Longer Hair in PTB.

Warning! If you don’t wanna be spoiled, this is your last chance. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
New UI! Looks cleaner. Also, you can see the new Claudette waves if you look.
Long haired Feng glowed the ######### up. Gorgeous.
Not sure if that purple-ish tint was as apparent, but feel free to prove me wrong.
Nea’s yellow set hair actually moves now. Nea mains, rejoice!
Mean Streets Nea look stylish.
Here’s Kate at a Glance.
Any more pics of claudette hair changes? And isn’t the hair really stiff now though? It like barely moves from what I saw which sucks
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@MedicSpirit7 From what I’ve seen, it flows pretty well. Kate’s hair doesn’t make her helicopter anymore, which is great.
It may look stiffer, but the hair is fuller, and has higher detail. Feng’s long hair is now actually decent looking, which is something I’m very excited for.
EDIT:I’ll get more Claudette hair pictures, but it may take a bit due to work and such.
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I always loved the floppy hair and physics haha i’ll miss it. Did Janes hair change?
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The new hair looks soooo good. Im just sad they didnt fix Feng's bangs.. they are disgusting
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Well, I mean... them curls tho.
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I really love the new update to the hair. It looks so beautiful. But nothing looks better than Jakes new hair, lel
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New looks are fine and everything, but I only care about performance. How does it affect FPS?
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Does anybody know if they changed susies hair, or nurses (tragic love opera)?
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Changed nurse but susies is still the same they also updated megs fog travelers hair
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I am so here for all of these hair updates! Kate and Feng's look really great so far! I wonder if Kate will get a slightly longer ponytail...
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I’ll look into both of these for you! Gimme a bit.
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i dont know i think i like the old kate hairstyle more, the main ones.
the ponytail and the one with glasses are the ones need to be fixed.
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Do you have any photo's of Nurse's new hair?
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Same I prefer the older ones but everything else looks great!
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@The_Daydreamer i cant tell if i like it or not...
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From what I've seen from gameplay the hair, or at least Kate's doesn't flow much at all. Which really sucks.