in game. He also has too deal with pallets just like any other killer that's below A Tier. My build for him is too make him a M1 killer with a small terror radius, so it's Monitor and Abuse, Save The Best For Last, Ruin, and BBQ and Chili with Dead Rabbit and Memorial Flowers. I could/should use Enduring + Spirit Fury, but I'm unlucky with the bloodweb.

B Tier

6: Clown

I find the Clown better then Hag since once the Hags traps are popped, she becomes just another M1 killer. The Clowns ability is too throw bottles that release poison clouds that slows survivors for as long as they remain in the cloud and a few seconds after. Even though he's just an M1 killer, he is one of the strongest Anti loop killers in the game, since with the right bottle throw, chases end very fast. His problems show themselves in the fact that he can still be looped, and once he's out of bottles he just has too eat pallets till he looses the weight, and there is still MoM which he has no way of stopping/preventing. I run Ruin, Noed, Enduring, and Spirit Fury with any addon that increases the slow and the Solvent Jug too ignore any exhaustion perk.


Hag is worse then Clown IMO because of the fact that she moves slower then other M1 killers (110%) and although she has good map coverage with 10 Traps she can teleport too, once they are popped she can't really end chases fast. Plus survivors can stop traps with flashlights, and can not activate them by crouching past them. Once one pops though, she can easily get a good first hit too start the chase, and being one of the, if not the, smallest killers in the game, she can mind game very well if you hide the red stain well. But with her movement speed, and with her power easy too counter, she doesn't rank high in my books. My build is Ruin, Noed, Monitor and Abuse, and Sloppy Butcher with and range addons and faster trap placement addons.

8: Leatherface

Although Leatherface has an instadown, and can run at 115% MS, he is worse then Hag and Clown since he can't end chases fast. If you get a lucky one hit with the chainsaw, then go you, but it won't happen as often as you think it would. Plus most survivors will wait for you too rev up the saw then continue the loop, which makes you waste precious time in chases. Plus even if they do throw it down, they will just run away while you break it, so the chainsaw is kinda pointless other then too get that survivor that hides in the corner and gets body blocked. My build for him is BBQ and Chili, Ruin, Noed, and Enduring with Carborator Tuning guide and some form of Chili. I know running noed is weird on an insta down killer, but it's too expected since it takes so long too charge it, and it can surprise a pesky survivor who's running MoM when they are cocky at the exit gate.

C Tier

9: Trapper

Trapper is one of my main killers and is the OG killer in DBD, but he is either really good or really bad depending soley on the survivors you are fighting. If you trap in tall grass and they don't check, it will be a very easy game, if they look for traps and poke them all, it will be a very hard game. He is THE M1 killer that had too eat pallets before all others were even created. My build is Save The Best For Last, Ruin, Noed, and Brutal Strength with any trapper bag and faster trap placement addon. I find Trapper the best man for Save The Best For Last since his animation ends so fast you can end chases easily.

10: Doctor

The Doctor is the bane of all P3 Claudettes in the world. He has two modes, Punishment and Treatment. Treatment makes him move slower (110%), but gives his terror radius a field in which any survivor will have their madness increased, and reveal there position on any madness tier up. He also has the ability too shock survivors in a cone, which increases madness significantly and, if times right, will prevent survivors from doing any actions for a few seconds. In Punishment mode he is just an M1 killer, 32m terror radius and 115% MS. The Doctors goal is too try and Anti loop by shock survivors at the right time too prevent them from vaulting or dropping pallets and get them too tier 3, as a survivor in tier 3 can't do anything until they do the action "Snap Out Of It" which will bring them back too tier 2. I don't play Doctor too much but my build would be Ruin, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Noed with moldy/Polished Electrode and which ever notes I feel works for me at the time. Doctors low tier for me because I find it incredibly hard too zap people at the right time too prevent them from vaulting/dropping pallets, and if they just get too one, they just drop it early.

11: Amanda (Pig)

Amanda use too be the best end game killer, but since her bear traps were neutered shes in a very weird place in the game. Her ability is separated into 2 parts, Part 1 lets her crouch, which removes the red stain, terror radius, and makes her smaller and harder too "detect" and while crouched, she can hold M1 too do a dash attack, which has a long range but you are slowed and have too recover till you can continue the chase. Part 2 is her bear traps, which she puts on dying survivors. If a generator is popped, then a 2-3 minute timer begins, and if the survivor can't get it off at one of 4 jigsaw boxes, they will die instantly. the jigsaw boxes are spread across the map, and the key too open the trap is in one of the 4 chosen at random when a trap is placed. So she has kinda become a delay M1 killer with her traps, but if RNG is on the survivor side they will just get it off on the first box and the trap is wasted, and most Solo que survivors won't even care and still pop gens anyways. I run Ruin, Enduring, Spirit Fury, and Noed with Leg Straps and Video Tape. Amanda's bear traps are in a really bad spot and are kinda useless except too bother one survivor depending on the RNG.

D Tier

12: PLAG

The Plague is a killer I either do really well with or really bad with depending on if survivors loop poorly or loop greatly. Her ability is too vomit on survivors and objects until a survivor is infected, in which they are broken until they can cleanse it in the wells found around the map, but when they cleanse it, they leave the well corrupted, which the Plague can drink and become a very scary ranged killer. The problem is that most survivors will just gen rush and stay broken, so unless you can break all the pallets fast, they are gonna gen rush and then cleanse themselves once the gates are powered so your power is useless. Even if they cleanse early her vomit has a very weird hitbox and too me it feels like when it should hit, it doesn't, and vice versa. Plus her weapon is a lanturn, so her lunge feels very weird as well and her pallet breaking animation feels slower, even though it isn't. My build for her would be Thanatophobia, Ruin, Enduring, and Spirit Fury with Infected Emetic and Vile Emetic. I say would since I only have her at level 24 since I just got her a week ago (Mercy from all PLAG mains).

13: Wraith

Big Bong Boi may be the cutest one in the game, but he is kinda bad, even with the strongest of builds. His ability is called the Wailing Bell which gives him camouflage when moving and complete invisibility when standing still. It also gives him increased MS (126%) when cloaked, but he can't injure survivors less they are in a locker and he grabs them out of it. Once he leaves cloaked he gains a slight boost of speed, and that's his ability. Once his cloak ends he becomes a regular ol' M1 killer. My build is Ruin, Sloppy Butcher, Noed, and Bloodhound with my usual build being Swift Hunt and Windstorm (both blood) or for a full stealthy build is Coxcombed clapper and The Ghost - Soot. I find Bloodhound a very underrated perk on Wraith for those who have a hard time tracking, since being cloaked makes blood easier to spot since it glows, it's very nice when paired with sloppy.

14: Legion

There is so many problems with Legion and his rework. His power is called Feral Frenzy, and when it activates he gains a tremendous amount of MS (125%) and can vault pallets and windows, but looses the ability too see scratch marks, and can't hit survivors more then once. Once a survivor is hit, it activates another ability called Killer Instinct that lets him track survivors who are not suffering from the Deep Wounds effect, and the Deep Wounds effect makes it too where a survivor has too Mend (Not heal) in order too not go down too the dying state, But the timer doesn't go down in chases, in the killer's terror radius, or when mending, so its pretty pointless other then avoiding MoM. If the Legion hits a survivor while they have Deep Wounds or he misses, Feral Frenzy ends and he goes into a fatigue time and the power has too cooldown. Complicated? incredibly so, but it doesn't matter since Deep Wounds is pointless other then too drain 15 seconds from survivors. You would do better being most other M1 killers like Trapper and Clown since their power hinders the survivor in some form or end chases sooner. My build is Ruin, Thanatophobia, Spirit Fury, and Enduring with any cooldown and duration addons. I would run noed, but the survivors typically get out anyway since Legion is so bad, So I try too slow the game down justalilbit too get one, maybe two kills if i'm lucky.

F Tier

15: Freddy

Freddy Krueger is my killer main through and through. He was the first killer I got a 4k on and the killer who gave me my 4 mori achievement, and is the first killer I maxed his level on (p3 level 50 Baby!). But looking past the rose tinted glasses, he' s really bad. His power is called Dream Demon, and what it does is after 7 seconds, he puts a survivor too sleep that he has hit with his "sleep beam" (idk what too call it). Once a survivor is asleep, they can see freddy and his red stain, and all action speeds are reduced by 50% and can only be woken up by most failed skill checks (hooks don't count) and by being woken up by an awake survivor. However, what makes freddy the second worst killer in the game is that he can't hurt or pull survivors off of anything except pulling them out of lockers. So once someone is asleep he just becomes an M1 killer, but worse since he can't even do anything until there asleep, which makes him easily bullied by any survivor past rank 15. My build for him is Ruin, Blood Warden, Noed, and Remeber Me with any block addons. With the buffs too Remeber Me, it is a very nice perk, and with noed you can make sure that the bad survivor with MoM can't use it too escape. This is pretty much the only way Freddy can be remotely good, besides maybe Enduring, Spirit Fury, BBQ and Chili, and Ruin, but I don't have those perks on him yet so I can't test it. Hopefully his rework makes him better but we'll have too see how it works in game.

16: Ghostface

Ghostface is honestly worse then Freddy IMO. And I know what your thinking "Freddy can't even hit survivors until they are asleep, so he HAS too be worse then Ghostface by default!" but the thing most people don't realise is that, all killers can make use of their power, but Ghostface can't. His ability is that once activated, Ghostface looses his terror radius and red stain and can stalk survivors, and if he stalks them enough, he applies the exposed status effect for a few seconds. He can also lean over cover and can crouch. The counter is that survivors can look at him and break him from his stance, thus making him gain his terror radius, red stain, and puts the ability on CD. The problem is that he's bugged and survivors just have too face the camera at him and he'll be pulled out, thus making him a no power killer, and making him, in my opinion, worse then Freddy, since freddy HAS too use his ability too hurt people. I know that this is just a bug, but even turning your model too look at him, it's just so damn weak as an ability. If your lucky you'll maybe get one exposure a game, but I could only get it too go off twice in the 4 games I played (Thanks ques). He needs some massive buffs too make him viable, and I hate the BHVR refuses too make strong killers, and instead just make very weak killers that we all WANT too be good but never will be. My perk build would be Monitor and Abuse, Ruin, Enduring, and Spirit Fury. Since he's just an M1 killer you'll be eating pallets all day, and for addons I would use anything too increase MS while crouched and anything too reduce the distance a survivor can detect you from.

In Conclusion, This is my Tier list based on my experience as a Killer main in high ranks. You may disagree and I want too hear your thoughts as well, just don't be too mean. We all love Big Bong boi but he sucks, and we all know it. Hopefully BHVR stops making killers "fun" for survivors and actually makes them viable for people at high ranks. it is really annoying that all my mains (Freddy, Trapper, Legion, and eveutally Ghostface) are all bad because they can't balance the game for viability.


  • letuce
    letuce Member Posts: 89

    Yeah, I agree with the other guy, i find it hard to believe you've played freddy before. you've failed to mention the one thing people play freddy for. also, freddy is a killer who thrives in the 4th to 5th gen part of the game, so i'm not sure why you want to give him all these post gen perks.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    I wish for you to realize what you actually said.

    "You have to understand freddys real potencial"

    Then how about recording a rank 1 game versus average skilled survivors and show us his strength in their pure form? Cmon dude.

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393

    Just watch some good streamers playing Freddy in red ranks, it is not so rare to find.

    Also talking about survivor power in game, we all remember Marth's depip perkless squad, destroying any Killer.

    Killer's capitalize on survivor's mistakes, no matter how good Killer and his power.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Lmao. Clown above Hag 😂

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    If he was viable at high ranks, then he wouldn't be getting a rework now would he? I do main freddy but I also understand he is a terrible killer. Ruin is just a must on all killers, everyone gen rushes at red ranks so without ruin (long as it isn't popped in 10 seconds) you'll loose every game, never fails. I have tried not taking ruin on any killer at red ranks and I always get gen rushed and will only get 1, maybe 2 kills.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Personal opinion mate. Tell me why you would put Hag above Clown. I want too know so I can get better at Hag since I'm just ok with her.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    For the most part I agree except for two things.

    In no way is Clown better than Hag. Hag has map pressure and the ability to cut off loops. Clown has zero map pressure and his power is only a minor inconvenience to survivors. Hag has such high potential while Clown doesn’t have much going for him. I put Hag above Huntress and Clown below Myers.

    Plague isn’t as bad as people claim. She can do really well. I consistently do well playing as Plague and I’m at Rank 5. She isn’t a terrible killer, she’s mid tier.

    It’s your personal experience though and we all have varying opinions.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    She's really bad but her power does still slow the game down, even if it is by 10 seconds, and it is really good against SWF since no one wants too kill their friends.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    @BunnyTheHutt Hag has the ability to take away loops. Her gen/map control is insane. She has excellent pressure throughout the game. The pressure comes from your trap placement, whether it’s chokehold handling gens and cutoffs, or survivor routes (comes with experience and intuition). Clown is literally just an anti looper. That’s it. And even then, he can still be beat at a longish loop which is sad.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,188

    Flip Clown and Freddy around and I'll more or less agree with the list. I will never understand the love this community has for Clown. He just annoys survivors and causes them to drop safe pallets earlier. Ruin is not necessary on Freddy. I run Devour Hope, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Bamboozle. He's actually one of like 3 killers I don't use Ruin on.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    @BunnyTheHutt Also Leather 8th? Woah there. He’s easily the worst killer in the game. His chainsaw, like you said, is not often used on hits because he’s so easy to loop. Leatherface literally has nothing to offer as a killer. If your one good ability (instadown) is so easy to counter, then you’re easily at the bottom.

    Other than that, I easily consider Hag top 4, arguably the second best in game and Clown at best, is Low C tier. You’re too harsh on Freddy.

    This is just MY opinion though.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Freddy is no where near as good as Clown. Clown doesn't have too wait 7 seconds just too be an M1 killer, and since it's pretty easy for people too escape dream world, Freddy is not that good. Clown also has anti loop potential, unlike freddy, who's power does nothing for chases, and not having ruin on him is a detriment since everyone leaves the dream world in 10 seconds since they all get on one gen, blow it up once, then finish it and run off while Freddy sits and has a nice diet of pallets. I love Freddy a lot, but hes bad, and is no where near as good as Clown.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Leatherface is 8th too me since he doesn't have too deal with MoM as much as other killers. he's bad, but no where near as bad as someone like Wraith, Legion, or Plague. And Hag is no where near top 5, since she still has too deal with MoM and can't insta down. like Myers, Huntress, or Billy.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
    edited June 2019

    @BunnyTheHutt #########???? You’re basing this on MoM??? Now we have a joke of a list. If you don’t consider Hag at the very least top 5, then you have no idea what you’re doing. MoM isn’t broken enough to hurt a killer like hag. Oh and because Leather doesn’t have to deal with MoM makes him 8th? Whether MoM exists or not, he’s the worst killer in the game. I really can’t believe you’re basing this on MoM.

    EDIT: Slight fix.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Plague D tier, seriously?

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    Freddy can't do what Wraith does by default. Which is why he is bad. It takes 7 seconds without addons too become a generic M1 killer. And with the purple block and paintbrush, it is still 3 seconds too become any other killer. he is bad because of the fact that you have too go out of your way too make "pressure" by putting everyone too sleep that is pretty easy too overcome, since you can't put everyone too sleep constantly and get a safety pip. People will go too other gens across the map and force you too walk miles too repeat a cycle that does what Ruin does automatically. Legion suffers the same problem, where his power is pointless since you can mend in 10 seconds, and go back too a gen when he is off chasing someone else. They both have no real pressure, and their power is horrid even with addons. If Freddy was not as bad as most people believe then why is he getting a rework? His kit is bad and he can't do what all killers do before using their power.

    Pallets are also bad since the 3 seconds you spend breaking it is more then enough time for a survivor too get too another loop and pallet. Seconds matter in this game when time is the most valuable thing too a killer, especially at high ranks, so if you have too kick 20 pallets too get one survivor, but 4 gens are done, you are not playing killer right. And this happens a lot at high ranks where everyone gen rushes. Freddy is bad, no matter how you look at him.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I used to think Freddy was weak and recently got to watch what a god freddy can do. That same freddy main is worried about the rework making him way worse.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    it's possible, but we won't know for sure until it's out. I remain hopeful though.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    i mostly agree with your list but you seriously undervalue hag. she has some of the best snowball potential and she isn't really loopable

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    People still overrate Spirit and Huntress I see.

    Huntress gets cucked by 17 maps and it gets worse every new map released. Also dedicated servers will certainly kill any viability she has.

    Spirit, I've always thought was overrated. Her base charge is laughable, stealth perks turn her into a joke and she gets screwed by sound bugs every patch.

    If you think Hag is just an M1 killer then you probably watch tydetyme.