The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Will we ever get something to stop facecampers, tunnelers, sandbaggers, etc.

Why have we not gotten something to stop facecampers, tunnelers etc. They ruin the game for everyone playing and ds doesnt help because killers just slug the 60 seconds, they dont care if the gens get done during the camp, and the negative scoring they get on the emblem doesnt do anything and hardly takes away any points. Something to deter people like that from camping has been asked for forever it is not fun to listen to the hearbeat and constantly be smacked while knowing there is nothing you or you team can do, i dont care if it is a 'tactical play' its not fun for anyone including the camper because most of the time they camp because they couldnt catch someone and are pretty mad. The games been out 3 years and there has never been something to stop people like this

Best Answer


  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    or we could have a new item..."The Brick" and launch it at them- hard :) lol

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited June 2019

    @Mushwin actually like a chargable stun to throw wouldn't be a bad idea.


  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    @Milo it's an awesome idea! lol

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580
  • markosoft
    markosoft Member Posts: 6

    If your team Gen rushes a camping killer and then gets out, then your team won. Sucks if you were the sacrifice but being a survivor is a team game.

  • Tensor
    Tensor Member Posts: 254

    Said by a typical killer main who wants easy mode for every match

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    "GiT GuD"

    People still use this in 2019.. oh my god...

    How does that help with this thread..

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    So Ya'll tell me to use SWF but you killer mains hate it..? I can't understand

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    For those who camp, tunnel and sandbag.

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433


    No thanks.

    He was the principal hater from legion..

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I mean you can disagree with a guy, sure. But because he hated Legion? I thought that was just consensus.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    there was a thing. and oh yeah survivors abused it. also facecamping isnt a thing any more borrowed time etc etc. aside from that whats a killer going to do? stop chasing or killing someone efficiently as possible. you know it isnt called free escape by daylight although it might as well be. ive died countless games in a row tunneled too death. and im like ######### .... lol. but it happens. part of the game simple as that

  • Aiden0715
    Aiden0715 Member Posts: 24

    Dont know if your calling me a survivor main or just saying in general, but if your talking about me im actually a killer main and have only facecamped like twice when i was drunk and pissed off, if i get gen rushed then you just accept the butt fu**ing and dont think twice about it and hope the next game will be better

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    As a killer main, I'm fine with DS, it's situational and punishing for that situation (I'm still annoyed whenever it hits though, and it just gives me more reason to trigger that dying light in slot 3), but Mettle of Man is a no. If you have that, I will happily face camp you for a crutch perk that's OP. It's meta, I get it, but I'm meant to have fun too, and my fun is seeing you punished for trying to ruin the game for me.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    FACE camping as you know it is god damn dead, can we stop calling it FACE camping when they aren't in your FACE anymore?

    But yes, it is annoying when it happens to you, but no, it won't get removed.

    Tunneling is situational in terms of why it happens. As a killer I 'tunnel' cause the rescuer decided they wanted to be super immersed and hide, leaving the injured guy to fate. So tunneling will not go away, especially when the killer is just doing their job.

    Sandbagging is a [Bad Word] move and I punish it heavily as a killer. But these things ain't going away just cause you asked. Learn to cope and see how you can get better.

  • purebalance7
    purebalance7 Member Posts: 90

    lol no this isn't Identity V or the other games that say victory or defeat. You either live or die and when you outplay someone all game and they facecamp, it's bs. The killer got points out of you and they are satisfied AND they got extra satisfaction from tormenting like a sadist.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    That's the freedom the game allows Killer players.

    If you wind up on a hook, it's your own fault. Whether or not your outplayed him most of the match is irrelevant. You are rewarded for not going down a single time in the match with an Iridescent emblem.

    Get better and don't go down.

    This is like saying just because you got a guy to 99% health in a fighting game he shouldn't be allowed to corner pressure you like his life depends on it and make a comeback.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    Why do there need to be tools to stop camping and tunneling? I have never and will never understand this. Killers are supposed to find, chase, down and above all kill survivors. Survivor skill lie in their ability to not be found, and evade the Killer while getting gens done. A mechanic that prevented a Killer from tunneling (focusing a survivor until they're dead) or camping (setting an ambush for other survivors/securing the kill) would remove every playstyle but 'run from gen to gen and hope a survivor is there'.

    When that happens there will really only be two viable Killers: Billy and Nurse, because everybody else will get punished just for being Killers. Be careful what you wish for, survivors; if you get it you won't like it much, an you'll regret it instantly when all of the challenge and difficulty (and all of the Killer players) are gone because they have to play in only a single no thinking required way to win. or actually...maybe Survivors would be fine with guaranteed wins and doing nothing but looping and sitting on gens.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    The same reason why killers have:

    Corrupted Intervention.

    Pop Goes the Weasel.

    Thrilling Tremors.



    To stop survivor progress, especially on gens.

    Survivors have DS, Insta-Heals, etc to stall the Killer's Objective just like killers have many tools they use to stall the progress of survivors.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There is no face camping anymore.

    There have been attempts to reduce camping. Namely BBQ, but survivors wanted it nerfed so they definitely prefer camping killers.

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    None of that, on either side, literally forces a player to only play one specific way. A 'solution' for tunneling and camping would essentially force killers to ignore hooks and give guaranteed safe unhooks, and make it so you could not target the most vulnerable opponent. It would force killers to play in a counterintuitive way and consequently create a lot of no-win situations, especially when survivors realize this and figure out that they can just unhook any time with no chance of consequences.

    Think about the ramifications of this, and i mean really think about what it would look like in-game. The only way to stop tunneling and camping entirely is to just flat-out punish the Killer for playing the game. That would be bad for everyone.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838
    edited June 2019

    I just pointed out how each side stalls each of their respected objectives.

    That's all.

    You said.

    "Why do there need to be tools to stop camping and tunneling? I have never and will never understand this. Killers are supposed to find, chase, down and above all kill survivors."

    Survivors are suppose to Gen Rush, but there are tools to prevent this.

    It's the survivors objective to do gens and survive but there are tools for the killer to prevent this, just like there are tools for the killer to prevent the objectives of the survivors.

  • Jesp
    Jesp Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2019

    There's perks for a lot of that, like DS and BT. And if it's a genuinely inescapable situation like a Leatherface stuffing a revved chainsaw in your face any team with functional brains will punish him by doing gens.

    People that actively sandbag should honestly just be banned though. Opting to not save someone to go for the hatch instead is one thing and not even sandbagging even though some people go absolutely nuclear when they see it, but straight up sandbagging like chasing someone around with Bond and getting in their way because they "stole" your chest or you dislike that they "wasted" time doing a dull totem is something entirely different. I'm sure you can guess why my sandbagging examples sound so specific - I've encountered both 😄