
Can Ghostface barrow legions pallet vault that would be intense I'm not sure it works like that but I hope so it's really scary running from him but if he could move over the pallet XD I'm not going to mention the camera thing when survivor just pan to you everyone got that Angle covered but I really feel that the mobility would go with his lore because reporters usually have to be pretty quick to the scene I'm not Trying go into frenzy mode but if you can't get you're stalk well even if you do stalk right that's 20 secs and if a survivor loops you can blow that 20 secs out the window


  • Tzarl
    Tzarl Member Posts: 5

    I think Ghostface's power should be the ability to jump in a locker, choose a direction and teleport to the next group of lockers in that direction. It would make a whole new crazy mechanic with existing assests and it works with the killers background. Ghostface was always multiple killers in the same disguise and he basically teleported around because he was different people. Plus it could make for some awesome jump scares!

  • MeVstheCommunity
    MeVstheCommunity Member Posts: 4

    Hell yeah man that would be good addition to his existing set of abilities I've said that also on saminations channel that he should be able to use the lockers to teleport around in the movies Ghostface could be there one minute then his gone he be gone gone XD